Empty Application on Xcode instead of other code generated templates - iphone

I want to create an application on Xcode from Empty application on Xcode from scratch, I think is a nice way to learn more what is going on behind the scenes...
did anybody try this already? recommend any specific tutorial?
the ones I found on the internet are pretty basic or using other templates which really abstracts a lot of cool code I would like to get to know better.
I'm using XCode 4.3.2

Beginning iOS 5 Development by David Mark, Jack Nutting, and Jeff LaMarche covers how to do this in depth. I would recommend checking it out if you haven't done so yet.


Working with Multiple Views in Xcode 4?

I'm doing some tutorials on iPhone development and I am working with window based applications to create an app with multiple views (The tutorial I'm using is from TheNewBoston 21-26). I'm currently using Xcode 4 to make these apps but I'm having trouble because Bucky uses Xcode 3 and there seem to be some differences. Every time I try to make this app, I end up with a blank white screen. I follow the instructions correctly watched the videos multiple times but still nothing happens. Even when I make my own simple window based application it does not seem to work. I think it may have something to do with connecting the views with the MainWindow. If you have somehow gotten this to work using only the instructions from the video can you please give me a link to a website or video that has a simple multi-view tutorial. If Xcode 4 no longer allows this method of working than can you please explain how to get around it. Thanks so much, I really appreciate you helping me. I know I'm new and this is a really basic question but it has been giving me a hard time. Thanks again!
Welcome to iOS development! :) I haven't worked the specific tutorial which you mention, but there's certainly many many others around the web which you could refer to.
Here's just a couple off Google when I looked around a bit regarding handling multiple views through a NavigationController which look detailed enough with good guidelines;
If you're totally new, I would totally recommend getting your hands on some iOS development book (its worth the investment!); there are many; and they outline the process in good detail from start to finish. If you're unfamiliar with the whole process, there are many minor things that can go wrong and create frustration.
Happy coding! :)

Good Tutorials for iPhone programming with Xcode 4

Are there any good tutorials for iPhone programming using Xcode 4 that cover more than the obvious "Hello World" example. Everything I found so far is either Xcode 3 or Hello World.
XCode is just the IDE. It may be a bit tricky if there are certain screenshots, but all in all the file structure is basically the same (Resources folder is now called Supporting Files), and the code is exactly the same - its still objective C, so all the tutorials that use XCode 3 should still be useful.
Go to lynda.com
And download (iPhone SDK Essential Training )
XCode is ide. if you like means you will develop a ide and you will use to code. ide doesnt matter's so be good in objective c then easy all
Check out Backslash Training's online live offering or local workshops.
What ur looking for is
Head First iPhone Development
By Dan Pilone, Tracey Pilone
Publisher: O'Reilly Media
Released: October 2009
its the most awesome book out yet. I've tried all the others and this one definitely takes the metaphorical cake, and eats it too :D

Three20 pros and cons

I believe a lot of people have heard of and even used three20 library for building their apps. What's the pros and cons of using it? what's your experience so far - starting from ramping up, app design, building, to approval, and future maintains...
I am interested in picking it up, attracted by the UI elements that not easily get from the official SDK.
I've started developing a new app with Three20. Little note: I've started iPhone Development about one year ago.
I was attracted by the UI elements too, so i thought I'll give it a try.
Downloading the source is strait forward, but when it comes to integrating Three20 to an App it gets difficult. I think I've need about half a day to get it running. The big problem was, that I'm using XCode 3.2.3 with iOS SDK 4.0 and the source I've downloaded was set to run on iOS 3.2. After I read a lot of blog-posts and stuff like that, I finaly managed to run my app on the Simulator and on Device.
The next steps were kind of easy. You can use the UI-Elements and Core-Functions of Three20 easily. Build your app using the URL-based-navigation is great. So Three20 does at lot of things you normaly have to care of yourself. E.g. normaly you have to alloc and init your ViewController, push it to your NavigationController and release it. In Three20 you only have to "call a URL" and the rest is done by the library.
From this point of view Three20 is really great. The next problems I faced was, when you want to customize or change the standard-build-in-components. I've spend a lot of time reading through the class documentation on Three20.info until I've managed to build my own TableCell. I've faced the same Problem, when I want to load my data a different way to a TableView.
Until now I haven't got any problems with some other libraries in the same project.
I think Three20 is great and easy. On the other side it can be quite difficult. If you like the UI Elements, you should give it a try.
The main problem with Three20 is you have to take all of it or none of it - you can't easily just choose a part you'd like to use.
It's worth searching out other projects that do things you might want Three20 for - like photo browsing.
I used it for a few time. The main con is that you must develop the entire project with the three20 library else some bugs will appear.
I inherited a project that had Three20 integrated just for the networking and the message controller. I don't like it. If you just use the functionality it provides, it works, but when you want to modify something you find yourself drowning in spaghetti code. You also discover a lot of bad coding practices – my favorite was a BOOL value being cast to an object pointer. Some of it looks like it was ported from Javascript. I set an intern to work finding all the parts we don't ever call and commenting out as much Three20 code as possible, and at least I no longer drown in compiler warnings. Now we're spending the time to write our own message controller, and I am looking for a different networking stack.

I need help on how to start developing an iPhone application

I have been programming in Microsoft Dot net for the past 4 years. Now, I want to develop an iPhone application. I have no idea where to start. I do not know anything about MAC OSX or any other Apple "words":). Searches on the google about books and online articles fetch a lot of results which is confusing. It would be great if anybody can share their beginner's experience. Thank You.
I've learn all about iPhone programming with this great book: Beginning iPhone 3 Development.
I found it surprisingly easy to pick up. The Apple dev center includes a lot of sample code, and because it's the programming language du jour, there's a lot of forum links and StackOverflow questions about it, as well as plenty of people looking to answer new questions.
It's pretty satisfying to do too, if you've never done mobile development before.
Get yourself a machine and download XCode, the supplied Apple IDE. It's a bit lamer than Eclipse right now, but the new version which is on the verge of release looks much better. Grab yourself access to the developer center (which is worth the investment) and build a simple App or two. Get to know Interface Builder first, because you may not have worked with things like this before.
There are some idiosyncracies in the syntax and whatnot, but you get used to it pretty fast. And then come here and ask more questions. :)
I just ran through this tutorial to get familiar with XCode and Interface Builder.
Then joining a local group about it should be helpful - I'm a member of the Iphone London Users Group and chats with other developers is the most useful tool I have to find out how to do things.

What are all the documents i need to read to become a iPhone developer?

I knew C, Cpp, Java, Servlets, JSP and Objective C. Now, i want to do some web related application in iPhone. I have Mac system, XCode and all. Also i registered in developer.apple.com. My problem is, where can i start to learn about development?
So many documents are available in Apple's site. But in each document, they gave a lot of links for other documents and said "before reading this read this" I just hate it.
So please give me a clear way to learn about iPhone development. Tell some other better sites for easy learning about SDK codings if you know...
Thank you all...
Start at a hello world and work your way up. The best way is to just purchase a book on the subject.
This one looks pretty basic http://www.amazon.co.uk/Beginning-iPhone-Development-Exploring-SDK/dp/1430224592/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1281003097&sr=8-1
Apple documentation is wonderful.
Begin with Learning Objective-C: A Primer to familiarize with the language and then take a look at Your First iOS Application.