How to get data from an SQL database in Objective-C? - iphone

I know this has probably been answered before, but I cannot find much information on this subject. The only information I have found is that I need to use an SQL database, thus leading me to ask this question.
I am making an iPhone app that needs to store four integers, six floats, and two NSStrings online somehow (SQL sounds like the answer), and I need to be able to get the data as well. Is there any documentation on the subject that might help? If not, how can I get the data?
The next thing I need to know is how I can set it up for hundreds of users to store and access all of the variables. By this I mean that each user's four integers, six floats, and two NSStrings will be totally different, and I cannot figure out how to set it up in a way that works. Is there any documentation for this?
Thanks in advance!

One way
OData provides an SDK that allows you to consume/produce an OData service from a SQL database (or really any other data source) with objective-C on devices such as an iPhone.
The SDK can be found here:
There is also a developed client on codeplex:
Keep in mind you'll have to develop both the provider (data source) as well as consumer (your app).
You can get a primer on the basics of building a provider here (using VS as an example, but its roughly the same no matter your platform).
A side benefit of OData is that once you have a producer... then any device can feasibly use it. Android, Windows Phone, PHP, Javascript, the list goes on. (I don't know if you care, but you might)


How to set up an iOS app to have perpetual memory?

I am asking what code to use to save user data in the app so that it is perpetual, even after the app is closed and reopened. I watched a few videos but my code isn't working.
I'm not interested in fixing code, I want to understand the process so I can reapply. Can anyone help me to understand how to do this and explain it in a way that makes sense for long term app development.
It will differ by application, depending on how much data and how it's organized.
If it's simple stuff, look at NSUserDefaults. If it's complicated and represented as objects, look at Core Data. If there's a lot of it and you see it as table rows rather than objects, you can use the sqlite3 database directly. If it has to be shared with other users or by other apps, start thinking about an external server or "the cloud".
There's no single right answer but those options should get you thinking about requirements.

multithread database fetch xcode

Hi thank you for the help in advance,
I have looked at some of the posts and I am a bit confused about the multi threading. It seems that it may be pretty easy, however I am very new to programming so I am still trying to grasp this.
These are two calls to pull data from a database, and they take forever as it is... So I'm thinking about multithreading these until I can learn how to build a core data for this. Right now i am using sqllite and the database involves 10,000 + recipes... So not lightning fast like I would like...
Please let me know what you think, and how I can make these happen maybe simultaneously? (If thats even possible)
Thank you in advance.
[[DataPuller sharedDataPuller] getAllDeletedRecipeList];
[DataPuller sharedDataPuller].target = self;
[[DataPuller sharedDataPuller] getAllRecipesList];
[DataPuller sharedDataPuller].target = self;
If you're doing SQLite, you might want to contemplate using FMDB which (a) gets you out of the weeds of sqlite3 calls; and (b) offers a FMDatabaseQueue which allows you to coordinate queries from multiple queues, so that the data operations don't stumble across each other.
Having said that, you suggest that you're having significant performance issues which you're hoping to solve with a shift to Core Data or going multi-threaded with SQLite. That's unlikely. Poor performance of local database operations is generally more of a matter of your application design (e.g. it's unlikely to be wise to try to retrieve the entire details for all 10,000 recipes ... you probably want to retrieve just the unique identifiers, perhaps only those required for the given screen, and then only retrieve the particulars for a given recipe at a later point as you need that). For local database interaction, you rarely have to contemplate a multithreaded implementation, but rather just design the system to retrieve the least possible information at any given point that you need for the presentation. I personally find that my database-driven apps generally only need to go multithreaded when I'm doing extensive interaction with some remote web service (in which case, it's the retrieval of server data and the parsing of that which goes on the separate thread, not necessarily the database operations themselves).
If you're having performance issues with your recipe app, I'd suggest you submit a far more detailed question, with code samples, that articulates your particular performance problem. And I wouldn't be surprised if multi-threading was not part of the solution. Likely, appropriate use of indexes and a more judicious retrieval of information at any given point might be more critical.
Get records from database in the form of pages; i.e. 20 or 50 recipes per page. Have a look on YouTube app. on iPhone or have a look on my app. HCCHelper

Advices on server implementation for server/client structure iOS App development?

