How to print all the defined variables in emacs? - emacs

M-x < TAB > prints all the defined functions.
To check a variable is defined or not evaluating the following expression,
(boundp 'variable-name) C-x C-e will print t if the variable-name is defined else nill.
How to print all the defined variables in emacs.

It's unclear exactly what you want to do with a full list of symbols, since the way in which M-x displays function names is somewhat specialized.
Assuming that you want to programmatically obtain a list of all defined symbols, here's how auto-complete.el does it:
(loop for x being the symbols
if (boundp x)
collect (symbol-name x))
Note that you can also enter M-x describe-var RET, and then press TAB to get a sorted completion list of all symbols.

I presume (apropos-variable "." t) would show you all the variables defined at that point in time.
edit: I presumed wrongly, it would seem.
Interestingly, this actually shows me significantly fewer results than the auto-completions from describe-var.
Can anyone shed light on that?
e.g. the differences between these, when winner-mode has been enabled:
C-uM-x apropos-variable RET winner- RET
C-hv winner- TAB
edit 2: Ah... it looks like apropos may ignore any symbol which lacks a documentation string.
If it's possible, I suggest reassigning the accepted answer.

Extrapolating (heavily!) what is being asked for, here is a way to get a pretty-printed alist of all buffer-local variables with their values. This is very convenient for finding out why for instance a mode isn't behaving the way one expects.
To get this listing, do:
M-x pp-eval-expression RET (buffer-local-variables) RET
Relevant portions from this list can be added almost verbatim to a .dir-locals.el file for use with multiple files.


In Slime REPL (GNU EMACS), what is the shortcut to clear the current input

In Slime, I would like to clear the input I have currently typed into the REPL topline. What is the shortcut?
For example, if I type the below, it is missing one parenthesis and will not execute. How do I simply clear the whole text from my input line? I.e. instead of having to manually press delete on each character
(let* ((x 5) (y (+ x x))
(print y))
I could not find anything here:
These solutions seem to be different (but please correct me if I'm wrong) and relate to the whole screen, while I'm interested in clearing what I have typed but not yet evaluated:
emacs cider clear REPL buffer
In emacs, how do I bind C-l to clear screen in slime?
It's C-c C-u, which is slime-repl-kill-input. A good trick is to use C-h b which will cause Emacs to show you the current bindings in a help buffer: you can then search through them looking for likely candidates. C-h m is also useful to show help on the current mode, which should show you the bindings as well (but may not: I'm not sure if it always does). The advantage of these things is that they show you what actually exists rather than what the manual thinks exists which may not be the same thing (even when there is a manual...).

What is the difference between using "setq" or not to set an Emacs setting?

