As asked here, I need to run a Circumflex action only if a condition is met. Currently, I do it like this:
get("/") = requireLogin {
Now Circumflex supports Matchers, which can be put right within the get() specification:
get("/mail" & Host("localhost"))
How can I write my own matcher, so the above requireLogin gets closer to the Circumflex style? I wish to write something like this:
get("/" & IsLoggedIn) = {
Here is a simple implementation. All it takes is to define an object with the desired name, extending from AtomicMatcher (as this one implements add() etc) and implement the name and apply methods:
object IsLoggedIn extends AtomicMatcher {
def name = "IsLoggedIn"
def apply = {
// Not shown: figuring out whether user is logged in or not
if(loggedIn) {
Some(List(new MatchResult(name)))
else {
throw new ResponseSentException;
If the user is logged in (ie. the action can be executed), you need to return a list of at least one MatchResult. If you don't want to execute the action, do something else and either return None or throw a ResponseSentException, which seems to be the preferred way.
I'm trying to make a search bar with only one variable - the search input. I'm sure there's a fairly simple way to do this, but everything that I've found about getting input from the DOM (the views file) has been about using a Form and getting multiple variables. Is there a simpler way to do this if it's just a single variable?
I have a function in my Applications
def singleElement = Action { implicit request =>
val databaseSupport = new InteractWithDatabase(comm, db)
val put = Future {
while (true) {
val data = databaseSupport.getFromDatabase()
if (data.nonEmpty) {
comm.communicator ! data.head
I want to take some input from the user on the page singleElement and pass it into getFromDatabase which calls a MySQL query. How do I do this?
You can use restful and do something like this
routs file
GET /content/search/:search
and in controller:
public Result search(String saerch) {}
OK, what I'm trying to do is fairy complicated, but I'll try to explain.
Let's say we want (at compile-time) all derivedMembers of class someClass. Then we'd simply do :
const string[] methods = [__traits(derivedMembers,someClass)];
Now, how could we get someClass from "someClass"? (yep, its string representation).
Let me explain a bit more what I'm trying to do :
I want to create an "intermediate" function which takes a function name as an argument (along with a params array) and calls the appropriate function from a list of available static methods in a specific (predefined) set of classes. Like execute("someFunc",["one","two","three"]);.
Here's the full (test) code :
class Math {
static string noArgs(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
static string withOneArg(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
static string withTwoArgs(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
string cases()
string ret = "";
const string[] methods = [__traits(derivedMembers,Math)];
foreach (string s; methods)
ret ~= "case \"" ~ s ~ "\": return Math."~s~"(params);";
return ret;
string execute(string what, string[] params)
switch (what)
default: break;
return "";
The trouble with the above code is that it only looks for methods in Math. How could I change it, in an elegant D-friendly way, so that it'll go through an array of classes like [Math,String,SomethingElse] -- it doesn't have to be variable (we need it at compile-time anyway)?
Tried something along the lines of :
const string[] methods = [__traits(derivedMembers,mixin("Math")];
but it complains that Cannot interpret Math at compile time.
Also, tried using Object.factory("Math") but it's still not working. (Perhaps I'm just creating an instance of the Math class?)
Let me rewrite this to show you some cool tricks:
import std.stdio;
class Math {
static string noArgs(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
static string withOneArg(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
static string withTwoArgs(string[] s) { writeln(s); return ""; }
class String {
static string oneArg(string[] s) { return null; }
string execute(string what, string[] params) {
import std.string;
auto parts = what.split(".");
auto className = parts[0];
auto methodName = parts[1];
import std.typetuple;
switch(className) {
default: assert(0, "unknown class");
foreach(possibleClass; TypeTuple!(Math, String)) {
case possibleClass.stringof:
switch(methodName) {
default: assert(0, "unknown method");
foreach(memberName; __traits(derivedMembers, possibleClass)) {
case memberName:
return __traits(getMember, possibleClass, memberName)(params);
void main() {
execute("Math.withOneArg", ["cool"]);
execute("String.oneArg", ["cool"]);
Notice that there are no mixin expressions used at all. Instead of getting an instance of the class from a string, I just made a TypeTuple of all the classes I wanted to use. This is preferable to mixin because then it is less likely to find name classes when used in different scopes; if possibleClasses were a compile-time parameter to execute from a different module, the list of classes would still work, whereas the list of strings would see undefined identifier errors because the library module doesn't import your user module.
