Is it window based or view based app? - iphone

I need to make an iphone app like USA Free that's in App Store.
Can anybody, please, tell me what kind of app is this (window or view based) and how it is possible to make horizontal slide effect when changing views?
Thank you!

For transitions, take a look at
All apps contain one (or more) windows and views. You might want to start with the basic of creating an app.

View based just means the project comes with a default class already setup. You can put anything you want in that class. Window based is just if you want to create all the classes your self. Theres not much difference, so it doesn't really matter which you choose as long a you know how to create the horizontal slide effect your going for.


How to create tabs dynamically in Objective C

I am trying to implement the following kind of tabs into my Application. I have first tried it with creating buttons. So can anyone guide me how to create this kind of interface ?
I want to clarify that this are the groups & it will be dynamically created & it can be in any number.
Any suggestions & references will be highly appreciated.
Thanks in advance.
I've been implementing pretty much exactly what you are asking in an app im working on, i've uploaded the source files here. its pretty much plug-and-play, just make a TabView where you want your tabs and hook up the delegate methods. can swap out all the images with your own (my tabs were underneath something and not on top so they will look upside down initially for you).
Dont really have time to explain the inner workings of it all, but if you play around with the code im sure you will manage to customise it how you want. otherwise, just learn from it and implement your own.
edit: oh and there is some code that changes how the tabs look depending if iOS 7 or not, you will get an error when first importing it because i have a variable in my appDelegate isIOS7 which you can either implement in your app, or just take out all the relevant iOS 7 checks in the code

What is a good way to implement a menu system for an iphone game?

I'm working on a project and I've been asked to add a fairly detailed and nested menu system overtop pre-existing gameplay. I'm new to iphone programming in general, but have experience with other C languages on different platforms. I'm looking for an example of a good clean menu system architecture.
So far, I've gotten a little used to how the xib files interact with the code, but I still have a ways to go it seems. I have two UIViewControllers; lets call them UIViewControllerA and UIViewControllerB. I started with UIViewControllerA (the game's main view controller) and want to add UIViewControllerB as a menu to lay on top the game window. The only way I've found to get UIViewControllerB to render is to use it as a data member of UIViewControllerA and add it as a subview to UIViewControllerA.
This seems like a very unclean way to organize this system and introduces some bugs. IE - when I have UIViewControllerB showing, the touch events fall through to UIViewControllerA which I do not want.
Sorry this is long, but I'll get to the point. Does anyone have a good suggestion on how to create a clean and robust menu system? I feel as though I am way off the mark. I don't think I have enough experience to come up with a good system on this platform.
Thanks in advance!
I feel as perhaps I didn't specify that I'm seeking help for technical programming design rather than visual design. I'm seeking for a way to implement a state-machine type architecture for an iphone platform.
Check out this link -
It's a nice-looking replacement for a UIActionSheet or UIAlertView - this could easily be customized to present a modal menu system.
A really easy way to have a clean menu page, simply take a picture of hardwood floor (or off the web) and add buttons. I would show an example but I need 10 points...
Take the pic, onto PS (photoshop) and add a box or square, add shadow and some cool special effects, upload it to xcode, but the buttons in the box.

best way of dealing with layers of images / views for an iphone app

If i wanted to create a system whereby you could display a little rectangle ON TOP of an app already running, in which I could put any number of things, what would be the best, most apple standard way of doing it?
I'm thinking of something similar to iAdd. basically layers of views I suppose. I know that microsoft has a standard war of coding game menus for example. they're layered - each one has various event handlers for when things start and finish and they're own little update / load / draw methods etc that get called when appropriate. is there something similar for apps?
The most important thing really is just the starting point. what should I be doing in order to create another view over the existing one?
All UI elements in iOS inherit from class UIView. To add one view inside another use [view addSubview:subview]
For detailed information about how to use the UIView class, see View Programming Guide for iOS

iPhone development - Which is better for my app (Navigation or window based)?

It's a really simple question , but i'm still new at this.
I want to create a game with some levels.
Is it better to use a Navigation based app or a windows based?
views used are:(Main menu- Options - high scores - 10 levels)
If you want to create a game, take a look at the cocos2d framework. It will provide a complete solution for this kind of programs.
As to your question, I would not use a Navigation base app, since you do not want to give the option of going back through levels. You just need a way to manage all the different scenes youd have (levels), moving from one to another, and display a menu/options view when it is the case. So, if you do not want to use cocos2d, a window based app will suit your needs.
Most games have a 100% custom UI, but if you are just getting started, you might want to prototype your screens/flow between screens using UIKit first.

iphone application layout

I'm trying to get started with an iPhone application, I had a look around at other questions but i'm still sorta stuck so hopefully someone can help...
First thing is I'm totally confused with the whole view concept, I'm more used to visual studio so I'm going to use the term 'form' to describe what I have in my head.
I want to achieve a home screen in an application with say 9 icons (much like the iphone home screen) which each lead to a different 'form'. Each form may have a different function so say one might be a simple calculator, one might play a video etc.
How do I do this, its destroying my soul trying to do something so simple... If you guys even have any links to get me on the right track it would be greatly appreciated
I suggest you take a look at the Stanford iPhone Programming Course. If you don't have the time to look through it all, I reccommend at least Lectures 5 and 6 about Views and ViewControllers. The slides are quite instructive and they come with video presentations that should help you get on your way in about an hour.
Apple's samples are a great place to start. There are some simple ones that can show you how views and view controllers work.
Also, in Xcode, when you create a new iPhone app template, that template usually has enough code to display a view, and sometimes a flip-side view or more. Sometimes, you should stop reading, and do.
I had the same weird learning curve as you, as things don't initially seem to make sense but they do - and once you've got your head round them they make perfect sense trust me!
Your 'forms' are viewControllers in this M-V-C land, they control all the 'view' (which are controls or any object which can be seen) within them. Normally they are loaded from a Nib (design from the interface builder), but don't have to be.
The way I would go about your problem is to use a navigationController as the base to handle all of your view controllers.
A navigation controller needs a rootviewcontroller to start so this will be your desktop Viewcontroller. I'm not sure how you are planning to populate this but all the icons will need to be stored in some kind of array. I suggest you use a simple UIButton. When then button is pressed you then alloc and init and push the required view controller.