Very simple question but confuse me for some time:
(setq visible-bell t)
(visible-bell t)
both seem work.
(desktop-save-mode 1)
works, while
(setq desktop-save-mode 1)
May I ask why is this?
They're different because they're different :)
(setq visible-bell t)
is assigning the value t to a variable named visible-bell.
(visible-bell t)
is calling a function1 named visible-bell (and passing the value t as a parameter).
(Although FYI there is no visible-bell function by default in current versions of Emacs, so it's not obvious to me that this is actually working the way you think? However, assuming for the moment that you do indeed have such a function...)
Emacs Lisp is a 'Lisp-2' meaning it has separate name spaces for variables and functions, and therefore you can -- and commonly do -- have a variable and a function with the same name. Which one is being referred to is always implicit in the context of the code (e.g. setq always refers to a variable).
In short, the two pieces of code are doing very different things. This doesn't mean they couldn't have an equivalent effect (e.g. the function might simply set the value of the variable); but whether or not that's actually the case is entirely up to the definition of the function.
1 In fact the first line of code is also calling a function2: it's calling setq and passing it two parameters visible-bell and t, and setq then sets the value in accordance with its parameters. Hopefully you're now starting to see how lisp syntax works?
2 Strictly speaking, setq is actually a "special form" rather than a function, and special forms are closer to macros than to functions; but these distinctions are not important for this Q&A.
Others have told you the basic points about what setq does and about variables versus functions.
Wrt visible-bell itself:
There is no function visible-bell delivered with Emacs, in any Emacs version I know of, and there never has been. (I've checked back through Emacs 20, and by memory I believe the same was true from the beginning. There is only the variable visible-bell.
So as #phils suggested, is not clear that what you said is true: "both seem to work". Unless some extra code you are loading defines a function of that name (and then there is no way for us to comment on it, not having it to see), evaluating (visible-bell t) raises an undefined (void) function error.
Variable visible-bell is not just a variable. It is a user option, and it has been, again, since at least Emacs 20.
You should not, in general, just use setq to change the value of a user option. In many cases you won't get into trouble if you do that, but sometimes you will, and it is not a good habit to get into.
setq does not perform any special initialization or updating actions that might be appropriate for a given user option. It is not intended for user options. Or rather, user options are not intended for setq - they can be more complex than what setq can offer.
What you should use instead of setq is Customize. Either interactively (M-x customize-option RET visible-bell RET, or C-h v RET visible-bell RET followed by clicking the customize link) or using Lisp code in your init file.
If you use Lisp code then use one of these functions (not setq):
Use C-h f followed by each of those function names, to see what (minor) differences there are.
There are 3 issues here.
In Emacs Lisp, the same symbol can be both variable and function.
in the case of desktop-save-mode, it's a function but also a variable.
Because it's a function, so you can call
(desktop-save-mode 1)
Because it's a variable, so you set value to it
(setq desktop-save-mode t)
You can define your own function and also a variable of the same name to test it.
Note: exactly what a function's arguments should be or what the value of a variable makes sense depends on the function or variable.
Now, a second issue. In general, for function (commands) to activate a minor mode, the convention is that a positive integer should mean to turn it on, and otherwise turn off.
Also, for command to activate a minor mode, typically there's a variable of the same name, with value of t or nil, to indicate if the mode is on.
Now, there's third issue. For command to activate the mode, before emacs 24 or so, by convention, if no arg is given, the command toggle current state.
Because all of the above, the issue is confusing. You might see in init things like this:
(desktop-save-mode 1) ; correct. To turn on.
(desktop-save-mode) ; Confusing. Should take value 1 to turn on. Usually works because by default it's off.
(desktop-save-mode t) ; wrong. Take value of positive integer to turn on.
(desktop-save-mode nil) ; Confusing. Value should be integer
(setq desktop-save-mode t) ; wrong. Shoud call function instead
(setq desktop-save-mode nil) ; wrong. Shoud call function instead
(setq desktop-save-mode 1) ; wrong. Shoud call function instead. Besides, only t and nil make sense
So, there's a lot confusion. In emacs 24 (or 23.x), the convention changed so that, if it receives no value, it will turn on, if called in elisp code. (when called interactively as command, it toggles.)
In the end, always call describe-function or describe-variable to read the doc.
Well setq (which is "set" with an auto-quoting feature) is used in assigning a value to a variable. In this example, it's obviously not required because as you mentioned, omitting it works for the first set of examples.
Basically, visible-bell is a variable, and you assign it the value "t" to enable visible bells.
However, desktop-save-mode is an interactive function, so you don't use setq to assign it a value, you call it with parameters.
One good thing to do when you're not sure what something is, is to use the built-in help function:
C-h v visible-bell RET
This will return the information for visible bell -- notice the "v" in the command is because it's a variable. If you wanted to search for information on a function, you would do this:
C-h f desktop-save-mode RET
Incidentally in this case, desktop-save-mode is also a variable, but it's a read-only variable to determine whether or not desktop-save-mode is enabled, so trying to alter it will not work.

how to prevent helm-swoop from returning symbol at point?

