jstree get highlight node - jstree

Most of the questions in jstree are about getting the selected node (and related id, etc). My current code for getting the selected node is:
function (e, data) {
var nodeId = jQuery.data(data.rslt.obj[0], "jstree").id;
var date = new Date();
But what I really want is not the selected node necessarily, but the highlight node (and parent id) so that I could capture the "create_node" event when it is triggered. How do I do that? I can't seem to find any code that does this correctly.
Here's the image of what the UI looks like:
I want to know how to grab "models". The select_node event capture the node that is selected (or "admin") in this case.
This does it:
function(e, data){
var nodeId = jQuery.data(data.rslt.obj[0], "jstree").id;
It capture the hover event and grabs the id associated with the node that was last hovered.

This does it:
.bind("hover_node.jstree", function(e, data){
var nodeId = jQuery.data(data.rslt.obj[0], "jstree").id;
It capture the hover event and grabs the id associated with the node that was last hovered.


how to respond to user expanding a node?

I guess the answer is expand - but the expand-event does not seem to fire.
But let me start at the beginning: I have a nice tree and I'd like to use jBox to display information about certain nodes. I noticed that this worked only for nodes that were visible when the tree was created, but it did not work for nodes under collapsed nodes. So I thought I could use expandand assign an event-handler that would call jBoxto create the tooltips. But it did not work. I added a console.log to the `expand-handler and noticed that it never logged.
Am I specifying it incorrectly?
Fiddle here. The "SD"-Node has some items in it which should have a tooltip attached to the (i)-icon.
It doesn't fire because you are passing in a string:
"expand": "function(event, data) {...}"
You need to remove the double quotes, so that it is a function:
"expand": function(event, data) {...}
See updated fiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/pgh52m4w/3/
The same counts for the event "dblclick". Remove the double quotes there too.
Also, it is encouraged to use the .attach() method when attaching jBox. The attach method will check if this jBox was already attached to the element and only attaches it if it wasn't.
See the updated fiddle. I created a variable for the tooltip and reattach it in the expand event:
$(function() {
var treei = $("#tree").fancytree({
expand: function () {
myTooltip && myTooltip.attach(); // Reattaching Tooltip
// ...
var myTooltip = new jBox("Tooltip", { // get tooltips showing
attach: '[data-jbox-content]',
getTitle: "data-jbox-title",
getContent: "data-jbox-content"

Automatically load node children in fancytree

I have a fancytree implementation where each parent node has a child node that can be selected. After a user selects specific children, she is able to save her selections and settings so that she can come back to it later.
I'm able to do all of this, except for when I do an initial load of previously saved data. What I need to do is identify the nodes that need to be opened (and its children selected), and have Fancytree open those nodes and select the children.
I'm using lazy loading, and when the lazyloading event fires I'm able to check to see if the child needs to be selected and do so as needed. What I'd like to be able to do is programmatically do the same thing so that all the previously selected children are loaded and selected upon load. Currently, I'm attempting this in this way:
function getMultipleFieldsNoReset(element,selectedFieldsArray) {
var fieldCreator = element.value;
var tree = $("#multipleFields").fancytree("getTree");
var treeOptions = {
url: "urltogetdata",
type: "POST",
data: {
id: fieldCreator
dataType: "json"
for (var i = 0, len = selectedFieldsArray.length; i < len; i++) {
var valueAry = selectedFieldsArray[i].split("-");
var growerNode = valueAry[0];
var farmNode = valueAry[1];
var fieldNode = valueAry[2];
var node = tree.getNodeByKey(growerNode);
My problem is that tree.getNodeByKey(growerNode) never finds the node, even though I'm able to find the node in the console after this runs. It seems like the parent nodes aren't loaded yet, which can cause this issue, but I'm not certain where I can set a complete function. Where can I do this? Or even better, is there a cleaner way to handle this?
The OP / Fletchius has got solution on this issue and below is the answer of it. I achieved it in some different way but event loadChildren is the same. from which we both found solution. Just I'm loading those nodes which are selected nodes and lazy true meaning there are children down after this node. And only lazy=true can be useful for this.load(); explicit event.
loadChildren:function(event, data){
var node = data.node;
if(this.selected && this.lazy)

select2 select2-removed event find tag position

I have a select2 multiple tag control (limited to 2 in my case) where the positions of the tags are important.
I am listing on the select2-removed event, and want to find the position of the tag being removed.
I am able to break on the remove event, and inspect e, but this give me the id of the element, not the position in the tag field.
$('#mytags').on('select2-removed', function(e){
console.log('removed', e)
How can I determine which tag (first or second) was removed?
By the time the select2-removed event fires, the item has already been removed, so you can't check against the value of the Select2 control at that time. You could, however, check when the select2-removing event fires. Then if you want the position of the removed item at the time of the select2-removed event, you could store it in a data value on the select element.
$('#mytags').on('select2-removing', function(e) {
var $select = $(this);
$select.data('select2-removedIndex', $select.select2('val').indexOf(e.val));
}).on('select2-removed', function(e) {

