How create an installer of chrome packaged app? - google-chrome-app

I need to demonstrate a test version of my app. I DON'T want to load it to the store yet. I want create an installer of my app, so the user can go to my site and install the application by clicking.

First of all, have you read the documentation including developer installation, enterprise installation, publishing on the Web Store only to test accounts, and recent announcements of changes? Assuming you have, then with the exceptions listed in those sources, all apps/extensions must be published in CWS. They don't have to be listed publicly, but they do have to be published there.
Your best bet is to use the test-account feature of CWS for your demonstration.

This is very easy, yo can create the installer vía chrome://extensions > Developer Mode > Package extension.
Then you got the .crx file, you can upload it anywhere and share it. To install it, user must open chrome//extensions and drop the file in the page.
The option to install from webpage by clicking was disabled in Chrome for security reasons.


Get UWP Store associations using PowerShell or MSBuild

I'm using AppVeyor CI to build my UWP app and want to create an APPX package during every build. However my .gitignore is ignoring the Package.StoreAssociation.xml and MyAppName_StoreKey.pfx which I want to include in the APPX package as they are identifying my app in Windows Store.
Is there any way to get these files using PowerShell or MSBuild or something like that? In other words, is there any command line equivalent to the Project > Store > Associate App with the Store... wizard?
I know I can upload these files to the repo as Secure files but I'd prefer getting the latest files from the Dev Center with every build.
I would say probably not, as the Associate App with the Store Wizard, is an authenticated Wizard which requires a users Microsoft Account to be registered with Visual Studio, Load Credentials from storage or asking for OAuth, and then Visual Studio goes to Microsoft's server to Sign the Certificate and Sign the app with it.
AppVeyor documentation says the currently UWP is not officially supported for UWP, as a Microsoft License is required.
Edit: Does this help?
Is there any way to get these files using PowerShell or MSBuild or something like that? In other words, is there any command line equivalent to the Project > Store > Associate App with the Store... wizard?
No, as #William's explanation. The associating operation needs user's interaction in Visual Studio, this doesn't depend on a public command/API.
In my experience, we need to store(maintain) the latest store association information in somewhere, overwrite the related files and replace the reserved keywords in the app's manifest template file before packaging.

eZ Publish Site Package Error

I am installing ez publish(CMS) in my xampp...
however in this section of installation
I can't proceed even though I can click next.. I bet the site package is mandatory... I need your help guys... btw, I am installing 2013.5 version
here's the error
Invalid package
Remote repository URL:
I've tried uploading the ezwebin_site.ezpkg in the remote repository still I can't proceed... thanks in advance.
Site Package selection step within the Setup Wizard is more or less required (you must select one package using the ratio buttons) to complete a proper eZ Publish installation first time.
Notice the 'Help' sidebar content, "The type of site will choose some basic settings for toolbars, menus, color and functionality. It is possible to change these settings at a later time.".
This is to remind new users that you first use the setup wizard for your first time installation of eZ Publish and then you can re-configure eZ Publish settings, design, extensions, etc manually as much as you desire / require. You can customize almost any part of eZ Publish, once you have it installed and setup properly.
It is recommended for new users to install the 'Website Interface' (with content) package for your first installation. Again you can change all it all after you have completed the default installation and have a working default installation.
More experienced developers may choose to use the 'Plain site' package (with no content, and significantly less default functionality and helpful tools) but this option often causes extreme confusion to new users / developers (who need the tools provided in the 'Website Interface' package to get started using eZ Publish quickly) as it omits expected content classes, default content use case examples, roles / policies, default settings use case examples, ezwebin design extension and much more. As such any package choice other than 'Website Interface' (with the version of eZ Publish you are using) is very strongly discouraged.
Advanced Developers with an already setup installation can create their own site packages to reuse in the future to simplify configuration of a default installation.
Resolution Edit: During an extensive stackoverflow and irc chat it was determined that the user asking the question lacked the WAMP server (PHP modules) support required by eZ Publish 5.x which is why the user was having installation setup problems. Specifically the user was missing the required php curl module which is used / required by the setup wizard to download site packages. The user was strongly recommended to replace Xampp (on win32) with Bitnami (for eZ) which provides for all the requirements of eZ Publish 5.x by default and has already been heavily tested and customized for use with eZ Publish 5.x. Also the user was using an older version of eZ Publish 5.x (2013.5 community build) which only supports PHP 5.3 and the user's Xampp PHP version was PHP 5.6.8 which requires at the very least eZ Publish 5.x (2014.11 community build).

Hosting chrome extension in github

I have developed a chrome extension and want to know how to host the .crx in github.
I also saw this that's similar to mine (i.e. hosted in github):
but the installation instructions seem complicated (haven't tested even that will work).
Has anyone succeeded in hosting .crx in github and have users install it with just a click?
(basically satisfying header constraints given by google at
ok, so this is what ended up:
Hosting in our own server doesn't work in latest versions of chrome. It directed me to google chrome's support section stating that they have disabled it altogether for security reasons
So the only option left (as i didn't want to host it in chrome web store) is manual install - users have to download my extension and drag and drop it onto chrome://extensions page
I chose google code (downloads section) as compared to github for hosting my .crx because in github download is not straightforward.
More details: in github user has to download in 'raw'. It may not be straightforward for users - if they say 'Save as' against .crx without going to raw view then they end up getting git mashed up file (in other words not the original file we upload)

hidden (?) files

I'm writing an app that includes a folder/file explorer. That part is working. However, another app (Astro File Manager) has the ability to backup all of the installed apps to a backup location on the SD card. I cannot find or see the folder(s) where installed apps are stored. Supposedly it is in "/data/apps". My phone is NOT rooted and Astro works fine. Does anyone know what the trick is to seeing these folders/files? Is it possible to do this in B4A? Thanks!
Android doesn't allow you to access other programs files. Astro probably uses the backup API that allows you to backup other programs. However the backup API doesn't give you access to the files.

ClickOnce check for update without executing app

I work in a service organization where users of our internal tools are often disconnected. It is often the case that service engineers on service assignments are "stranded" with an outdated version of some internal tool.
These tools are deployed using ClickOnce publish VS2010 .NET4 . If the users run all their apps while still connected to corporate network, they would get a notification that a new version was available. As the number of various tools increase, the chance increases that some app is not updated.
Is it possible to automate this process, by a batch file or something?
So that the engineers just need to run one file when connected to corporate nw to get all the newest versions of their installed tools?
An easier way of saying it would be to have "something like Windows update" operating on corporate net, but for internal ClickOnce apps.
Very interesting question. I can't think of a quick way to do this, but it's definitely possible.
I would create another ClickOnce app whose job is to update the other ClickOnce apps. This app needs the url of each app's .application file. If all engineers are supposed to have all apps, that's easy. If not, maybe you could look through their start menu and find all the ClickOnce Application Reference files. Those files contain the url.
Next, just launch the url and pass a query string argument...
In the startup of your applications, you can check the query string argument and shut down the app if it's run with UpdateOnly=true.
One side note. If you set the minimum required version of each of your apps to the latest version, users won't get prompted with the new version dialog. Seems like you'd want to do that or the user would still have to pay attention and do a lot of clicking.