I would like to invoke M-x helm-swoop such that it does NOT return the symbol at point. I find that it always picks up undesired symbols, e.g. when I invoke M-x helm-swoop in org-mode, I get Swoop: \*, and I then have to delete the \* before I can enter my desired search term. How can I do this?
This has been bugging me as well, for exactly the same reason (swoop in an Org-mode buffer picking up heading characters), so this question motivated me to go and look.
Looking at the source, Helm-swoop calls helm-swoop-pre-input-function to populate the prompt, and by default this is set to a function that returns (thing-at-point 'symbol), which is what causes the problem in headings.
A quick test with the following in my init file seems to work:
(setq helm-swoop-pre-input-function
(lambda () nil))
This could certainly be improved by, for example, keeping the default behaviour in non-Org buffers but as I'm only really using swoop in Org buffers this is good enough for me.

How to disable underscore (_) subscripting in Emacs, TeX input method

On Emacs, while editing a text document of notes for myself (a .txt document, not a .tex document), I am using M-x set-input-method Ret TeX, in order to get easy access to various Unicode characters. So for example, typing \tospace causes a "→" to be inserted into the text, and typing x^2 causes "x2" to be inserted, because the font I am using has support for Unicode codepoints 0x2192 and 0x00B2, respectively.
One of the specially handled characters in the method is for the underscore key, _. However, the font I am using for Emacs does not appear to have support for the codepoints for the various subscript characters, such as subscript zero (codepoint 0x2080), and so when I type _0, I get something rendered as a thin blank in my output. I would prefer to just have the two characters _0 in this case.
I can get _0 by the awkward keystroke sequence _spacedel0, since the space keystroke in the middle of the sequence causes Emacs to abort the TeX input method. But this is awkward.
So, my question: How can I locally customize my Emacs to not remap the _ key at all when I am in the TeX input method? Or how can I create a modified clone (or extension, etc) of the TeX input method that leaves out underscore from its magic?
Things I have tried so far:
I have already done M-xdescribe-key on _; but it is just bound to self-insert-command, like many other text characters. I did see a post-self-insert-hook there, but I have not explored trying to use that to subvert the TeX input method.
Things I have not tried so far:
I have not tried learning anything about the input method architecture or its source code. From my quick purview of the code and methods. it did not seem like something I could quickly jump into.
So here is the solution I just found: Make a personalized copy of the TeX input method, with all of the undesirable entries removed. Then when using M-x set-input-method, select the personalized version instead of TeX.
I would have tried this earlier, but the built-in documentation for set-input-mode and its ilk does not provide sufficient guidance to the actual source for the input-methods for me to find it. It was only after doing another search on SO and finding this: Emacs: Can't activate input method that I was able to get enough information to do this on my own.
In Emacs, open /usr/share/emacs/22.1/leim/leim-list.el and find the entry for the input method you want to customize. The entry will be something like the following form:
"TeX" "UTF-8" 'quail-use-package
"\\" "LaTeX-like input method for many characters."
Note the file name prefix referenced in the last element in the form above. Find the corresponding Elisp source file; in this case, it is a relative path to the file quail/latin-ltx.el[.gz]. Open that file in Emacs, and check it out; it should have the entries for the method remappings, both desired and undesired.
Make a user-local copy of that Elisp source file amongst your other Emacs customizations. Open that local copy in Emacs.
In your local copy, find the (quail-define-package ...) form in the file, and change the name of the package; I used FSK-TeX as my new name, like so:
"FSK-TeX" "UTF-8" "\\" t ;; <-- The first argument here is the important bit to change.
"LaTeX-like input method for many characters but not as many as you might think.
Go through your local copy, and delete all the S-expressions for mappings that you don't want.
In your .emacs configuration file, register your customized input method, using a form analogous to the one you saw when you looked at leim-list.el in step 1:
"FSK-TeX" "UTF-8" 'quail-use-package
"\\" "FSK-customized LaTeX-like input method for many characters."
Restart Emacs and test your new input-method; in my case, by doing M-x set-input-method FSK-TeX, typing a_0, and confirming that a_0 shows up in the buffer.
So, there's at least one answer that is less awkward once you have it installed than some of the workarounds listed in the question (and as it turns out, are also officially documented in the Emacs 22 manual as a way to cut off input method processing).
However, I am not really happy with this solution, since I would prefer to inherit future changes to TeX mode, and just have my .emacs remove the undesirable entries on startup.
So I will wait to see if anyone else comes up with a better answer than this.
I did not test this myself, but this seems to be the exact thing you are looking for:
"How to disable underscore subscript in TeX mode in emacs" - source
Two solutions are given in this blogpot:
By the author of the blogpost: (setq font-lock-maximum-decoration nil) (from maximum)
Mentioned as comment:
(eval-after-load "tex-mode" '(fset 'tex-font-lock-subscript 'ignore))
The evil plugin for vim-like modal keybinding allows to map two subsequent presses of the _ key to the insertion of a single _ character:
(set-input-method 'TeX)
(define-key evil-insert-state-local-map (kbd "_ _")
(lambda () (interactive) (insert "_")))
(define-key evil-insert-state-local-map (kbd "^ ^")
(lambda () (interactive) (insert "^")))
When _ and then 1 is pressed, we get ₁ as before, but
when _ and then _ is pressed, we get _.
Analogous for ^.
As already explained in pnkfelix answer, it seems we have to make a personalized copy of the TeX input method. But here comes a lighter way to do that, without any file tweaking. Simply put the following in your .emacs :
(eval-after-load "quail/latin-ltx"
'(let ((pkg (copy-tree (quail-package "TeX"))))
(setcar pkg "MyTeX")
(assq-delete-all ?_ (nth 2 pkg))
(quail-add-package pkg)))
(set-input-method 'TeX)
(register-input-method "MyTeX" "UTF-8" 'quail-use-package "\\")
(set-input-method 'MyTeX)
The important part is the assq-delete-all line in the middle that remove all shortcut entries starting with _. It's a bit of a lisp hack but it seems to work. Since I'm also annoyed by the shortcuts starting with - and ^, I also use the following two lines to disable them :
(assq-delete-all ?- (nth 2 pkg))
(assq-delete-all ?^ (nth 2 pkg))
Note that afterwards you can M-x set-input-method at any time and indicate TeX or MyTeX to switch between the pristine TeX input method or the customized one.

