iPhone action button image file available anywhere? - iphone

I'm working on an app and want to use the image from the action type toolbar button (the one with the arrow coming from the box that we often use for share etc) in a custom button. Is there some way I can get hold of the .png for it?

There is the open source UIKit artwork extractor project available at Github: https://github.com/0xced/UIKit-Artwork-Extractor

There's a mockup toolkit available for iOS SDK at http://blog.metaspark.com/2009/02/fireworks-toolkit-for-creating-iphone-ui-mockups/
Check the fourth image on right most column. I hope it contains the image you want.
You can download the mockup toolkit and open up with fireworks or photoshop to extract images from there. If you don't have these adobe softwares then the open source software GIMP is your good friend to extract the image.

There really is no need to duplicate the image content since its already in the framework.
Have a look at this code:
UIBarButtonItem *button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemAction target:self action:#selector(onActionButtonClicked:)];
The relevant portion being the initWithBarButtonSystemItem initialization method.
This question may also be more useful in answering this question than the selected answer.


which multi-selection can be implemented in iphone (Registration page)

I have multi-selection dialog(drop-down) in Android where user selects all options applicable to him in registration page.What can be used in Iphone for the same purpose ?
And selecting a few options will unhide few textfields which is mandatory to fill.
Let me know what can be my approach.Please share any open source code links.
Thanks in advance.
No, there is no such thing within the iOS SDK and that is for a good reason - those elements are just not pretty, funky and usable well enough when acting on a touch display.
Consider using UIPickerView or UISegmentedControl instead. Maybe also have a look at Action Sheet.

UILabel with Link with more than one line

i want to use UILabel with link.
for that i am using IFTweetLabel which is finding any link and showing a line under it and it is clickable.
but if a string is big then only first line is getting hyperlink instead of complete URL.
as an issue with https://github.com/clawoo/IFTweetLabel/issues/3.
so is there any other option for it , or other library ?
First you have to import RegexKitLite framework. Go through this link. Surely this will help you. It gives same thing as you want.
First thing I would like to suggest is
Use UITextView with editing property as NO and it will automatically detect all the links separately similar like the one you need.
textview.editable = NO;
textview.dataDetectorTypes = UIDataDetectorTypeAll;
If you still want to go with UILabel then
You can achieve this by using NSArrtibutedStrings — but I would recommend to use some wrapper around this C-functions. I like OHAttributedLabel.
The demo included shows exactly, how hyperlinks can be handled.
You should give a try to three20 project.
what is the reason for not using UITextView..there is link detection property for UITextView.Your app is not going to get rejected

dynamic button text iphone

If you want to make a multilingual button on a native iPhone app, where it can be one language by default, but based on your settings, show different text on the same button, how would you go about it?
Is it also possible to style (e.g. with text-shadows and custom fonts) the text on the button?
I'm not an iOS developer, but I'm attempting to provide designs for an iOS developer and don't understand the limitations (yet) when going from CSS3 to iOS UI elements.
So far, iOS development appears to be like creating image-maps where none of the CSS logic is applicable from web development and almost all UI elements appear to need all states as flattened images. I thought the controls were more dynamic but haven't found the right terminology for results from google to be very forthcoming on the topic.
U can use NSLocalizedString for multilingual text on button.
Configuring Button Title
titleLabel property
reversesTitleShadowWhenHighlighted property
– setTitle:forState:
– setTitleColor:forState:
– setTitleShadowColor:forState:
– titleColorForState:
– titleForState:
– titleShadowColorForState:
Also set Custom font like this:
yourButton.titleLabel.font = [UIFont fontWithName:#"Courier" size:22.0];
if u want to add gradient to button then u will have to use CALayer like this:
yourButton.layer = //any modification in button's layer here
For more refer UIButton class reference

how to do localization for iphone

i got button....
displays on button
when i selected localization.....
i need to display
for search button its displays Zoeken...
#All thanks in advance.
You should look at NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue:
NSString *buttonTitle = NSLocalizedStringWithDefaultValue(#"KEY", nil, [NSBundle mainBundle], #"VISIBLE_DESCRIPTION", #"DEVELOPER_DESCRIPTION");
[aButton setTitle:buttonTitle forState:UIControlState...];
You'll then need to provide the relevant localization files in your project for the languages you intended on targeting.
As a top level skim, you can create per-locale NIB and string resource files using the built-in internationalisation capabilites.
However, this is quite a broad topic (there's an entire section of the Apple developer site dedicated entirely to internationalisation, complete with sample code, etc.), so what you need to do it read the documents there, look at the sample code and then ask a more targeted question if you get stuck/have a specific issue.

Using standard refresh button

I'm trying to display a small refresh button using UIButton in a standard UIView using the refresh icon built into UIKit. If I use an UIBarButtonItem it can be created as a refresh button, but I've had no luck in using this icon in other places.
So far I've tried to "steal" the refresh image of a UIBarButtonItem using the code below, but the image returned is nil:
UIBarButtonItem *temp = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithBarButtonSystemItem:UIBarButtonSystemItemRefresh target:nil action:nil];
self.refreshButton.imageView.image = temp.image;
[temp release];
Any suggestions, or do I have to provide a refresh image myself?
Here's the png, straight from the OS:
You'll have to either make one yourself, hire a designer, or find a free one somewhere that you can use. The Toolbar buttons can only be used inside of a toolbar.
Glyphish has a free set of icons, including a "refresh" icon, which you can use if you agree to the Creative Commons Attribution license terms.
I don't know that Apple would allow you to use their UI images in a way they deem inappropriate, but you could always try a screenshot and store the image in your project yourself. You can run a sample in the simulator to get an easy screenshot on your development machine.
Failing that, I've found a ton of excellent icons sets at http://icons.mysitemyway.com/
IN OS X, you can get that icon with NSImageNameRefreshTemplate, check the doc "System-Provided Icons". But for iOS, system provided icons are not exposed to our developers I think.