iTunes App Store Language String - iphone

I would like to know where is the correct place to put the available languages of an app so they show at the iTunes App Store app description.
Some peeps here at SO say it should be at the binary while others say it is at the iTunes Connect Site.
Any idea?

The answer is probably both of those.
If you localize files in your app within Xcode and populate the InfoPlist.strings files correctly, then assuming the iOS device's system language changes then it will load them when your app is launched. You must also correctly setup your app's localizations within iTunes Connect as well, so that you can upload your description & screenshots (etc) in their localized formats too.
Hope this helps.

If you already uploaded your app to iTunes connect and you just want to show app description/screen shots in other language then follow this steps to add languages.
1. Open iTunes connect
2. Manage your Applications
3. Select your app and Click on View Details Button.
4. Click on Manage Localization button on right top side.
5. Click on Add Languages.
6. You will then redirect to select/fill up all the details for new language.
Hope this help.


How do I access my app listing in App Store without iphone?

So, my app is approved and now I'd like to check what does listing look like in App Store. Is there way to do it without iPhone?
You can go to iTunes (Both Mac and Windows PC has supported) application and find your app.
There you can check how your app looks like in iPhone.
One more possibility: "[Your_APP_ID]"
First of all, it can take up to 48 hrs for your app to appear in all stores world-wide.
In iTunes Connect, you will find the direct link to your app. Depending on the browser (Safari vs. Chrome/Firefox/IE), first the iTunes Web Preview should show your app's store listing. From there you can view it directly in iTunes (if it's installed on your machine.)
To check if your app is available in all territories, go to "Pricing and Availability" and check for the right settings there. (Available in all territories)

when Adding Localization, Appstore saying Name Already Exists?

Guys i am having a very small problem.
I have made an App name Litofinter. I wanted my App to have Spainsh Localization also as my client is from Spain.So what i have done that in my Litofinter.plist i added "Spanish" instead of "English" in the "Localization native development region". After that when i login to iTunesConnect to submit the app in Appstore i saw Manage Localization, so now i wanted to added Spainsh Localization there, but Appstore is saying "App Name Already Exists".But i wanted to submit it, so i submitted it Without that manage Localization.But my Client is Not able to see in Spainish Locale... What should i do now to have spainsh Localization?
I know i have done many Mistakes, but can anyone please correct them?
First Image showing what i see on iTunes Connect :-
Second Image Showing what i have done in .plist
There's no correlation between localizations in iTunes connect and the localizations in xcode. iTunes connect localizations are meant to be displayed in the appstore, while localizations in xcode are meant to be used on the device itself.
For example, you can localize your app in 20 languages, while leaving the app name & description in iTunes connect only in english. many developers do that.
Make sure your app contains Spanish, click on the project name from the left navigation, and check the "Localizations" section. you will also have to check that Localizable.strings and InfoPlist.strings exist and contain spanish version. You can view the file info (and add localizations) when you select the file and open the "File Inspector" via the main menu's "View" -> "Utilities" -> "File Inspector".
You can check it yourself by changing the language of your device to Spanish temporarily.
You don't have to build separate application for each localization.
Just provide translated XIB and strings files in your project.
You don't have to create a spanish duplicate in iTC. From your english app just use the "Manage localization" button (from application summary) then "Add new language" to specify new language and corresponding medias (description, keywords, etc.).
(You'd better discuss this on Apple dev's forums as most of this might be subject to NDA.)

iPhone app description in another language without localization?

We're looking to submit an app to the iPhone app store in several countries. The app itself is in English (and we won't have localization for other languages at launch) but we still want to provide app descriptions in several languages.
Does anybody know if this is possible/advisable?
You, you can do this directly in iTunes Connect. Under the "Manage Your Apps" area you can click on the App's Details which will take you to the details area where you can manage your localizations.
Just note that you will have to do this before the app version has been approved by Apple.

Can my app provide an "Update in App Store" link?

For various reasons I need my iPhone app to include a way to tell the user that a new update for the app is available and prompt them to go update in the App Store.
It looks like there used to be an undocumented way to give an HTML link that would lead the iPhone to open the Upgrade page for app, or something?
How can i make a link to update my iPhone application?
Unfortunately it appears that iTunes links have changed format from these old "Phobos"-type links (which used "WebObjects") to something new? I'm not very familiar with the old system or the new one...
Can I create a link that will take my users directly to the "upgrade apps" screen on the App Store? Or even better, one that will initiate the upgrade for my app immediately?
Apple provides an iTunes Link Maker tool which you can use:
Just put the "Media Type" as apps and type in the app name. Apple recommends using an NSURLConnection for opening the link within your app since it will cut out all of the re-directing that goes on and open straight into the AppStore app.

how to create binary of iphone application

On reading the iTunesConnect_DeveloperGuide.pdf, i came across the term binary. This is the paragraph found in the pdf:
To submit your application through iTunes Connect and get it posted on the
App Store successfully, make sure you have the following:
Application binary (includes 57px icon), large 512px icon for use on the App Store,
primary screenshot, contract information, export compliance information and applica-
tion metadata
It is also mentioned that the binary should be a zipped file.
Can anyone please explain what is a binary and how to create one?
This is the method I found out. Please correct me if there is any mistake:
Find the file ending in ".app" in the Products folder of your application in Xcode.
Right-click on it and choose Show In Finder.
From there, right-click again and choose Compress.
The resulting zipped file is the binary of your iphone application.
In this case, what Apple really means is the complete Application Bundle. You create it by building your project with XCode for the iPhone OS target. Don't forget to sign it for App Store Distribution during the XCode build process, as described in Apple's iTunes Connect / Developer Pogram Portal documentation.
To submit an app update, just log on to iTunes Connect ( and click on "Manage Applications". Click on the application you want to update. From there, there is the icon of the app and next to it, a button that says "Add Version". Click it, and from there just follow iTunes Connect's advice! If you submit a NEW application with the same name but a different version, it will just add a NEW application to the app store (if it doesn't give you an error)! Then, v1.0 and v1.1 will BOTH be available for download.