Layout buttons on UIScrollView - iphone

I am trying to create a page within my app where I can scroll down and see more buttons. I have a UIScrollview and a few UIButtons, but I have no idea how to lay them out so they will be below the length of the page in IB (I hope I am making sense). Basically, I dont understand how on IB you have just the size of the app, but in reality, you can lay all your content on a much longer page.
Thanks, and again, hope I am making sense.

In IB, you can specify the size of your UIScrollView, just set its height to a longer page, then you can put the subviews wherever you like.

Your just set the UIScrollView's height, and select it in IB and drag up, then you can see the part in buttom


Subviews size issue - UIView related sizing in xib

For a layout made of some views stacked in each other, which are all subviews of the UIView and I wanted to know how to automatically size the main UIView which may be multiline once the app is live and updates come in. UIView width is fixed.
I believe the view (UIView) does size itself so i dont think you will face this issue. Just try to not constrain the height and make sure you select appropriate stack view while doing this since you got multiple. Hope this helps as i assume that you are not using collection view for this matter!

swift programming - storyboard how to add more buttons on a viewcontroller

Hi I'm new to iphone programming and I'm having problem with scrolling on the storyboard. Let's say I need to add 30 buttons on a viewcontroller inside a scrollview, but the screen size only fits 15, how do I scroll down and add more buttons.
screen shot 1
Another problem I have is that when I run the iphone app on the simulator, it can only scroll down too the button 13 even though there are 15 buttons on my view controller.
screen shot 2
Thanks for your help.
you can scroll the scrollView on the storyboard. Scroll down and then add buttons.
You need to set a size appropriate for Scroll ContentSize. Take a note at that.
Please do provide more info from. Its gonna make the resolution process easy.
Take a look at this link for solid ScrollView intro:
In the storyboard... Just make the view bigger. In your case, you want to change the height:
For the problem of not being able to scroll across all your images. You need to make sure the scroll view is pinned to all four sides of the parent view and that the height and width are all set-up for the content inside the scroll view. (make sure there are no warnings associated with the scroll view in the storyboard.)

How to scroll a simple UIView (not uitableview) in iphone?

I have added some uitextview in my uiviewcontroller.But some of the textViews are not seen as view is small compared to the number of textViews. So I want scroll it, so that i can see the other textViews also. One more thing-- when i want to type something in the lower textView then it hides because of the iphone keyboard.If somebody knows about it, please give me with the solution.Thanks a lot.
Add UIScrollView in self.view. Now add all subviews to UIScrollView.
Provide contentSize of UIScrollView in width and height.
if heigth > 460 it will scroll vertically
if weight > 320 it will scroll horizontally
If any condition doesnot matches then u will not be able to scroll
You simply have to use UIScrollView.Instead of adding all of your subviews(in your case multiple UITextViews) in the main view, just add a srollView in your view and then add all subviews in that scrollView.UIView doesn't have the property to scroll.And don't forget to change the contentSize property of scrollView.
You must implement a UIScrollView. This is a fundamental class when it comes to iPhone development (and just Apple development in general) and it should be mastered before you continue onto more advanced topics. Here is the documentation for the class :

