set multiple parameters in criteria - criteria

I need to set multiple parameter in a criteria.
Can anybody please tell, how to achieve this in smartgwt
Actually my listgrid data need to filter with two id
int empID = 12;
int yearSpentID = 4;
Criteria c = new Criteria();
In this case listgrid data will be fetched filtered with employee id but i need to use employee id and also year spent id for filereing data on listgrid
Any suggestions?

Maybe missing something but this appears to be extremely simple: just call addCriteria() again:
c.addCriteria("yearSpendID", 4);


Using Hibernate to get the latest row with a LocalDateTime

I have a Java8 application using SpringBoot, which is pulling in Hibernate core 5.3.10 (connected to PostgreSQL 11). A simplified explanation: the application is maintaining a history of changes to a series of bespoke UserData records, containing two LocalDateTime columns for startDate and endDate, and a userId column (plus other columns).
The semantics of the application are that a history of changes to the UserData are maintained by the start_date and end_date contain no duplicates (respectively), and that any row where the endDate is null is the currently active record for a user. (Accordingly, a user may have no currently active record.)
It is a simple matter to retrieve all of the active rows, and this is working well.
However, I have a requirement to retrieve the latest row for all users irrespective of whether the row is active or not.
One way to achieve this outcome using SQL is with a query something like the following:
select ud1.* from user_data ud1
where ud1.start_date = (select max(ud2.start_date) from user_data ud2
where ud2.user_id = ud1.user_id);
I have been attempting to write a CriteriaQuery to replicate the SQL, but I have run into a data type problem with the CriteriaBuilder.max method. The max method is complaining that it will only accept a type Number column. The code looks like this:
final CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
final CriteriaQuery<UserDate> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(UserData.class);
final Root<UserData> ud1 = criteriaQuery.from(UserData.class);
final Subquery<LocalDateTime> maxUserDataStartDate = criteriaQuery.subquery(LocalDateTime.class);
final Root<UserData> ud2 = maxUserDataStartDate.from(UserData.class);"startDate"));
// ...
The problem is with the last line, where it complains that ud2.get("startDate") is not an extension of type Number - which is true, of course.
Does anybody know how to fix this situation? Especially, does anybody have an example they can share that does what I'm after?
You can do order by start_date desc and get top 1
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<UserData> criteriaQuery = builder.createQuery(UserData.class);
Root<UserData> ud = criteriaQuery.from(UserData.class);

How write RQLQuery?

I am new to ATG, and I have this question. How can I write my RQLQuery that provide me data, such as this SQL query?
select avg(rating) from rating WHERE album_id = ?;
I'm trying this way:
RqlStatement statement;
Object rqlparam[] = new Object[1];
rqlparam[0] = album_Id;
statement= RqlStatement.parseRqlStatement("album_id= ? 0");
MutableRepository repository = (MutableRepository) getrMember();
RepositoryView albumView = repository.getView(ALBUM);
This query returns me an item for a specific album_id, how can I improve my RQL query so that it returns to me the average field value, as SQL query above.
There is no RQL syntax that will allow for the calculation of an average value for items in the query. As such you have two options. You can either execute your current statement:
album_id= ? 0
And then loop through the resulting RepositoryItem[] and calculate the average yourself (this could be time consuming on large datasets and means you'll have to load all the results into memory, so perhaps not the best solution) or you can implement a SqlPassthroughQuery that you execute.
Object params[] = new Object[1];
params[0] = albumId;
Builder builder = (Builder)view.getQueryBuilder();
String str = "select avg(rating) from rating WHERE album_id = 1 group by album_id";
RepositoryItem[] items =
view.executeQuery (builder.createSqlPassthroughQuery(str, params));
This will execute the average calculation on the database (something it is quite good at doing) and save you CPU cycles and memory in the application.
That said, don't make a habit of using SqlPassthroughQuery as means you don't get to use the repository cache as much, which could be detrimental to your application.

How to split same record in Form Grid?

I need to split the same record two time.
For example, if I have in MyTable five record I need to show in Form's Grid ten record.
If It's possible I can create a View, I just to duplicate one time the same record.
This is my start point :
I want to duplicate the record :
In MyForm can't edit anything, is only View. No Delete, No Edit, No Create
Thanks in advance!
This sounds like an exercise, which we probably shouldn't be giving you the answer to...but try creating MyTableJoin and create a foreign key relation to MyTable.Id then add a field called MyTableJoin.Row and populate the table with 2 matching rows for every 1 row in MyTable. Then on your form, join MyTableJoin.
MyTableJoin.Id = "ID_I";
MyTableJoin.Row = 1;
MyTableJoin.Id = "ID_I";
MyTableJoin.Row = 2;
MyTableJoin.Id = "ID_II";
MyTableJoin.Row = 1;
MyTableJoin.Id = "ID_II";
MyTableJoin.Row = 2;
You can create a union view and add same table twice. Just be shore to select union all option so that you do not get unique results.

softfluent entity related method

I want to get the detail entity of a parent entity with a custom method in this method I want to sort the detail entity random and exclude the details by a condition it's possible in the parent method set the method for get the childs of the parent entity?
In your example I have order and orderdetail like this:
OrderId = 1
date = 2015-06-01
Order detail
Order id = 1
Product = 1
RowNumber = 2
Order detail
Order id = 1
Product = 2
RowNumber = 3
I need that the order details shoul be order by rownumber in a random sort and I want that I get in the order object when I acces to the detail like Order.OrderDetails I get the orderdetails in random I have a method that returns the orderdetail in random but I don't set how set in the graphical design to set my method for get the orderdetails list collection. Other dude I try to add a cfl method for order random something like this in the order detail object
LOAD (int orderId) WHERE orderId = #orderId ORDER BY NEWID()
and get a random order but I get and error so I add a partial class to order by random and add for example an product id like this a)2 b) 1
You can create a CFQL method with inline SQL:
<cf:method name="LoadByOrderRandom"
body="LOAD(Order) where Order = #Order order by [newid()]"
checkLevel="None" />
More information about raw methods:

get most actual row with zend's fetchRow

I'm very new to zend (1.12) please excuse my very basic question:
I want to fetch only one row from a database. Thatfore I want to use the fetchRow(..) function like this
$row = $db->fetchRow($db->select()->where("col1 = '".val1."' AND col2='".val2."'"));
The problem is, that there may be many rows that fit to the where-clause and I only want to get the one with the highest id. How can I do this?
The fetchRow() method returs only one row. If you want to choose row with the highest ID meeting other conditions, invoke it like this:
$select = $db->select()
->where('col1 = ?', $val1)
->where('col2 = ?', $val2)
->order('id DESC');
$row = $db->fetchRow($select);
Also, remember to pass values to SQL query in the way as in above code (to avoid SQL injection attack risk).