Another mixin I removed was the one to generate the cases. This looks insane, but is allowed in D: if you have a compile-time foreach (that is, a foreach over a built-in tuple of some sort, e.g. TypeTuple, template argument lists, the results of __traits...) you can actually put case statements inside them!
So, all you have to do is write a regular switch statement on the run time variable you want to compare against, put the foreach inside it looping over the compile-time stuff you're searching for, case that_loop_var: and boom, you're in business.
Similarly, I used __traits(getMember) rather than a mixin string to call the method. This solution will help avoid name clashes and IMO is cleaner code. It can also potentially handle overloads, if wanted (with __traits(getOverloads) instead of __traits(getMember), you can loop over each one then and match the parameter types).
Finally, nesting switches inside other case statements is allowed. If you need to break out of an outer loop or switch and don't want ambiguity, you can label loops and switches and use break label_name_here; to specify which one you want to break from. Ditto for continue with nested loops.
BTW you could also automatically generate the wrapper functions that convert string[] to other types of arguments if you dove into the std.traits stuff. I wish my book was out already, I wrote about this at some length in there and don't feel like writing it all right now but if you look at std.traits.ParameterTypeTuple and ReturnType in the same module that will get you started if you wanna try it.
The scenario:
I have two different Api calls to make (across the web). ApiCall1, ApiCall2. Eventually ApiCall1 will return an Option[Catalogue] and ApiCall2 will return a Seq[Catalogue]
I then need to take these two and build a FrontPage object. During the instantiation of the FrontPage object it creates a Seq[NewProducts]. Everytime it makes a NewProduct the NewProduct must also call a MongoDB across the web inside a Future. Every Future must have completed prior to handing the FrontPage object off to the view.
Here is the code for the FrontPage class:
case class FrontPage(maybeCat1: Option[Catalogue], maybeCat2: Seq[Catalogue]) {
val newProducts:Seq[NewProduct] = { { cat =>
Here is the code so far for the NewProduct class:
case class NewProduct(cat:Catalogue) {
val indivProduct:Option[IndivProduct] = {
// ???
// This next line goes out to Mongo and returns a Future[List[JsObject]]
val indiv:Future[List[JsObject]] = MongoFetch.getIndivProduct(cat)
//need to strip out the 'Future', wait for it to return?
val listJS = indiv .. ???? // <-- need just the List[JsObject]]
return IndivProduct(listJs) // <-- constructs a new Option[IndivProduct]
Here is the code so far for the controller:
def landing() = Action.async {
for {
catalogue1 <- models.Granite.getCatalogue("front-page") // <- ApiCall1
catalogue2 <- models.Granite.getCatalogue("tags") // <- ApiCall2
} yield {
//??? How to now build the FrontPage object
// surely it also depends on the future?
val fp = FrontPage(catalogue1, catalogue2)
Ok(views.html.frontpage.landing(fp)) // <- at this point all futures must have returned.
I really want to be able to pass a nice neat FrontPage object to the View (and hence the designers) with a really simple set of function defined on it for them to template with. All the futures must return. Catalogue1 and Catalogue2 are not dependent on anything or even each other. Creating a Seq[NewProducts] inside the FrontPage object is depending on both of them having returned. And I can not then pass the FrontPage object to the view until it to has returned the NewProducts from Mongo.
This level of complexity is above what I am used to. I am getting confused with where and when to use for/yield comprehensions. I am afraid that this will somehow just block because the Futures are too far embedded in a case class, within a case class. The very top level of the controller is wrapped in an Async, so will this mean that any and all Futures within that Async call will be non-blocking?
See the futures as steps to get to a fully complete front page, not parts of it and think what each little part of those steps would be.