There are must be a lot of apps that are designed to communicate with server. My question is only about App installed on iOS device + Server side service interaction. Web app is not what I am talking about, and there should be no webpage involved in this discussion at all. Typical examples are Apps like Instagram and Twitter, in which most of the information exchanged between the App and the server is just data like String, Image and Integers(wrapped in JSON or XML), no webpage presentation needed.
My question will be: if you are an independent app developer, and you are designing such an app from scratch without any existing website API, database structure or application(so you are not limited by any existing API or database structure or application protocol), What will be the most efficient approach?
What the sever side need to do are:
receive data send by the App;
process the data with designed logic;
interact with database(like MySQL);
do necessary data mining and analysis---this could be a constantly running service or one time task requested by the App client;
send the data back to the App upon request or spontaneously;
exchange or broadcast the data between/among different App clients (i.e.: group chatroom and peer to peer message);
As far I as know there are 3 obvious options to implement the server side:
Ruby on Rails
(please feel free to add more options)
My questions are:
which one is the most appropriate choice to implement the server side?
If the App is focusing intensively on natural human language/text searching, analyzing and data mining, which one is the best choice? I heard Python is doing pretty good in this area.
Any advice on the database choices? I am using MySQL for now, and I found it's quite powerful for my purposes, I heard Twitter is switching to Cassandra. Will that be too difficult to start with?
For the server end, if you need to build a Server management interface, for you as an admin to manage and monitor the community, membership, data and such, is there any existing solution, or framework or tool for that? what will be the most efficient approach?
If a new programmer has no experience in non of them, which one you suggest he/she to start with?
Is there any good reference material or sample code on the server side in such context we can learn from?
I know there are a lot of very experienced experts on these areas on Stackoverflow, but I saw more newbies who just entered the iOS developing area without much knowledge in server/database programming experience. And I hope this thread can help these who are thinking to design an App with server/client structure but have no idea where to start with.
ps: I will keep updating this question thread and adding my findings on this topic, to help all other users at stackoverflow. :-) Please try to make your answer informative, easy to understand, and constructive. I guess most of readers for this thread will be new members of this great community.
Are you sure you want to spend time & money to develop your own Server & develop your own API?
There are lots of mBaaS (mobile Backend as a Service) providers today such QuickBlox, Parse,StackMob, which are ready to use and they have great Custom Objects API and some of predefined modules. They have great free plans with big quota. Some of them such QuickBlox has Enterprise plan - so you can buy license and they server team update server for you purpose.
So, i recommend not develop your server and think about mBaaS market.
Just about your issue - I can recommend look at QuickBlox Custom Objects code sample and also Custom Objects API. Custom Objects module provides flexibility to define any data structure(schema) you need. Schema is defined in Administration Panel. The schema is called Class and contains field names and their type. I think it's what you need.
which one is the most appropriate choice to implement the server
Well that depends on what you know, there is reason to choice one of the other
If the App is focusing intensively on natural human language/text
searching, analyzing and data mining, which one is the best choice? I
heard Python is doing pretty good in this area.
This would reflect on your first question, you pick the language on you needs. Thus if python makes it easier then pick that one.
Any advice on the database choices? I am using MySQL for now, and I
found it's quite powerful for my purposes, I heard Twitter is
switching to Cassandra. Will that be too difficult to start with?
Again not one that is easy to answer, since it all has to do with requirements. But any SQL server will do. Cassandra is meant for "scalability and high availability without compromising performance" accourding to there website. Do you think you webservice will get many request then it might be a choice to consider.
For the server end, if you need to build a Server management
interface, for you as an admin to manage and monitor the community,
membership, data and such, is there any existing solution, or
framework or tool for that? what will be the most efficient approach?
This again is only going to be answered when you pick the a SQL server and server language.
If a new programmer has no experience in non of them, which one you
suggest he/she to start with?
Start with something simpler, you are really going out on a limb here.
Is there any good reference material or sample code on the server
side in such context we can learn from?
Propably there is some, but you should really start small and work from there.
Twitter started out as a Rub on Rails app and is working on scalability and availability which ruby is not really good ar (that is my person opinion). or Look at facebook they have written a php to c compiler to make php run faster.
The only thing I can say to start code, when you app does take off then tackle the some of the performance issues.
And since you state that you are new to programming do not bite of more then you can chew.
This is a huge question and I don't think there is a best answer. It most depends on what you care about, such as how quickly the development process, how easily the implementation, etc.
And which one is popular, which one is cool, I don't think it make really sense.
In my personal opinion, I'm good at ASP.NET and I can get Windows server easily, so I'll start with an ASP.NET service to provides data.
And, to be continued.

