Dojo drag and drop, how do we save the position - drag-and-drop

After dojo drag and drop, once the page is submitted, I have to save the position of every item that has been placed into "targetZone". How can we save the position?

Eugen answered it here :
Dojo Drag and drop: how to retrieve order of items?
That would be the right way. If you look at the link above, you can save the resulting "orderedDataItems" object as a JSON ...
Look at the following function. It saves our DND "Lightbox" (dojo.dnd.source) to a JSON.
_it is the current raw dnd item contains all your stuff you need to keep
in our case keeps the customized nodes (pictures, video, docs) as a string, we can use later to it
it is the dnd item you want to save without dom nodes
E.g. if you drop items from a dijit tree to a arbitrary dojo dnd source / target:
_RAM or _S in our data.item we made before needs to be overwritten.
LBtoJson: function(){
var that = this;
var orderedLBitems = this.dndSource.getAllNodes().map(function(node){
var _it = that.dndSource.getItem(;
var it = { data:{ item:{} }, label:'', type:'' };
if(({{}} = dojo.clone(;
it.label =[0]||;
it.type = _it.type;
console.log( it );
return it;
var LBjson = dojo.toJson(orderedLBitems);
return LBjson;

By calling getAllNodes(), you'll receive a list of nodes in the order they are shown. So if you wanted to save a list in a specific order, you could do something similar to this:
var data;
var nodes = dndSrc.getAllNodes();
for(var i; i < nodes.length; i++)
data.push({id: nodes[i].id, order: i});
For more information about Dojo DnD regarding data submission, check out this article about DnD and Form Submission:


Automatically load node children in fancytree

I have a fancytree implementation where each parent node has a child node that can be selected. After a user selects specific children, she is able to save her selections and settings so that she can come back to it later.
I'm able to do all of this, except for when I do an initial load of previously saved data. What I need to do is identify the nodes that need to be opened (and its children selected), and have Fancytree open those nodes and select the children.
I'm using lazy loading, and when the lazyloading event fires I'm able to check to see if the child needs to be selected and do so as needed. What I'd like to be able to do is programmatically do the same thing so that all the previously selected children are loaded and selected upon load. Currently, I'm attempting this in this way:
function getMultipleFieldsNoReset(element,selectedFieldsArray) {
var fieldCreator = element.value;
var tree = $("#multipleFields").fancytree("getTree");
var treeOptions = {
url: "urltogetdata",
type: "POST",
data: {
id: fieldCreator
dataType: "json"
for (var i = 0, len = selectedFieldsArray.length; i < len; i++) {
var valueAry = selectedFieldsArray[i].split("-");
var growerNode = valueAry[0];
var farmNode = valueAry[1];
var fieldNode = valueAry[2];
var node = tree.getNodeByKey(growerNode);
My problem is that tree.getNodeByKey(growerNode) never finds the node, even though I'm able to find the node in the console after this runs. It seems like the parent nodes aren't loaded yet, which can cause this issue, but I'm not certain where I can set a complete function. Where can I do this? Or even better, is there a cleaner way to handle this?
The OP / Fletchius has got solution on this issue and below is the answer of it. I achieved it in some different way but event loadChildren is the same. from which we both found solution. Just I'm loading those nodes which are selected nodes and lazy true meaning there are children down after this node. And only lazy=true can be useful for this.load(); explicit event.
loadChildren:function(event, data){
var node = data.node;
if(this.selected && this.lazy)

How to get notified when my element has been attached to the DOM

I'm adding a custom control that uses SVG to a Google Map.
After the map has been loaded and my control is shown, I need to grab the BBox from the svg element. Since I do not control when my element is attached to the DOM, I'm trying to find an event that will allow me to do the work in a callback.
Here's roughly what I have:
map = new google.maps.Map(...);
container = document.createElement("div")
svg = createAndDrawSVGElement(...); //this returns an svg element
var bbox = svg.getBBox();
... //bbox will be empty if svg isn't attached
My current, ugly workaround is a setTimeout. I'd like something more predictable.
I was able to resolve this without an event, by attaching my SVG to a hidden DIV temporarily, so I can get the bbox.
Solution here:
After looking at the API, I would try this (although the doc does not explicitely say whether this is called before or after attaching the element):
var map = new google.maps.Map(...);
var container = document.createElement("div")
var svg = createAndDrawSVGElement(...); //this returns an svg element
var controls = map.controls[google.maps.ControlPosition.RIGHT_BOTTOM];
var position = controls.length;
google.maps.event.addListenerOnce(controls, "insert_at", function(i) {
if (i === position) {
var bbox = svg.getBBox();
... //etc
controls.insertAt(pos, container);

Dynamic visibility layer markers in LeafletJS

I am trying to render 5 sets of data on a map, one at a time, selectable by the user.
I'm using layers to store each set and I can switch between them - works well.
I want to be able to filter each set based on user input. I was using L.layerGroup but tried reformatting my data at load time to GeoJSON so I could use the built in filter feature. That only seems to work if I remove the layers and re-add each marker.
Example here:
For 1000 points, on my system it takes about 200ms which is too slow.
Is there a way to only show/hide the markers already in a layer based on a filter function?
Not really. You can save your markers and then it's faster to just add them to the map than it is to re-create them and then add them.
For example,
var markers = new Array();
// create a marker using some unique id and save it to the markers array
var i =;
markers[i] = L.circleMarker(latlng, {
return markers[i];
Then when you filter (on click or other event), clear the marker layer and re-add the (saved) markers that match:
if (map.hasLayer(marker_layer)) {
marker_layer = new L.featureGroup();
// filter criteria here
for (var i = 0; i < src_data.features.length; i++) {
var feature = src_data.features[i];
if ( >= n1 && <= n2) {
I updated your JSFiddle here: so you can compare re-creating the filtered markers vs just re-adding them.