Emacs Lisp: Can't set any value to variable named 's'

This is rather queer. I can't set any value to a variable if it is named 's' in an interactive session:
(setq s 'foo)
=> foo
=> nil
Update 1:
Here is the output from describe-variable on s:
s is void as a variable.
Not documented as a variable.
Why is it that s is kept void in emacs lisp as a global variable?
Update 2:
Turned out, it doesn't happen on a vanilla emacs (meaning one of the modules I load in .emacs or some code in .emacs is causing this).
So the question now is:
What would the original source look like when describe-variable yields "<var> is void as a variable"?
I tried it with setq, defconst, defvar, and defcustom, but none of those produced the message I'm showing.
Update 3:
The message shown above is produced when the variable is literally not bound (though it can be fbound).
(describe-variable 'non-existent)
=> "non-existent is void as a variable.
Not documented as a variable."
So latest question is: Is there any way to prevent a certain variable name
from being bound?
An answer to your revised question:
(defvar s)
The only thing is that this won't let you use describe-variable on it interactively.
(You could then do something like (setplist 's '(variable-documentation "Meh")) to set a description for it without going through defvar.
Just bisect your init file (~/.emacs) recursively until you find the sexp that causes the problem. If it is a sexp that loads another library then either don't use that library or fix it by first finding out what its problem is, the same way: bisect the code in that library recursively, etc.
This is a binary search, and it is very quick. You can quickly comment out half, then 3/4, 7/8, etc. of your file, using M-x comment-region (I bind it to C-x ;). with a prefix arg, comment-region uncomments.
With Emacs 23.1, running the following code makes C-h v s RET show “s is void as a variable.”, but I can't reproduce the inconsistency between setq and retrieving the value of the variable (which I agree is weird).
(setq s t)
(make-local-variable 's)
(makunbound 's)
I suspect an Emacs 24-specific feature or bug.