Moving object graph between a new iPhone app and a new Rails 3 backend

I know this question has been answered a million times over the years... but times, and technologies, change looking for "fresh" data ;-)
I'm seeking advice on a robust, and relatively straight forward, approach toward moving fairly complex objects from a Rails 3 back-end to an iPhone 3(4) app. There is no pre-existing API (xml/json/soap/etc) to adhere to so we can pick a frontrunner that's easy, flexible, fast and easy to maintain. Wishful thinking?!?
App will be getting entity objects from Rails that are somewhat complex. Each entity will be a nested group of related objects. I've had success with using json-framework and transferring simple objects back and forth... But we need a way to pass an object tree (or root object) and all its limbs and branches. and then de-serialize them back in iOS... and vice-versa (though to a lesser degree moving data back to the server).
ObjectiveResource seemed somewhat promising but doesn't appear to have been updated in over a year?!?
We could roll our own. But which technology to favor? Rails does xml & json natively while iPhone does plists natively. There are plist and plistifier gems for Rails and TouchJSON, json-framework, ObjectiveResource for iOS (among others).
I don't have much experience with any of these so looking for some advice one way or another...or something even better/easier?
I wrote an iPhone app that represents a store for an online retailer. Their needs included a category tree structure, product objects with review and detail trees, etc. I used RAILS as the REST server and JSON for everything because (1) JSON meant less bytes over the wire, (2) easy to serialize and deserialize into NSDictionary and NSArrays and (3) native RAILS works great.
Used the SBJSON libraries from Tried others but these are the fastest and most reliable.
Did look at XML (their old servers were MS IIS Servers) and SOAP, but they were all data heavy and slow.
I would agree that REST and JSON would be the default approach. Also of interest are some of the emerging binary protocols like Apache Thrift and Google's Protocol Buffers, if the idea of using IDLs in 2010 doesn't trigger raging fits of PCSD (Post-COM Stress Disorder). I would think these would only be an option if performance and bandwidth were really at a premium for your app.

Sqlite3 alternatives for iPhone

Are there any other database engines that could be used on the iPhone, besides sqlite3? Something like textDb is for PHP, single-file and no server.
There are a slew of alternatives to SQLite, but there is little point to using them as others have pointed out.
Before pointing out some alternatives, some points:
First, SQLite is an excellent single-file, non-client-server, small-footprint SQL database. The performance is excellent, it is a relatively tiny runtime, and it is thoroughly fast. There isn't an embeddable SQL-interpreting alternative that is either all around technically superior or anywhere near as popular.
Secondly, if you are doing persistency in an iPhone application, you should very likely be using CoreData. There are certainly reasons not to, but they are pretty uncommon. Beyond being a higher level mapping to a relational store that is quite adeptly integrated with Cocoa Touch, Core Data solves a number of very difficult problems above and beyond persistency; object graph management, efficient memory use (i.e. push stuff out of memory when no longer needed), and undo support, to name a few.
Finally, if you do decide to use some other database persistency layer, keep in mind that the iPhone 3G and prior is an extremely memory constrained runtime environment. The very presence of any kind of additional library can significantly reduce the working memory available to your app. Whatever solution you choose, make sure it is optimized to use as little memory as possible.
So, seriously, if you are looking to not use SQLite or CoreData it is either because you have a very rare case where they aren't appropriate or because you are being curious. If curious, well... good for you!
If you are looking for alternatives, the SQLite documentation includes a set of links to similar products.
Pretty sparse list and it isn't because the author is hiding anything. There simply isn't a lot of motivation in the industry to try and re-invent this particular wheel because SQLite does a really good job. There is a reason why Google, Adobe, GE, FireFox, Microsoft, Sun, REALBasic, Skype, Symbian, Apple, and others have pretty much standardized on SQLite to solve their non-client/server relational persistency needs; it just works.
If you're looking for an alternative, I would say Core Data.
I had the same question for a long time and even used SQLite in some projects. After speaking with an Apple Engineer though, he pointed out that Core Data could do everything that I was using SQLite for (mainly just storing information and accessing it in a few different ways).
I would start with the with Core Data Programming Guide and see how it works for what you're looking to do.
I think your problem is that you are thinking of a software library more like a software product. People want choice between Internet browsers for all sorts of reasons. But when you have a software library, it's pretty much set up for one purpose. If it doesn't fulfill that purpose well enough, it shouldn't be a library.
Do you not like NSObject? Do you not like the Core Foundation library? Then write your own. However, to drag up an unfortunately overused analogy, don't reinvent the wheel, unless your job is making new and innovative wheels.
SQLite does perform acceptably, and so it is supplied as a library on the iPhone platform. SQLite works for what I need it to do. If it doesn't work for you, then maybe you have some reason you'd like to share?
Freedom of choice is fine if you want to choose between Internet browsers, but I would think that as a programmer, one should have a very specific reason for going out of their way, spending valuable time to fix something that already works. Even with my choice of Internet browser, I have specific reasons I choose one over another.
No. Everyone seems to be happy with SQLite.