Add ondblClick and click event to Codemirror

I would like to add onDblClick event to codemirror 2. I found that onCursorActivity does not deliverer the event so there is no way for me from this method to filter the events.
How can I implement onDbClick event on Codemirror ?
Thanks in advance.
You can call on method on object returned by CodeMirror:
var cm = CodeMirror.fromTextArea(document.querySelector('textarea'));
cm.on('dblclick', function() {
alert('You double click the editor');
You can find the list of all available events in documentation.
Register a handler on the element returned by the getWrapperElement() method. Unless you want to not just detect double-clicks, but also prevent the default (select word under mouse cursor) from occurring... in that case I guess some modification of the core code is needed.
Since codemirror renders inside the element specified you can add an ondblclick event to the element, like below the highlighter renders without line numbers once double clicked that specific elements will display line numbers
var codeelems = document.getElementsByClassName("code");
for (i = 0; i < codeelems.length; i++) {
(function ($this) {
var value = $this.innerHTML;
$this.innerHTML = "";
var editor = CodeMirror($this, {
value: value,
mode: "text/javascript",
lineNumbers: false
$this.ondblclick = function () {
editor.setOption("lineNumbers", true);

What is the proper way in OpenLayers (OSM) to trigger a popup for a feature?

I have the feature ID, I can grab the marker layer on GeoRSS loadend, but I'm still not sure how to cause the popup to appear programmatically.
I'll create the popup on demand if that's necessary, but it seems as though I should be able to get the id of the marker as drawn on the map and call some event on that. I've tried using jQuery and calling the $(marker-id).click() event on the map elements, but that doesn't seem to be working. What am I missing?
Since I was asked for code, and since I presumed it to be boilerplate, here's where I am so far:
map = new OpenLayers.Map('myMap');
map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.OSM());
map.addLayer(new OpenLayers.Layer.GeoRSS(name,url));
//I've done some stuff as well in re: projections and centering and
//setting extents, but those really don't pertain to this question.
Elsewhere I've done a bit of jQuery templating and built me a nice list of all the points that are being shown on the map. I know how to do a callback from the layer loadend and get the layer object, I know how to retrieve my layer out of the map manually, I know how to iter over the layers collection and find my layer. So I can grab any of those details about the popup, but I still don't know how to go about using the built-in methods of the DOM or of this API to make it as easy as which is what I would prefer to do.
You don't have to click the feature to open a popup.
First you need a reference to the feature from the feature id. I would do that in the loadend event of the GeoRSS layer, using the markers property on the layer.
Assuming you have a reference to your feature, I would write a method which handles the automatic popup:
var popups = {}; // to be able to handle them later
function addPopup(feature) {
var text = getHtmlContent(feature); // handle the content in a separate function.
var popupId = evt.xy.x + "," + evt.xy.y;
var popup = popups[popupId];
if (!popup || ! {
popup = new OpenLayers.Popup.Anchored(
" ",
function(evt) {
delete popups[];
popup.autoSize = true;
popup.useInlineStyles = false;
popups[popupId] = popup;, true);
popup.setContentHTML(popup.contentHTML + text);;
fwiw I finally came back to this and did something entirely different, but his answer was a good one.
//I have a list of boxes that contain the information on the map (think google maps)
$('.paginatedItem').live('mouseenter', onFeatureSelected).live('mouseleave',onFeatureUnselected);
function onFeatureSelected(event) {
// I stuff the lookup attribute (I'm lazy) into a global
// a global, because there can be only one
hoveredItem = $(this).attr('lookup');
/* Do something here to indicate the onhover */
// find the layer pagination id
var feature = findFeatureById(hoveredItem);
if (feature) {
// use the pagination id to find the event, and then trigger the click for that event to show the popup
// also, pass a null event, since we don't necessarily have one.[0], event)
function onFeatureUnselected(event) {
/* Do something here to indicate the onhover */
// find the layer pagination id
var feature = findFeatureById(hoveredItem);
if (feature) {
// use the pagination id to find the event, and then trigger the click for that event to show the popup
// also, pass a null event, since we don't necessarily have one.[0], event)
/* Do something here to stop the indication of the onhover */
hoveredItem = null;
function findFeatureById(featureId) {
for (var key in map.layers) {
var layer = map.layers[key];
if (layer.hasOwnProperty('features')) {
for (var key1 in layer.features) {
var feature = layer.features[key1];
if (feature.hasOwnProperty('id') && == featureId) {
return feature;
return null;
also note that I keep map as a global so I don't have to reacquire it everytime I want to use it