Codesign verification failed in Xcode for iphone app distribution - iphone

I am trying to prepare my app for distribution to the app store and am getting the following warning in Xcode which is causing an error in ApplicationLoader. I know this is a common problem from searching but I have yet to find a proper solution? I went thru Apple's steps for distribution on the iOS provisioning portal and still get this error.
My distribution profile is set on my Target.
"Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)"
Any suggestions?

1) Check for the scheme in 4.2
2) make sure you have selected the release scheme
3) make sure you have selected the distribution profile
4) build for archiving .

App distribution certificate is only used for the app store. You will get this error if you try and put an app signed with your distribution certificate on your phone -- it simply won't work.

Do you have a valid iPhone Distribution certificate in your Keychain?
Does the Xcode Organizer Provisioning Profile window show your Distribution provision?
Does your distribution provisioning profile have an app ID that is the same or compatible (wildcard) with the Identifier setting in your Target Info Properties setting?
Edit: added:
Do you have exactly one iPhone Distribution certificate in your Keychain?
Did you do a Build Clean in Xcode before your distribution build? (or rm -rf ./build)

First of all, check your Certificate, is it distribution or developer? And it must be Distribution certificate.
Follow these steps:
clean all certificate from your keychain and download new distribution certificate.
Also clean remove the distribution provisioning profile what you use for the particular for your this application and re download that one. after that must be clean build in Xcode and after that in project setting you must be select the particular D.P.P. for your application and go a head just only build it. then you get the particular build.
Regarding the D.P.P you must be clear what type of profile you create for this. it must be Appstore D.P.P.
I hope it should be helpful for you.

I had a similar problem. For me it turns out that I didn't download the "distribution" provisioning file (note the emphasis on the "distribution"). Once I got that, everything worked. I'm almost certain that that's what your problem is ;)


What's the correct Code Signing setting for the Debug build config in Xcode 4?

Under the "Code Signing" section in Build Settings I have "Debug" set to "Don't Code Sign", and the indented line below it "Any iOS SDK" set to the "iPhone Developer" value.
When I build and run, Xcode tells me:
warning: Application failed codesign verification. The signature was
invalid, or it was not signed with an iPhone Distribution Certificate.
The point is, I'm using the Debug configuration! Anyways, so I changed this to the Distribution Certificate, but now Xcode thorws an error that there is no valid Ad-Hoc Distribution Provisioning Profile on my device. Of course there is not, because I just want to develop as usual.
Previously I had installed the Distribution Certificate. That's where the mess began.
Did anyone else encounter this problem and found a solution how to fix it?
You could create Developer Certificate and developer profile. Don't use Ad-Hoc Distribution Provisioning Profile at debug. Please check your Developer Certificate.
This is the same exact error you get when submitting an app(building as an archive and using the distribution profile) It would be helpful if you posted a screenshot of your Build Settings for both your target and your project as there are many things that could be wrong. But it seems like the main problem is your code signing.

error creating ipa

I tried to follow this video to make an ipa
but I have an error when I want to make Product > Archive
[BEROR]Code Sign error: The identity 'iPhone Distribution' doesn't
match any valid certificate/private key pair in the default keychain
It's the first time that I do that so I don't really know how it works, but I think it's a certificate problem. I made the app for someone. I downloaded his certificate from his account in, what shall I do with it? Shall I make something in xcode to add it?
you need to revoke the previous provisioning profiles in his
account..(if you can get the previous person keychain files ..that
get that and install in your keychain..compiling will be successful)
make a new distribution certificate using keychain in your mac
and then make a new distribution profile using that distribution
certificate..then you will be able to compile using that profile.
I get this error all the time since I use the same scheme for testing as I do for distro. You will have to go into your build settings for the project and the target and set the code signing back to iPhone Developer. Clean your settings and rebuild. That should do the trick.

