softfluent entity related method - codefluent

I want to get the detail entity of a parent entity with a custom method in this method I want to sort the detail entity random and exclude the details by a condition it's possible in the parent method set the method for get the childs of the parent entity?

In your example I have order and orderdetail like this:
OrderId = 1
date = 2015-06-01
Order detail
Order id = 1
Product = 1
RowNumber = 2
Order detail
Order id = 1
Product = 2
RowNumber = 3
I need that the order details shoul be order by rownumber in a random sort and I want that I get in the order object when I acces to the detail like Order.OrderDetails I get the orderdetails in random I have a method that returns the orderdetail in random but I don't set how set in the graphical design to set my method for get the orderdetails list collection. Other dude I try to add a cfl method for order random something like this in the order detail object
LOAD (int orderId) WHERE orderId = #orderId ORDER BY NEWID()
and get a random order but I get and error so I add a partial class to order by random and add for example an product id like this a)2 b) 1

You can create a CFQL method with inline SQL:
<cf:method name="LoadByOrderRandom"
body="LOAD(Order) where Order = #Order order by [newid()]"
checkLevel="None" />
More information about raw methods:


Is there a CDS view annotation (ABAP) to remove/select a field?

I created an ABAP CDS view from a dataset. This dataset contains data with a field "OrderID" (from order 1 to order 10000). Based on this field, OrderID, I would like to create 2 query views : one containing only data from order 1 to 20 and another one with order 50 to 70.
Therefore, I was wondering if there is an annotation to select the value I want to show/remove. I don't want to filter for performance reason.
Use a where clause, as described in the ABAP keyword documentation:
define view first_query_view as
select from your_base_view
{ ... }
where OrderID between 1 and 20;
define view second_query_view as
select from your_base_view
{ ... }
where OrderID between 50 and 70;
Annotations explain how views and the elements in them are to be used. They don't control how the data is retrieved, joined, or filtered.

updatexml for particular rows only

Context: I want to increase the allowance value of some employees from £1875 to £7500, and update their balance to be £7500 minus whatever they have currently used.
My Update statement works for one employee at a time, but I need to update around 200 records, out of a table containing about 6000.
I am struggling to workout how to modify the below to update more than one record, but only the 200 records I need to update.
UPDATE employeeaccounts
SET xml = To_clob(Updatexml(Xmltype(xml),
750000 - (SELECT Extractvalue(Xmltype(xml),
'xmlns:ts=\"\", xmlns:xt=\"\"'
FROM employeeaccounts
WHERE id = '123456')))
WHERE id = '123456'
Example of xml column (stored as clob) that I want to update. Table has column ID that hold PK of employees ID EG 123456
You don't need a subquery to get the old balance, you can use the value from the current row; which means you don't need to correlate that subquery and can just use an in() in the main statement:
UPDATE employeeaccounts
SET xml = To_clob(Updatexml(Xmltype(xml),
750000 - Extractvalue(Xmltype(xml),
'xmlns:ts=\"\", xmlns:xt=\"\"')
WHERE id in (123456, 654321, ...);

How to write row_number() over clause in linq to Entity Framework

Using Entity Framework and LINQ, I need to get row number together with an entity, e.g. for loan I have multiple invoices and I want to select specific invoice together with its sequence number.
Basically, I'd need to know how to write equivalent to this:
nr, i.*
[Invoices] i
inner join
row_number() over (order by IssueDate) nr, id
LoanId = 5) t on =
where = 207
According to this post ROW_NUMBER is not supported in L2E. If you don't mind the overhead of loading all invoices for a given LoanId into memory, then it can be be done easily in C# with the overload of the Select method on IEnumerable that produces an index for each item, e.g.:
//First select the invoices
var invoices = from i in dbContext.Invoices
where i.LoanId == 5
order by i.IssueDate
select i;
var indexedInvoice = invoices.ToList().Select((i, count) => new { Invoice = i, RowCount = count })
.First(ii => ii.Invoice.Id == 207);
I can see how this can be less than optimal in some situations, so you might consider bypassing L2E here and execute your query as a plain old sql string, depending on how performance-critical it is, and on how many invoices there usually are for a single loan.

Multiple WHERE clause for same Columns in TSQL

I am trying to query two tables that are in 1-to-many relationship.
What I've done is create a View knowing that i might end up with multiple records for the first table.
My scenario is as follows: I have a table "Items" and table "Properties".
"Properties" table contains an ItemsId column, PropertyId, PropertyValueId columns.
"Items" table/object contains a list of "Properties".
How would I query that "View" such that, I want to get all "Items" records that have a combination of "PropertyId" & "PropertyValueId" values.
In other words something similar to:
(PropertyId = #val1 AND PropertyValueId = #val2) OR
(PropertyId = #val3 AND PropertyValueId = #val4) OR
(PropertyId = #val5 AND PropertyValueId = #val6)
WHERE clause is just a loop over "Items.Properties" collection.
"Items" represents a table of Items being stored in the database. Each & every Item has some dynamic properties, one or more. That's why I have another table called "Properties". Properties table contains columns:
ItemId, PropertyId, PropertyValue
"Item" object has a collection of Properties/Values. Prop1:val1, Prop2:val2, etc ...
I may not have understood your requirement (despite the update) - if this or any other answer doesn't solve the problem please add some sample data for Items, Properties and the output and then hopefully it would become clear.
If Items is a specification of the property name-value pairs that you need (and has nothing to do with ItemId on Properties which seems strange...)
select p.itemid
from properties p
where exists (select 1 from items i where i.propertyId = p.propertyId and i.propertyValueId = p.propertyValueId)
group by p.itemid
having count(distinct p.propertyid) = (select count(*) from items)
This returns a set of itemids that have one (and only one) property value for each property defined in items. You can put the items count into a variable if you want.
I would use a query like this:
FROM ItemView
WHERE (PropertyId = #val1 AND PropertyValueId = #val2)
OR (PropertyId = #val3 AND PropertyValueId = #val4)
OR (PropertyId = #val5 AND PropertyValueId = #val6)
The WHERE clause is the same as in your question, it only allows a row to be selected if the row has a matching property. You only need to make sure additionally that the items obtained have all the properties in the filter, which is done in the above query with the help of the HAVING clause: you are requesting items with 3 specific properties, therefore the number of properties per item in your result set (COUNT(*)) should be equal to 3.
In a more general case, when the number of properties queried may be arbitrary, you should probably consider passing the arguments in the form of a table and join the view to it:
FROM ItemView v
INNER JOIN RequestedProperties r ON v.PropertyId = r.Id
AND v.PropertyValueId = r.ValueId
HAVING COUNT(*) = (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM RequestedProperties)

set multiple parameters in criteria

I need to set multiple parameter in a criteria.
Can anybody please tell, how to achieve this in smartgwt
Actually my listgrid data need to filter with two id
int empID = 12;
int yearSpentID = 4;
Criteria c = new Criteria();
In this case listgrid data will be fetched filtered with employee id but i need to use employee id and also year spent id for filereing data on listgrid
Any suggestions?
Maybe missing something but this appears to be extremely simple: just call addCriteria() again:
c.addCriteria("yearSpendID", 4);