Find the cluster of an input pattern - matlab

Suppose that I performed clustering of using SOM Toolbox in Matlab. After clustering, I have an input vector and I want to see which cluster this input belongs to? Any tips please on how to map an input pattern into a trained SOM map.

Once you have trained the SOM, you can classify a new input vector by assigning it to the nearest node in the grid (Best Matching Unit BMU) which have the closest weights. We predict the majority class of the training vectors belonging to that BMU node as the target class of the test instance.


How to map softMax output to labels in MXNet

In Deep learning the predictions are often encoded using one hot vector. I am using MXNet for creating a simple Neural Network which classifies images of animals as cats,dogs,horses etc. When I call the Predict method of MXNet it returns me a softmax output. Now, how do I determine that the index of the entry in the softmax output corresponding to maximum probability is Cats or Dogs or Horses. The softmax output only gives an array without any mapping of the results with the corresponding label.
This might help answering your question.
This example uses pretrained model to predict images and synset dataset.

Hybrid SOM (with MLP)

Could someone please provide some information on how to properly combine a self organizing map with a multilayer perceptron?
I recently read some articles about this technique in comparison to regular MLPs and it performed way better in prediction tasks. So, I want to use the SOM as front-end for dimension reduction by clustering the input data and pass the results to an MLP back-end.
My current idea of implementing it is it to train the SOM with a couple of training sets and to determine the clusters. Afterwards, I initialize the MLP with as many input units as SOM clusters. Next step would be to train the MLP using the SOM's output (which value?...weights of BMU?) as in input for the network (SOM's Output for the Cluster matching Input Unit and zeros for any other Input Units?).
There is no single way of doing that. Let me list some possibilities:
The one you describe. But then, your MLP will need to have K*D inputs, where K is the number of clusters and D is the input dimension. There is no dimensionality reduction.
Similar to your idea, but instead of using the weights, just send 1 for the BMU and 0 for the remaining clusters. Then your MLP will need K inputs.
Same as above, but instead of 1 or 0, send the distance from the input vector to each cluster.
Same as above, but instead of the distance, compute a Gaussian activation for each cluster.
Since the SOM preserves topology, send only the 2D coordinates of the BMU (possibly normalized between 0 and 1). Then your MLP will need only 2 inputs and you achieve real extreme dimensionality reduction.
You can read about those ideas and some more here: Principal temporal extensions of SOM: Overview. It is not about feeding the output of a SOM to a MLP, but a SOM to itself. But you'll be able to understand the various possibilities when trying to produce some output from a SOM.

3D coordinates as the output of a Neural Network

Neural Networks are mostly used to classify. So, the activation of a neuron in the output layer indicates the class of whatever you are classifying.
Is it possible (and correct) to design a NN to get 3D coordinates? This is, three output neurons with values in ranges, for example [-1000.0, 1000.0], each one.
Yes. You can use a neural network to perform linear regression, and more complicated types of regression, where the output layer has multiple nodes that can be interpreted as a 3-D coordinate (or a much higher-dimensional tuple).
To achieve this in TensorFlow, you would create a final layer with three output neurons, each corresponding to a different dimension of your target coordinates, then minimize the root mean squared error between the current output and the known value for each example.

Self organizing Maps and Linear vector quantization

Self organizing maps are more suited for clustering(dimension reduction) rather than classification. But SOM's are used in Linear vector quantization for fine tuning. But LVQ is a supervised leaning method. So to use SOM's in LVQ, LVQ should be provided with a labelled training data set. But since SOM's only do clustering and not classification and thus cannot have labelled data how can SOM be used as an input for LVQ?
Does LVQ fine tune the clusters in SOM?
Before using in LVQ should SOM be put through another classification algorithm so that it can classify the inputs so that these labelled inputs maybe used in LVQ?
It must be clear that supervised differs from unsupervised because in the first the target values are known.
Therefore, the output of supervised models is a prediction.
Instead, the output of unsupervised models is a label for which we don't know the meaning yet. For this purpose, after clustering, it is necessary to do the profiling of each one of those new label.
Having said so, you could label the dataset using an unsupervised learning technique such as SOM. Then, you should profile each class in order to be sure to understand the meaning of each class.
At this point, you can pursue two different path depending on what is your final objective:
1. use this new variable as a way for dimensionality reduction
2. use this new dataset featured with the additional variable representing the class as a labelled data that you will try to predict using the LVQ
Hope this can be useful!

MATLAB: Self-Organizing Map (SOM) clustering

I'm trying to cluster some images depending on the angles between body parts.
The features extracted from each image are:
angle1 : torso - torso
angle2 : torso - upper left arm
angle10: torso - lower right foot
Therefore the input data is a matrix of size 1057x10, where 1057 stands for the number of images, and 10 stands for angles of body parts with torso.
Similarly a testSet is 821x10 matrix.
I want all the rows in input data to be clustered with 88 clusters.
Then I will use these clusters to find which clusters does TestData fall into?
In a previous work, I used K-Means clustering which is very straightforward. We just ask K-Means to cluster the data into 88 clusters. And implement another method that calculates the distance between each row in test data and the centers of each cluster, then pick the smallest values. This is the cluster of the corresponding input data row.
I have two questions:
Is it possible to do this using SOM in MATLAB?
AFAIK SOM's are for visual clustering. But I need to know the actual class of each cluster so that I can later label my test data by calculating which cluster it belongs to.
Do you have a better solution?
Self-Organizing Map (SOM) is a clustering method considered as an unsupervised variation of the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). It uses competitive learning techniques to train the network (nodes compete among themselves to display the strongest activation to a given data)
You can think of SOM as if it consists of a grid of interconnected nodes (square shape, hexagonal, ..), where each node is an N-dim vector of weights (same dimension size as the data points we want to cluster).
The idea is simple; given a vector as input to SOM, we find the node closet to it, then update its weights and the weights of the neighboring nodes so that they approach that of the input vector (hence the name self-organizing). This process is repeated for all input data.
The clusters formed are implicitly defined by how the nodes organize themselves and form a group of nodes with similar weights. They can be easily seen visually.
SOM are in a way similar to the K-Means algorithm but different in that we don't impose a fixed number of clusters, instead we specify the number and shape of nodes in the grid that we want it to adapt to our data.
Basically when you have a trained SOM, and you want to classify a new test input vector, you simply assign it to the nearest (distance as a similarity measure) node on the grid (Best Matching Unit BMU), and give as prediction the [majority] class of the vectors belonging to that BMU node.
For MATLAB, you can find a number of toolboxes that implement SOM:
The Neural Network Toolbox from MathWorks can be used for clustering using SOM (see the nctool clustering tool).
Also worth checking out is the SOM Toolbox