iPhone dev - How can I display a google map in an app without using the browser? And other map questions - iphone

I'm making an iPhone application that I want to take in a bunch of addresses and display them on a map using different colored pins to mark the different addresses. First of all, is this possible? Secondly, I want a way to do it without having to open up the map in a browser, but display it directly as a view. Is this possible? Thanks.

yes it is possible Tim, check here:

Yes, that is possible. You can put a MKMapView directly into the view. This can be dragged and dropped in the XIB file! Make sure that you also include the Map Kit framework in your project, too. For addresses, I would look at the link to the tutorial Jacky Boy gave.


Two views in screen+Augmented rality+iphone

I want to implement the Augmented Reality with layer
Example like this:-http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b64_16K2e08
i had used to locate the place by using this:-https://github.com/zac/iphonearkit
Now the i want the circle which shows the small view of the other screen.
how can i get the other circular view on the screen.
provide the sample code if anyone have.
Thanks in advance
if yo exact want to use this kind of thing first you need to register and create some layars on the layar they also provide some tutorials and demo how to create and integrate them in ios apps you can get them from their web sites.When you register there you will get all kind of stuff to implement these kind of things .

Is it window based or view based app?

I need to make an iphone app like USA Free that's in App Store.
Can anybody, please, tell me what kind of app is this (window or view based) and how it is possible to make horizontal slide effect when changing views?
Thank you!
For transitions, take a look at http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/UIKit/Reference/UIView_Class/UIView/UIView.html#//apple_ref/occ/clm/UIView/transitionWithView:duration:options:animations:completion:
All apps contain one (or more) windows and views. You might want to start with the basic of creating an app. http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/referencelibrary/GettingStarted/Creating_an_iPhone_App/_index.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/TP40007595
View based just means the project comes with a default class already setup. You can put anything you want in that class. Window based is just if you want to create all the classes your self. Theres not much difference, so it doesn't really matter which you choose as long a you know how to create the horizontal slide effect your going for.

iPhone/ iPad app development TV Out

I have just submitted my first application to iTunes for approval, however, there is one thing I really want to add to it ASAP.
I would like to code into an app that it can use the TV Out functions of both the iPhone and iPad? Ideally it would work in a similar way to how keynote works i.e. you see a bit more on the iPad itself than is projected on the TV, but even just mirroring the screen would be a step in the right direction.
I have searched all over for this and all I keep getting is about downloading jailbreaks for you iPhone to mirror the screen, which doesn't really help.
Thanks in advance,
If you just want to mirror, use my TVOutManager singleton. I've put up code to do this on github: https://github.com/robterrell/TVOutManager (Hmmm... I just noticed I haven't pushed the most recent code. I'll review and push new code asap.) I wrote up some detailed info about it at http://www.touchcentric.com/blog/archives/123 if you want to know the how's and why's.
Basically, just add the files to your project, and call:
[[TVOutManager sharedInstance] startTVOut];
If you want to do more than mirroring, read the docs on UIScreen. It's fairly trivial to create a UIWindow on the external screen (steal the bits from TVOutManager if you need to) and add subviews to it. This way you could have a Keynote-like controller on the device screen, while the main display is on the external display.
http://mattgemmell.com/2010/06/01/ipad-vga-output should get you started ...
Mirroring is not possible.
But to draw on an external display, just get the UIScreen object for the external display, then set the screen property of a UIWindow to it, (making sure to set the frame correctly etc) everything in that window should be drawn on the respective display.
Relative links:
developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIWindow_Class/UIWindowClassReference/UIWindowClassReference.html (look at screen property)
developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/uikit/reference/UIScreen_Class/Reference/UIScreen.html (look at +screens)
(I don't have any reputation => can't post clickable links)
I think, you can't do this. You can only stream videos from iPod app.
But, if you have jailbreak on your device, try this (link) or take a look at this great YouTube video (link) showing exactly what you need.

iPhone built-in controller to display a collection of images in cool 3D landscape view

For some reason, I can't seem to locate the documentation for the above support within the foundation. I am talking about the view used by some applications to show a collection of images in a cool 3D view where you can flip through the set, much like the iPod application view of the albums.
You're looking for Cover Flow. I believe it is an unpublished API. However Open Flow is a viable replacement.
OK, found it, it's called CoverFlow - but I also note that it appears that Apple considers this a private API and thus cannot be used for apps on the App Store - can anyone confirm that it is so?

iphone map fold button in new map app

Does anyone know what is the name of the button in the right corner of the toolbar in the new Maps application? It's the button that unfolds the map and the view underneath offers buttons to switch between map modes. I would like to use it in my map application if it's a part of the SDK!
Thanks for your answers!
What is an undocumented method? And how come you can use this stuff but it's not really desired by Apple? Will it be released in a future SDK? I don't see the point in creating an app that has features unavailable for all developers. This is a lot of questions, please point me to resources where I can find out more about this process if you know any (like where do you know all this from)?
Also, where can I find types of animations for views, like the one Cory mentioned?
It's not part of the SDK. The actual file names of those images are UIButtonBarPageCurlSelected.png, UIButtonBarPageCurlDefault.png, so probably you can call it the "page curl button".
The unofficial way (warning, rejection, etc.) to get this button is to use
[[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:109 target:... action:...]
To download a UIImage of these images from UIKit to add them into your project later, use [UIImage kitImageNamed:#"UIButtonBarPageCurlSelected.png"] and so on.
There's no standard UI component for this button, sorry. If you're resourceful, you could probably figure out a way to pull the image out of Maps, but Apple might not take kindly to using their art in non-approved ways.
The only EASY way to do this is to use an undocumented method. This is banned by Apple and will result in having your application rejected from the app store. You can create something similar with UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlDown or UIViewAnimationTransitionCurlUp but these will cause the view to curl all the way up and not stop halfway.