error during app installation on device - iphone

When I am installing my app on device this error is coming..
I am searching on net since yesterday found many tips and also applied but it fruitless.
Please guide me what to do ?

Give the valid code sign identity of your corresponding device in your xcode project(i.e) valid provisioning profile.

Verify the following things,
1.Login to your developer account, and in the provisioning portal confirm that the corresponding device is added.
2.Have you install the provisional file into your device?
3.Check your build settings that you have choose the correct code sign identity.


Installing provisioning profile on device does nothing xcode 6

I have a valid provisioning profile, the program I'm running works fine on one of my iPhones. However, for some reason I cannot add it to my other iPhone. Here's how it looks:
Show provisioning profile
Click to add one
Select my provisioning profile
Aaaaaand nothing happens
Has anyone else experience a similar problem or does anyone know what might be the solution? As of just now it just seems that xcode is unresponsive.
Rkey, I had this same problem. If you haven't found a solution, this is how I solved mine.
Instead of trying to install a provisioning profile by yourself, run the app on the device without trying to set it up yourself. Now, if I'm not mistaken, you'll get the "no provisioning profile found for this executable" message or something like that.
You need to change the Code Signing Identities in the build settings of your Xcode6.
Change everything [Code signing identity, Debug, Any SDK, Any iOS SDK, Release, Any iOS SDK)to iOS Developer and set Provisioning Profile to Automatic.
After that, if you try to run the app on the phone again, the prompt will give you an option to "Fix Issue" and clicking on "fix issue" solves the problem.
Hope it works for you.
Go to apple portal and add all the required devices there.
Then go to the provisioning profile you want to download, edit it and make sure the following things:
The App ID associated with the provisioning profile and your App ID in the info.plist is the same.
All the required devices are included in this profile(they are checked marked for the profile).
Check the associated provisioning profile certificate is valid and you have a private key pair for that certificate.
In xcode settings select the provisioning profile and code signing
identity(the certifcate) for the scheme you are running the
Updated answer for XCode 10 ...
See here:
Ran into this w/an Ionic app initially created w/XCode 9.
Absolutely none of the usual fixes for automatic/manual profiles or certificates worked.
The issue was with XCode 10's "new & improved" Build System. It just doesn't work w/older projects, and none of the error messages actually explain why.
Go to File -> Workspace Settings.
Change Build System to "Legacy Build System"
Now magically the Provisioning Profiles show up on your device and you can deploy the app you needed to get on a device 3 hours ago when you started messing with this provisioning BS for the umpteen-dozenth time. Thanks Apple.

iphone developer: no identity found

My development machine suddenly decided to stop installing to my device this morning, with the codesign process giving the error "no identify found".
I checked my keychain and my developer certificate is there, valid until 2012.
The only links I've found in google talk about developing on a jailbroken phone, which I don't have.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
In the build settings for the "target" try reselecting the code signing identity. This often happens when working with more than one developer or if you recently added devices to the provisioning profile.
If any of your Provisioning Profiles expired, update them. If this is not the case, go to your project settings, there you should be able to find the codesign and a bunch of other useful stuff. Change it to the correct one, not the "iphonedeveloper" - the one that has your name in it!