Application failed codesign verification

When I upload my app to the App store I am facing the issue below:
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid,
or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate
I did all of the changes below:
cleaning project,
cleaning all,
deleting build directory,
deleting certificates + profiles
and reinstall distribution provisional profile and distribuction certificate
but still I am facing the same problem. What am I missing?
First, check that your certificate is correct/valid. To do this, log in to the iOS Provisioning Portal with your Apple developer account and create a new distribution certificate. Make sure that you specify that you want to store you app on the iOS App Store. Create a certificate for the App Store by clicking the App Store radio button - don't choose "Ad Hoc". After that, download and install the newly created provisioning certificate.
Check that you've done the following:
Set your code-signing identity in the XCode project to use the new provisioning certificate.
Used the certificate for Distribution profile, not just Developer.
Used the "Clean all targets" function in XCode.
Deleted any build folders from your application's directory tree in the Finder.
After that, build and run your application.
For a fuller explanation, see Apple's documentation about this.
For the iOS error "Application failed codesign verification", see Apple's complete list of potential causes at the following URL "How do I resolve the error: Application failed codesign verification?"
I had the same issue and tried all the solutions listed and then some. But it turned out that it was something so simple, I could kick myself! Set your Archive Build Configuration to Release. You can do this by going into PRODUCT -> EDIT SCHEME -> ARCHIVE -> BUILD CONFIGURATION -> SET TO RELEASE.
Good Luck!

Build app.. and then i get this?

Well, i opened my project today, went to build my app again after making 1 or 2 small changes, and i get this:
Application failed codesign
verification. The signature was
invalid, or it was not signed with an
Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
Any ideas how to fix this?
check your project (and target) settings, which developer profile is used. You probably have install a new developer profile and this project still use an old one.
check certificate in keychain access and provisioning profile code_sign_identity need consistent.

Application failed codesign verification. What do I do?

