List and delete all Enterprise Apps installed in iphone - iphone

I am trying to develop an application which lists a set of enterprise application along with the installation status.I tried to do his by accessing "",but i am not aware about its exact location in device.Also this is an enterprise application so device should provide access to get this information some way..Looking for a solution.Also i need to delete the apps also ...

Cannot be done. App installation and deletion requires user initiative.


List of local folder access restrictions for UWP desktop app?

Is there a list of restricted folders access for UWP desktop apps under Windows 10? My app will need access to the following:
ProgramFiles (not x86 since all will be 64bit)
Also, could someone point me to how to deploy my application without going thru the MS Store? I've done "developer side grade" deployments to my other PCs but this is NOT going to fly for my end users obviously ... so I was hoping there is an easier way to deploy for end users and NOT using MS store?
Cheers, Rob.
You can use Web Install feature. About the restricted access to the folders UWP Applications cannot get access to that kind of folders
Web Install

Simple deployment solution without using Windows Store

We have a system which has Windows 8.1 store app and iPad solutions as frontends and a MVC web as the backend.
We have lot of clients and they prefer hosting the web on premise due to sensitivity of the data. (So no cloud hosting)
Each client runs on different versions of the backend and for those we provide according frontend version as well.
Eg: 3.15.5 backend we have 3.15.5 frontend iPad app. (Backend provides a download link to iPad app, it will automatically update the existing app in the iPad)
(We can't make the frontend apps backward compatible due to high maintenance)
But for our Windows 8.1 app also we have relevant versions but we don't know how to deploy it simply.
We can't ask the customer to run powershell scripts either.
We can't use the Windows store because every time we publish the latest version of the app all our backends need to upgrade as well. Which is not possible due to large no of clients we have.
So my question is how do I provide a simple download solution for Windows 8.1 app that can be operate by a non IT personal?

OneDrive and the Windows Dev Center seem to be out of sync aka Microsoft account Developer Center

Today I tried to update the settings for my Windows Store apps within the "Microsoft account Developer Center". I have two major issues:
Existing apps within the "Microsoft account Developer Center" cannot be deleted
When I tried to delete an app (that was not present anymore within the Windows Dev Center) I got the following error message:
When I tried to add a domain for a new managed Azure Mobile Service, I got the following error message
I am sure that it is not possible for two parties to create two WAMS services with the same name. I am looking for an explanation on how to fix this problems.
To answer the question in reverse order:
The error "The domain you specified..." indicates that another application has already used the domain you are trying to specify, or the domain is reserved. To get an exception you need to follow the instructions in the link;
Re Deleting your application. In order to delete an application that is also a Windows Store application you must delete it from the Windows Store portal. i.e.

How create an installer of chrome packaged app?

I need to demonstrate a test version of my app. I DON'T want to load it to the store yet. I want create an installer of my app, so the user can go to my site and install the application by clicking.
First of all, have you read the documentation including developer installation, enterprise installation, publishing on the Web Store only to test accounts, and recent announcements of changes? Assuming you have, then with the exceptions listed in those sources, all apps/extensions must be published in CWS. They don't have to be listed publicly, but they do have to be published there.
Your best bet is to use the test-account feature of CWS for your demonstration.
This is very easy, yo can create the installer vía chrome://extensions > Developer Mode > Package extension.
Then you got the .crx file, you can upload it anywhere and share it. To install it, user must open chrome//extensions and drop the file in the page.
The option to install from webpage by clicking was disabled in Chrome for security reasons.

ClickOnce check for update without executing app

I work in a service organization where users of our internal tools are often disconnected. It is often the case that service engineers on service assignments are "stranded" with an outdated version of some internal tool.
These tools are deployed using ClickOnce publish VS2010 .NET4 . If the users run all their apps while still connected to corporate network, they would get a notification that a new version was available. As the number of various tools increase, the chance increases that some app is not updated.
Is it possible to automate this process, by a batch file or something?
So that the engineers just need to run one file when connected to corporate nw to get all the newest versions of their installed tools?
An easier way of saying it would be to have "something like Windows update" operating on corporate net, but for internal ClickOnce apps.
Very interesting question. I can't think of a quick way to do this, but it's definitely possible.
I would create another ClickOnce app whose job is to update the other ClickOnce apps. This app needs the url of each app's .application file. If all engineers are supposed to have all apps, that's easy. If not, maybe you could look through their start menu and find all the ClickOnce Application Reference files. Those files contain the url.
Next, just launch the url and pass a query string argument...
In the startup of your applications, you can check the query string argument and shut down the app if it's run with UpdateOnly=true.
One side note. If you set the minimum required version of each of your apps to the latest version, users won't get prompted with the new version dialog. Seems like you'd want to do that or the user would still have to pay attention and do a lot of clicking.