uploading binary

I get warning: Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was
not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011) can anyone help me ...ive been stuck
for a month ...also the app goes on my device for testing and i get a file to zip in my build
iphoneos file but when i use the app loader it says: Directory Services reported the following
error: Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly. (-20101)...i don't know how this happens when i log in correctly.. please help someone thank you.
When you receive "Directory Services reported the following error: Your Apple ID or password was entered incorrectly. (-20101)" from Application Loader, this means that your username and/or password has changed or it's in correct.
1)Open Application Loader.
2)Click Window->Run Setup Wizard (Shift-Command-S).
3)Read the information on below the "Welcome to Application Loader." text
4)Click "Next".
5)Enter your iTunes Connect information (Apple ID and Password). If there are multiple developers on the account, use the Team Lead/Agent account information.
6) Click "Next".
7) If the information is correct you will get "Your iTunes login information has been verified." and if not you will get the same error as before and you will can always go back to re-enter the correct iTunes Connect information (Apple ID and Password).
I hope this helps.
Before doing a build for submitting (Release) to the app store, in Xcode under project properties ensure you have the settings for Release/Distribution selected. Then in the certificate row check you have your distribution certificate selected.
In Organizer check that your certificate is still valid. If not use your web browser and update the distribution certificate under THe update certificate takes a few minutes to become available. Back in Xcode use the update in Organizer to load your new certificates. If you get an error logging in then Xcode probably remembers an old or wrong password.
When you have your certificated sorted out, and want to do a build for the store use "Build and Archive" to upload your binary to Apple. The app loader still exists but since Xcode 3.2.something this functionality is included in Xcode
The best solution would be to develop for the Android. However, failing that are you using the Application Loader, not the xCode one which no longer works.
Also have you created your own Provisioning profiles for release and using them when you archive your code into its zip file from within Xcode?

Codesign verification failed in Xcode for iphone app distribution

I am trying to prepare my app for distribution to the app store and am getting the following warning in Xcode which is causing an error in ApplicationLoader. I know this is a common problem from searching but I have yet to find a proper solution? I went thru Apple's steps for distribution on the iOS provisioning portal and still get this error.
My distribution profile is set on my Target.
"Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)"
Any suggestions?
1) Check for the scheme in 4.2
2) make sure you have selected the release scheme
3) make sure you have selected the distribution profile
4) build for archiving .
App distribution certificate is only used for the app store. You will get this error if you try and put an app signed with your distribution certificate on your phone -- it simply won't work.
Do you have a valid iPhone Distribution certificate in your Keychain?
Does the Xcode Organizer Provisioning Profile window show your Distribution provision?
Does your distribution provisioning profile have an app ID that is the same or compatible (wildcard) with the Identifier setting in your Target Info Properties setting?
Edit: added:
Do you have exactly one iPhone Distribution certificate in your Keychain?
Did you do a Build Clean in Xcode before your distribution build? (or rm -rf ./build)
First of all, check your Certificate, is it distribution or developer? And it must be Distribution certificate.
Follow these steps:
clean all certificate from your keychain and download new distribution certificate.
Also clean remove the distribution provisioning profile what you use for the particular for your this application and re download that one. after that must be clean build in Xcode and after that in project setting you must be select the particular D.P.P. for your application and go a head just only build it. then you get the particular build.
Regarding the D.P.P you must be clear what type of profile you create for this. it must be Appstore D.P.P.
I hope it should be helpful for you.
I had a similar problem. For me it turns out that I didn't download the "distribution" provisioning file (note the emphasis on the "distribution"). Once I got that, everything worked. I'm almost certain that that's what your problem is ;)

problem in installing ad-hoc1 provision on device

i am having problem in installing provision it gies me error that "A validcode signing identity is not found in your keychain" I have tried all the possble soluton given on and also on My device before had 3.1.1 OS but it was not supprted by my Xcode version so i installed #.0 on device. so is it might be the coz?
I have chekced all my certificate and WWDR all certificates are valid. I tried everything restarting device, checking code signing identity but its not wrking. still givesthe same err
Is it not working only for the AdHoc build?
Did you create the distribution build setting?
Assign it the right code signing identity?
Did you set the proper identity string in the "properties" tab of the active target info? It should be com.YOURNAME.${PRODUCT_NAME:rfc1034identifier}
All those steps are well explained at here.
i have another profile also but that was created for other device. and this device does not suprt thet profile.Main thing is this is not my device so i got provision also when i got device. in code signing identity it gives that cannot find anyprivate key orcertificate supprting this profile. so option for ahoc is disabled only. so am not geting what to do.
and link you given is not found can you specify the URL