Correct approach for implementing vertical scrolling with UIScrollView

I know that I asked a question a few minutes ago, but I want to make a few points clearer before asking for the community's help. I'm new to iOS development, close to finishing my first app. The only thing standing in my way is this UIScrollView. I simply do not understand it, and could use your help.
This is in the detail view controller of a drill-down app with a tab bar. I have approximately 8 fields (for things like phone numbers and such) drawing from a .plist. Obviously, those take up enough room that I could use a little extra real estate. I would guess that it needs to be about the size of two views vertically, but I do not understand how to allocate that sort of space to a UIScrollView. Some tutorials I have read say that you don't even need to define it in the header, which I doubt and do not understand. Additionally, I do not understand how to simply get the app to smoothly scroll up-and down only. Apple's examples have constant move cycles that flip between horizontal pictures.
I doubt it makes very much a difference, but I have an image that is in the background. I'm going to load the view on top of that.
My question is broad, so I don't expect you to take the time to sit down and write out all of the code for me (and I wouldn't ask you to). Just an outline of quick, helpful tips would help me understand how to get this view to load in the context of my project.
Many thanks!
It's fairly simple. Add a UIScrollView to your view. Add your fields and such to the scrollview. In viewDidLoad or somewhere similar, you need to set the contentSize on your scrollview. This is the "virtual" area that will be scrollable. This will generally be larger than the frame of the scrollview. In your case, you indicated it should be roughly double the width.
For instance, if you had a scrollview with a view inside, and you wanted to make sure the entire view is visible via scrolling:
self.scrollView.contentSize = self.contentView.frame.size;
//setting scrollview zoom level
self._scrollview.contentSize=CGSizeMake(320,500 );
you have to outlet scroll view in .h class and #property #synthesis this scroll view.then you can able to scroll up and down,if u want only vertical scrolling ,then u have to go to interface builder and uncheck the horizontal scrolling.
You can set a few settings for your scrollview to limit the scrolling to horizontal or vertical. A few important ones are:
// pseudcode here, start typing "[scrollView " then press escape to get a intelli-sense of all // the things you can set for the scrollview.
// values could be YES/NO or TRUE/FALSE, I can't remember which one but
// I think it's YES/NO. Once you start scrolling, the phone will determine
// which way you're scrolling then lock it to that direction
[scrollView setDirectionalLockEnabled:YES];
// when you slide the view, if enough of the next part of the view is visible,
// the scrollview will snap or bounce the scrollview to fit this new "page".
// think of swiping feature to navigate the iPhone home screens
// to show different "pages" of iphone apps
[scrollView setPagingEnabled:YES];
// as a safe guard, make sure the width of your scrollview fits snuggly with the content
// it is trying to display. If the width is more than necessary to display your table of
// data vertically, sometimes the scrollview will cause the
// horizontal scrolling that you don't want to happen and you get bi-directional scrolling
Just set the content size of UIScrollView after adding all the controls/button/textfields etc. for example you add 10 textfields in UIScrollview then content size of UIScrollView will be
lastTextField.frame.origin.y+lastTextField.frame.size.height+20; 20 is for margin.
That's it let me know if you want to know something more related to your app.

how do i work on a taller view in interface builder?

OK, so I am learning to use UIScrollView in interface builder. since the scrollView itself does not have any content, I created another view, the contentView, to hold my controls and scrollable content. into this view I place controls, labels, etc and then in my code i set the contentSize of the scrollView to the size of this contentView.
My question seems stunningly simple and so obvious that I must have missed something somewhere. when I created this XIB in IB I got your standard empty iPhone interface window. I dropped a scrollView on top of it, it took up the whole window. I dropped a view on top of that, it took up the whole scrollview. I added some controls, which so far I can still see inside the contentView rectangle in IB.
My question is how do I work on/add controls which lie outside of the visible part of the contentView in IB? LOL. it seems so simple, but i just don't get it. I can set the height of the content view or drag the rectangle to whatever I like (and indeed this is the whole point of having a scrollview) but the fixed UI window from IB won't expand so i can see the "offscreen" part of the contentView to add more controls. It's like it's just fixed at that size because that's the size of one iPhone screen and it won't let me make it any bigger/taller.
what did I do wrong?
You need to turn off all simulated user interface elements (like the status bar) to be "undefined" except for size, which you select to be "Freeform" from the drop-down, and then you can set the view height using the Ruler tab to be whatever you like.
For example, here I've selected a photo view controller, and set the size in the right side bar to be "iPad Full Screen" - but I could also change that to "freeform" to set any height I wished.
First add a ViewController by any which way you prefer. Then in interface builder, click on the view controller Icon (on left). In the connections inspector click on the ruler icon "Show the size inspector". There will be option list for simulated size, change to "Freeform" and increase the height to any size you want. Hope this helps.
neeever mind. you drag the content view up so that some controls are offscreen and then add more controls/expand to the part you just made visible by moving the top stuff off the top. in effect, you physically scroll the contentView in IB by dragging it with the mouse. seems a smidge counterintuitive, but whatever.
Set simulated size to freeform for the the view controller to a large enough size that you can add in your controls
You don't have to create a view to place inside the scrollview if you don't want. In your case, it sounds like it doesn't make much sense.
As for the second part of your question, you can place items directly on the scrollview (it is a view afterall), as subviews. If you want them to be off screen, then just set their frame up to be at those particular x, y coordinates you want it to be at. You will have to ensure your scrollview's contentSize property is large enough though to house your entire content, this is what allows scrolling horizontally/vertically.
You probably want to do the offscreen elements programmaticly instead of using xibs.