Select Child nodes when parent is also selected in JSTREE

I am having difficulties by selecting child nodes when parent is also selected , also would like to open subfolders and select all childs (not sure if im making it clear) so I have know how to get all the child nodes by:
selected_nodes = $("#demo").jstree("get_selected", null, true);
var tree = jQuery.jstree._reference('#demo');
var children = tree._get_children(selected_nodes);
but doest really select or open child folder and nodes
This might not be what OP wanted but on JSTree 3.3. I used this to open all nodes under a selected parent.
$(treeContainer).bind("select_node.jstree", function (e, data) {
return data.instance.open_all(data.node);
I gave up on this Idea.. now im just doing ajax requests to load the childs and receive a json object, and from there i can see if its a file or directory, if its a directory again another request and like this i have the whole structure
You have to turn on two_state checkboxes to allow parent and child nodes to be selected indepentently. Below I've configured the "two_state" parameter for the checkbox plugin:
"themes": {
"theme": "classic",
"url": "jstree/themes/classic/style.css"
"plugins": ["themes", "ui", "checkbox", "json_data"],
"checkbox": { "two_state" : true }
Check documentation here: http://www.jstree.com/documentation/checkbox
If I understand this correctly you want to select all of the lowest descendants in a jsTree (the files) when one of their parents (the folders) have been selected.
Unfortunately I haven't found a more direct approach than the one below. I'm using jsTree 3.1.1 and managed to solve this problem using the following:
var $demo = $("#demo");
var nodes = $demo.jstree("get_top_selected", true);
//Selects all of the children of each selected node including folders
if(nodes.length > 0){
nodes.forEach(function(node, i){
$demo.jstree("select_node", node.children_d, true, false);
var fileNodes = $demo.jstree("get_bottom_selected", false);
//We now need to deselect everything and only select the file nodes
$demo.jstree("deselect_all", true);
$demo.jstree("select_node", fileNodes, true, false);
The above code allows the user to "select" multiple folders and have those files selected.
The parameter with the value true for the "get_top_selected" function returns the full node instead of just ID's. This lets you get access to the node's children.
Function "select_node" takes three parameters. The first is the nodes to select (in this case the descendants of the current parent node). If the second parameter is set to true it prevents the changed.jstree event from firing for each selected node. The third parameter is set to false as setting to true prevents the children folders from opening.
The function "get_bottom_selected" only returns a node if it has both been selected and it itself does not have any children. As we are now only interested in the node ID's we can pass the parameter false (or omit it completely).
Passing a parameter of true to the function "deselect_all" again prevents the changed.jstree event from firing.
If you want to check out the jsTree API docs you can find them here. That list is filtered to only include the select functions and events. A full list of the API can be found here.
I hope this helps but let me know if you require further clarification on any of the code ^_^
select all child nodes when parent selected ,
$(data.rslt.obj).find("li").each( function( idx, listItem ) {
var child = $(listItem); // child object
unselect all child nodes when parent unselected ,
$(data.rslt.obj).find("li").each( function( idx, listItem ) {
var child = $(listItem); // child object

Dojo drag and drop, how do we save the position

After dojo drag and drop, once the page is submitted, I have to save the position of every item that has been placed into "targetZone". How can we save the position?
Eugen answered it here :
Dojo Drag and drop: how to retrieve order of items?
That would be the right way. If you look at the link above, you can save the resulting "orderedDataItems" object as a JSON ...
Look at the following function. It saves our DND "Lightbox" (dojo.dnd.source) to a JSON.
_it is the current raw dnd item
_it.data.item contains all your stuff you need to keep
in our case _it.data.item.label keeps the customized nodes (pictures, video, docs) as a string, we can use later to dojo.place it
it is the dnd item you want to save without dom nodes
E.g. if you drop items from a dijit tree to a arbitrary dojo dnd source / target:
_RAM or _S in our data.item we made before needs to be overwritten.
LBtoJson: function(){
var that = this;
var orderedLBitems = this.dndSource.getAllNodes().map(function(node){
var _it = that.dndSource.getItem(node.id);
var it = { data:{ item:{} }, label:'', type:'' };
it.data.item = dojo.clone(_it.data.item);
it.label = it.data.item.label[0]||it.data.item.label;
it.type = _it.type;
console.log( it );
return it;
var LBjson = dojo.toJson(orderedLBitems);
return LBjson;
By calling getAllNodes(), you'll receive a list of nodes in the order they are shown. So if you wanted to save a list in a specific order, you could do something similar to this:
var data;
var nodes = dndSrc.getAllNodes();
for(var i; i < nodes.length; i++)
data.push({id: nodes[i].id, order: i});
For more information about Dojo DnD regarding data submission, check out this article about DnD and Form Submission: http://www.chrisweldon.net/2009/05/09/dojo-drag-n-drop-and-form-submission