Videojs Poster Image Does not Display - Need Poster Image to Display when Device Doesn't allow Auto Play - iphone

I have a website with a video in the header that is set to auto play when the page loads. It works great on all web browsers except for iPhone and iPad. I recently discovered that the iPhone won't allow auto play, which explains why when I open it up on the iPhone there is a black box with a line through the play button where the video should be. I can't even get it to load on the iPad. I haven't been able to test on Android or the other mobile devices since I don't own any of them. Btw: I am using Video.js.
Here's what I'm trying to do and need some help: Since my video has to auto play, I want to have the poster image display rather than the video if a particular device like the iPhone won't allow auto play. Is this possible?? I tried, but I can't get the poster image to show though. Instead, it just shows that ugly black box with play button with a line through it. I need help getting the poster image to display instead. I thought this would happen automatically but it isn't. Does anyone know how to do this? I even wondered if there's a way to write a fallback statement that says something like this: "If no auto play then display image." I've seen fallback statements for Flash, so why not have one for a device that doesn't allow auto play. I'm trying to get the code right, but I'm not a php expert so I need some help. Your help is appreciated thank you.


How to record screen to video on iPhone with openGL (view preview layer) and UIkit elements?

I have searched everywhere and tried mixing and matching different bits of code but I haven't found anything that works or anyone with the same question.
Basically I want to be able to create video demos of iPhone apps that include standard UIKit elements and also the image coming from the camera (video preview layer). I don't want to use airPlay or iOS simulator to project onto the desktop then capture because I want to be able to make videos outside in public. I have successfully been able to video capture the screen with this code but with the video preview layer being blank. I read that its because its using openGL and what I'm capturing is from the CPU, not the GPU. I have successfully used GPUImage from Brad Larson to capture the video preview layer but it doesn't capture the rest of the UIView. I have seen code that combines both and converts to an image but I'm not sure if that would be too slow for realtime video capture. Can someone point me in the right direction?
It might not be the cleanest solution, but it will work nonetheless: did you consider jailbreaking? I hope Apple does sue me for this one but if you really want to record your screen then simply install a screen recorder. Enough options can be found:
And if you don't like it: recover your phone for a previous backup.
(for the record: I'm against jailbreaking and posting this from a productivity point of view)

Screen recording in iphone

I want to make a screen recorder with iphone.
Is it possible to do that?
If yes how can i implement a screen recorder with xcode, anybody can help me.
I know how to implement(i mean the logic),that is add pictures to a video file in a regular interval.but how can i do this with iphone sdk
Help me...
Assuming you mean a standard iPhone which is not jailbroken:
No, you can't. You could write an app that captured images of its own display when running, but you can't capture the screen in general (e.g. the home screen, or other apps' screens). It's not the sort of software Apple would allow, even if you found a way to hack around it (which I imagine wouldn't be possible).
What about this? It seems to indicate that video screen capture and saving (using the UIGetScreenImage function) is now allowed by Apple.

Website-Navigation disabled on iOS

I have a very rare problem on iOS (iphone).
i developed the site with a videoclip which also runs on ios. but it plays in the background because on top is the navigation with z-index. but it is not accessible from ios. kind of disabled because of the videoclip. you may want to try it with an iphone and you see you cant click through the siteā€¦
how to solve this? i want to keep the navigation above the video
I think this has something to do with how iOS deals with the videoclip, so I am not sure that you can do anything about it directly.
Why don't you make the div containing the flash player (id player) smaller on the iphone?
In fact, on the iphone your flash video is not shown in place, there is anyway a change of view, so there is no need of having it full screen either. Of course, you should make your flash player div smaller only for iOS, not other browsers, where it is fine that it is full screen...

Issue exiting video after playing(ios phonegap app)

I am currently using iwebkit and phonegap together. Once everything is compiled and tested on an idevice, I can click a video link and get it to play. It play full screen but it uses the ios web video player (the one that doesn't have the "done" button" and the top and has a bar that spans the bottom of the screen. I can then press the full screen button to have it use the regular ios media player but when i click done from that, it doesn't take me back to the part of the app before the video, it just takes me to the full screen video in the web player. I hope someone can help me solve this and I hope I was able to describe my problem in a clear way. I've spent 2 hours searching and have come up with nothing.
I'm having the same problem. iOS 4.3.x introduced this problem as far as I can tell. There's a few comments about it on Apple's developer site but so far I haven't found any solution. Part of the problem seems to be Phonegap because I experience the exact same thing you describe when running the compiled app. However, if I simply browse to the same HTML pages it seems to work fine. Note - I changed from directly linking to video files to using the HTML5 tag. Using the tag works better than direct linking in Phonegap -- the videos still open in the player but when you click the Done button it returns to where it was. Keep in mind that if you do this the video will be on the inline in the page and paused but when you click the play button it opens in the player. The only problem I've found with this solution is that it won't rotate when you change from portrait to landscape when running in the phonegap app but it does rotate when browsing to the video in mobile safari. Not sure if any of that helps. I would be interested in what you've been able to work out since you posted.

Creating an interactive full motion video game using HTML5

The basic parts of this full motion video game is:
The user is shown a video clip which either plays to the end or can be skipped. A clip could be something like a character talking or of a location. Some of the clips might loop until the user clicks something e.g. the clip might show birds flying in the park.
The user is presented with several choices that are overlaid over the video clip at some point where the choices are things like "1. go to the park" or "2. ask the man about the park".
Each choice is linked with another video clip and another set of choices e.g. if the user picks option 2, they are shown a video of the man responding and can then follow up with more questions.
I'd like the above to look seamless and presentable. For example, video clips and text options should fade in and out and I'd like the page to be fullscreen.
Would it be possible to do the above in HTML5 while supporting most desktop and mobile browsers? Would some other language be more appropriate? I'd rather not use Flash, primarily because then I cannot easily support iOS.
From doing some research, the above seems easily possible in all modern browsers on desktop machines with the caveat that there doesn't appear to be any reliable way to make an HTML5 page go full screen, unlike Flash. The iOS situation looks grim: as far as I know video clips will only play once the user has clicked on the clip and I'm not sure if I can overlay buttons on these. I've also read that the video tag can be buggy on Android.
Can anyone comment on what approach I can use for addressing these issues?
More info:
I have no constraints about it being server or client hosted.
I know I can't realistically get this to work on every browser out there so I'm really asking: without having to write several ports of the game, what approach can I use to target a sizeable audience?
Can HTML 5 embed video? Certainly. Will it work on most desktop and mobile browsers? Well, define 'most'. If we're talking pure numbers, then no. Lots of the planet still using IE <8 on the desktop and Symbian on the Nokias.
The bigger issue, IMHO, is that video on a mobile device is typically handled by the device. I'm not sure you can over-ride that. For instance, on an iPhone, if I click an embedded video, it pops it out as it's own full-screen video. You'd have to experiment and see if you have any control over that.
Finally, is this a server hosted game? If so, grabbing a bunch of videos over a cell network may not be the idea user experience.