For example, to construct an instance of NewProduct, create a method that talks to the db and returns the future completed NewProduct instances.
case class NewProduct(cat:Catalogue, indiv: Option[IndivProduct])
def newProductFor(cat: Catalogue): Future[NewProduct] =
for {
listJs <- MongoFetch.getIndivProduct(cat)
} yield NewProduct(cat, IndivProduct(listJs))
You can then create your front page, again, in a function/method that handles the loading/future:
case class FrontPage(
maybeCat1: Option[Catalogue],
maybeCat2: Seq[Catalogue],
newProducts: Seq[NewProduct])
def loadFrontPage: Future[FrontPage] =
for {
catalogue1 <- models.Granite.getCatalogue("front-page")
tags <- models.Granite.getCatalogue("tags")
newProducts <- loadNewProducts(tags)
} yield FrontPage(catalogue1, tags, newProducts)
def loadNewProducts(catalogues: Seq[Catalogue]): Future[Seq[NewProduct]] = {
Future.traverse(catalogues) { catalogue =>
Note Future.traverse which takes a collection with A:s in and a function that goes from A => Future[B] and returns a Future[collection[B]].
You can then call that in an async controller to feed to a template:
def page() = Action.async {
for {
frontPage <- loadFrontPage
} yield Ok(views.some.template(frontPage))
I have a global filter that I would like to implement in my scalatra based API. For the sake of simplicity, I want ANY API call that has a variable foo with a value bar to throw a 403. I started this problem with an inheritance chain.
class NoFooBarRouter extends ScalatraServlet{
before() {
if(params.getOrElse("foo", "") == "bar") //params is empty here.
halt(403, "You are not allowed here")
class APIRouter extends NoFooBarRouter{
get("/someurl/:foo") {
"Hello world!"
This does not work. During the debug process, I noticed that the params variable is always empty regardless of whether there is a param or not. Is there a better approach or is there another method to extract the params from the before filter?
The params are not filled out during the before method. You can override the invoke method.
class NoFooBarRouter extends ScalatraServlet{
override def invoke(matchedRoute: MatchedRoute): Option[Any] = {
val foo = params.getOrElse("foo", "")
if(foo =="bar")
halt(403, "You are not authorized for the requested client.")
In the Circumflex framework, you can map an URL to a block like this:
get("/foo") = {
"hello, world!"
which, when browsing to /foo, will show the given string as expected. Now, to write a complete web application, you almost always need some form of authentication and authorisation. I'm trying to write some kind of wrapper for the above construct, so I can write this:
get("/foo") = requireLogin {
"hello, world!"
The requireLogin method would then check if the user is logged in, and if yes, execute the given block. If not, however, it should do a redirect to the login page.
Now I somehow can't get the syntax right (i'm still a Scala newbie). How would you do this in a generic fashion?
Try something like this:
def executeMaybe[A](work: => A): Option[A] =
if (util.Random.nextBoolean)
This executes the passed code with probability 0.5, returning Some(<result delivered by work>), or returns None is the other cases. You can call it either like this:
val v = executeMaybe(42)
or with block notation:
val v = executeMaybe {
// do some work
// provide return value
The trick is to use a by-name parameter, signalled by the => symbol. Read more e.g. here:
The way I asked it, Jean-Philippe's answer is correct.
But here's some information specific to Circumflex:
In the Circumflex RequestRouter, the following can be used to implement the required method:
def requireLogin (f: => RouteResponse ): RouteResponse = {
if(loggedIn) {
return f
else {
return sendRedirect("/login")
The reason behind this was getting clear with the hint from Jean-Philippe's answer, and once I remembered that the following call isn't an assignment of a block to some internal data, but is mapped to another method call instead.
So, the call
get("/") = {...}
is actually mapped to this:
get.update("/", {...})
The block is passed in as a By-Name parameter, so the return value of requireLogin must be the same - which, for Circumflex, is RouteResponse, and not a function.
You also can use j2ee container authentication with <login-config> and <security-constraint> stuff inside web.xml