Good Tutorials for iPhone programming with Xcode 4 - iphone

Are there any good tutorials for iPhone programming using Xcode 4 that cover more than the obvious "Hello World" example. Everything I found so far is either Xcode 3 or Hello World.

XCode is just the IDE. It may be a bit tricky if there are certain screenshots, but all in all the file structure is basically the same (Resources folder is now called Supporting Files), and the code is exactly the same - its still objective C, so all the tutorials that use XCode 3 should still be useful.

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And download (iPhone SDK Essential Training )

XCode is ide. if you like means you will develop a ide and you will use to code. ide doesnt matter's so be good in objective c then easy all

Check out Backslash Training's online live offering or local workshops.

What ur looking for is
Head First iPhone Development
By Dan Pilone, Tracey Pilone
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: October 2009
its the most awesome book out yet. I've tried all the others and this one definitely takes the metaphorical cake, and eats it too :D


Empty Application on Xcode instead of other code generated templates

I want to create an application on Xcode from Empty application on Xcode from scratch, I think is a nice way to learn more what is going on behind the scenes...
did anybody try this already? recommend any specific tutorial?
the ones I found on the internet are pretty basic or using other templates which really abstracts a lot of cool code I would like to get to know better.
I'm using XCode 4.3.2
Beginning iOS 5 Development by David Mark, Jack Nutting, and Jeff LaMarche covers how to do this in depth. I would recommend checking it out if you haven't done so yet.

Compile XCode Projects online

I'm using the mosync library for develop iPhone applications. It generates the Xcode project ,
now I need to compile it to make it run on a iphone. So for that I need a mac.
do anybody know somewhere online to find online compiler which do that with a web based interface?
--thanks in advance--
Its really a difficult ask, since apples terms of use on certificates stop people from doing this.
But I got a paid solution for the same problem you mentioned which provides Xcode on Macintosh with latest updates. It just cost about 10$-20$ per month. Initially, you will get the trial offer too. If you like it, then you can subscribe it.
But friends beware of those who provides hacintosh version.
You can refer to following link-
If you want to compile C or C++ right on iPhone/iPad you can try CppCode ios app

I need help to learn iPhone app development? [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
What is the best place to learn Iphone development with Xcode and objective-C basics?
I need help to learn iPhone application development. Where should I start?
I started by reading the great "Beginning iPhone Development" Book (see Amazon) and parallel to it I created a really small application. And when I was trapped in problems the Apple tutorials are also a great resource. But the important thing is to start with a really simple app, which you really want to get into the application store. That give motivation. :)
I learned Objective C and iOS development with Stanford University CS 193P classes : videos, slideshows, and exercices. For me it's the best resource ever. After that you'll only need Google, the Apple Documentation, and a bit of StackOverflow to solve little issues.
If you want to start development of iPhone applications you must start to view some sources of other applications, but you must have some base knowledges in C++, Objective-C or C# because without that knowledges you cant start development. If you know one of this languages you can start development ... You can search some code examples and use this. I start my first program with help of documentation ... You must try hard ... Good Luck !!!
Tutorial: The Objective-C Language
YouTube video: Xcode 3 Beep Tutorial
YouTube video: Xcode 3 Beep Tutorial Part 2: Outlets
Wikibooks: Programming Mac OS X with Cocoa for beginners
I would recommend you read a book or online tutorial. There are literally hundreds of such resources, and this will assist you in understanding how to write iPhone apps, and give you ideas for projects. For getting started, it doesn't matter which book you choose - the basics are all the same.

I need help on how to start developing an iPhone application

I have been programming in Microsoft Dot net for the past 4 years. Now, I want to develop an iPhone application. I have no idea where to start. I do not know anything about MAC OSX or any other Apple "words":). Searches on the google about books and online articles fetch a lot of results which is confusing. It would be great if anybody can share their beginner's experience. Thank You.
I've learn all about iPhone programming with this great book: Beginning iPhone 3 Development.
I found it surprisingly easy to pick up. The Apple dev center includes a lot of sample code, and because it's the programming language du jour, there's a lot of forum links and StackOverflow questions about it, as well as plenty of people looking to answer new questions.
It's pretty satisfying to do too, if you've never done mobile development before.
Get yourself a machine and download XCode, the supplied Apple IDE. It's a bit lamer than Eclipse right now, but the new version which is on the verge of release looks much better. Grab yourself access to the developer center (which is worth the investment) and build a simple App or two. Get to know Interface Builder first, because you may not have worked with things like this before.
There are some idiosyncracies in the syntax and whatnot, but you get used to it pretty fast. And then come here and ask more questions. :)
I just ran through this tutorial to get familiar with XCode and Interface Builder.
Then joining a local group about it should be helpful - I'm a member of the Iphone London Users Group and chats with other developers is the most useful tool I have to find out how to do things.

Do OCUnit and OCMock work on the iPhone SDK?

I simply could not make it work, and I am wondering if I am wasting my time, or if I am simply stupid!
Sorry I don't have the exact error I have right now. But I just want to know if it work or not!
I don't know whether OCUnit works with iPhone, but there is an iPhoneUnitTesting framework available from Google Code.
Colin Barrett has a blog post about OCMock and the iPhone.
Not so sure about OCMock, but OCUnit support is now included in iPhone 2.2 SDK.
You can download an example application from Stanford iPhone Application Programming CS193P Lecture 19.
Sen:te (the creator of the framework) explains how to use OCUnit with an iPhone project:
I created some OCUnit tests for an iPhone app, but in order to run the tests I had to compile for Mac OS X, not iPhone OS, and switching back and forth was a pain.
The Google framework is cleaner, they can run the tests in the simulator or on the device.
I got hung up on the same thing. I finally found the answer on Mitch's World then reposted the solution on my site. The quick fix is to add the OCMock.framework folder to /Library/frameworks and reference it from there. For whatever reason XCode doesn't want to add folders external to its natural framework seach to the path. Until I find out more this is the best we can do.
At the time of writing OCUnit "just works" on the iPhone. Apple are shipping templates that works out of the box.
Take a look here. You'll find a Xcode template you can use that has OCUnit and OCMock all ready setup for you.
You might be interested in this project which integrats OCMock & gh-unit (based on Google toolkit)
Unit test