Xcode gives me this warning when I build the app for release.
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
Do I need to delete all entries from my keychain and redo getting a certificate, provisioning profile, etc?
I can build and debug on the iPhone and iPad without a problem.
If you know how I can solve this dilemma, please provide exact steps or a way for me to contact you about this.
----UPDATE -----
Build Log
Validate build/Release-iphoneos/
cd "/Users/iosdeveloper/Documents/Programming/iPad/iApp HD"
setenv PATH "/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin:/Developer/usr/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin"
/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/Developer/usr/bin/Validation "/Users/iosdeveloper/Documents/Programming/iPad/iApp HD/build/Release-iphoneos/"
warning: Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
Executable=/Users/iosdeveloper/Documents/Programming/iPad/iApp HD/build/Release-iphoneos/
codesign_wrapper-0.7.10: using Apple CA for profile evaluation
/Users/iosdeveloper/Documents/Programming/iPad/iApp HD/build/Release-iphoneos/ valid on disk
/Users/iosdeveloper/Documents/Programming/iPad/iApp HD/build/Release-iphoneos/ satisfies its Designated Requirement
test-requirement: failed to satisfy code requirement(s)
codesign_wrapper-0.7.10: failed to execute codesign(1)
- (null)
Here's the checklist I go through when I've hit this:
Clean all targets, exit Xcode, then go drag the build folder from your project to the trash.
Do the Get Info on your project, make sure the Code Signing Entitlements and Code Signing Identity are selected correctly. Do the same for your Targets.
Login to the iOS Provisioning Portal and make sure the Distribution certificate has not expired. Also check the Distribution Provisioning Profile and make sure it is Active. Make sure the Certificate is properly in your Keychain and the Distribution profile is in Xcode Organizer (if you have multiple of the same one, delete all but the correct one and redo step #2).
Look at your Build Results on the failure and identify which profile it is actually using and make sure it is the right one.
You probably need to check what code signing profile is selected in your distribution build properties.
It looks like your target is "Development" but Xcode applied some of distribution settings to it, so the warning simply means your ad-hoc build has no valid AppStore submission certificate. Go to your target settings, choose the Release configuration and uncheck "Validate Built Product" option.
Application failed codesign verification. The signature was invalid, or it was not signed with an Apple submission certificate. (-19011)
i am got the Same Warning Message...
I just Changed to iOs Deployment target 4.3 to 3.2.2 its works perfectly .....
Note: you may have to go to XCode's "Project" and select "Edit Active Target (appname)",
which is near the bottom of the list ... in the new pane that opens, select "Build", then
under "Code Signing Identity" select your distribution provision. Note that this seems
to be editing a different thing than "Project" / "Edit Project" (editing "target" instead
of "project"). I found I had to edit both project and target's code signing identities.
I had exactly the same problem. It was due to installing Xcode 4.0.2 and 4.2 preview 3 at the same time. Removed both (through the provided uninstall scripts):
<Xcodedir>/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all
Then rebooted and installed 4.0.2 and it works :/
I have found the codesign process a headache - I always shudder when I get am ready to use Ad Hoc distribution to beta test. After the usual round of errors and failed fix attempts I ignored the "application failed codesign" error and sent the build to a beta tester. It worked without issue.
Very frustrating.
In the build log provided in the -UPDATE- section of the original post the root cause of the failed signature verification is expressed with the text:
"test-requirement: code failed to satisfy specified code requirement(s)". That particular flavor of failed signature verification is almost always caused by mistakenly signing your app with an iPhone Developer profile instead of an iPhone Distribution profile.
It can be confirmed with the steps in "How do I verify the certificate that was used to sign my app?". If the certificate "Identity" is "iPhone Developer: YOUR_NAME" instead of "iPhone Distribution: ..." that is the reason for the "Application failed codesign verification" error, and you can resolve it by performing the following steps:
1a). if you have not yet created an App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile yet, that is done on the "Distribution" tab of the "Provisioning" Section of the iOS Portal site.
Note, the "Distribution" tab is only available to Team Members whose role is either "Agent" (the one who signed up for the iOS Developer Program), or "Admin" (those that the Agent grant access to app-distribution capabilities).
1b). if you're fairly certain you have an App Store Distribution Provisioning Profile installed in your Xcode profile library, you can verify it is an App Store profile as well as the App ID associated to it by using the steps in section How do I confirm my Provisioning Profile is for App Store distribution?
2). verify that your Scheme 'Archive' task is mapped to "Release" using the steps in section:
"Creating an Application Archive"
3). check that you have an your App Store provisioning profile assigned to your "Release" Code Signing Identity using the steps in section
"Assigning Provisioning Profiles to Build Configurations".
Note: it's important to make these changes at the Target level Build Settings, versus the Project level ones, as Target settings override Project can think of the Project level build settings as 'defaults' to populate target settings (and any future targets) with. Also, Ensure the "All" button is depressed in the upper-left corner of Target Build Settings to reveal the "Code Signing Identity" section.
4). retry your Product > Archive.
If the issue persists after the above, I recommend continuing onto Apple's complete list of potential causes of this error at the following URL "How do I resolve the error: Application failed codesign verification?"
My problem was solved when I noticed that I only had a "team" provisioning profile, and the details in iOS Dev Center told me that it was not a profile fit for development because it had no device attached. So I created a second provisioning profile, which let me check the box for my device so that it had a device attached.
Then when validating or submitting the app from the Organizer window (after pressing 'Build and archive'), I first made the mistake of selecting this new profile as the code signing profile. That was wrong. The profile that worked was iPhone Developer.
Good luck!
PS: This whole submission process is a heap of abacadabra. Do you really have to create a zillion distribution profiles, provisioning profiles, etc.? It hasn't encouraged me in any way to better test my app. I already did that before I chose to upload, and clicking a hundred buttons labeled 'Create','Download' and 'Submit' isn't really a quality control process that added anything (well except being forced to buy an iPad and test on that). Who ever said iOS was developer friendly?
My problem was that the Archive scheme did not have Build Configuration of App Store, but of Release. To change this, go to Product -> Edit scheme, select Archive on left side and change Build Configuration to App Store. I am assuming the code signing is configured properly (with distribution certificate).
You probably created a new certificate without refreshing the provisioning profiles
Create your iOS Distribution Provisioning Profile for App Store Distribution
I solved this by deleting the Archive that's not validating from the Organizer, closed and reopened Xcode and built for Archiving again.
I then chose Archive from the drop down menu. After doing that my app passed validation.
Hope that helps.