How to add my app to iPhone's Search Screen? - iphone

Is it possible to add my app to the iPhone's search screen? I mean, when the user types some search terms on the search screen, is it possible that my app appears on the list so the user can select it and search there?

Currenly there's no public Spotlight API in iOS (it is available to Apple apps only). Such an API exists on the Mac, hopefully we'll see it on iOS soon too.

No, it's not possible to add items from your app to the iPhone search screen. The user can find your app if they enter a search string found in the title of your app (e.g. "foo", if your app is called "MyFoo"), but the iPhone search screen won't search your app's documents.

If I understand your question correctly...
Your app should be showing as a result if you start typing in your app name.
As long as its installed on the phone. Make sure to include your icons for that screen in the bundle.
small-icon#2x.png 58x58 pixels
small-icon.png 29x29 pixels


How to dismiss navigation bars on iphone iOS8 Mobile Safari when using tap drag and swipe gesture over the entire webpage

I work on a fullscreen iphone web application using gestures like tap, drag and swipes over the entire webpage. Minimal-ui was the best solution found for this kind of project.
According to Apple Specifications:
The minimal-ui viewport property is no longer supported in iOS 8.
What is the new way to simulate the old minimal-ui behavior?
Here is some information on telling iOS that a webpage is webapp-compatible so users can save it to their home screens and use it as if it were a separate app, with absolutely no safari controls visible.
From the apple developer docs:
A web application is designed to look and behave in a way similar to a native application—for example, it is scaled to fit the entire screen on iOS. You can tailor your web application for Safari on iOS even further, by making it appear like a native application when the user adds it to the Home screen. You do this by using settings for iOS that are ignored by other platforms.
On iOS, as part of optimizing your web application, have it use the standalone mode to look more like a native application. When you use this standalone mode, Safari is not used to display the web content—specifically, there is no browser URL text field at the top of the screen or button bar at the bottom of the screen. Only a status bar appears at the top of the screen.
Your web application can link to other built-in iOS apps by creating a link with a special URL. Available functionality includes calling a phone number, sending an SMS or iMessage, and opening a YouTube video in its native app if it is installed.
This would enable you to completely hide the safari navigation AND link to other built-in functionality such as placing a phone call or composing an SMS.

Apple App Store not showing correct icon in iOS 7

I've updated one of my apps to support both iOS6 and iOS7. After the update was approved, the icon for the app in search results is incorrect on iOS7.
As you can see, the icon is correct on the app page, but not correct in the search results page (you can tell by the rounded corners). It is showing the iOS6 icon in the search results.
I setup the icons for the projects with the new method that uses the Images.xcassets folder. In iTunesConnect, I uploaded the new icon, and the iTunesArtwork and iTunesArtwork#2x files are both the correct versions.
I'm fairly convinced this is an issue on Apple's end. Here is a thread on another website about the same issue:
iOS7 App store search icons. Btw, if you check various apps in the App Store, you can see that a lot of them have this common problem, the icon displayed in search results is the incorrect/iOS6 version.
Anybody know what the deal is? This is so annoying.
I had the same problem with one of my apps on iOS7. It seems it is an issue on Apple's side.
I had everything setup correctly in Xcode, but the icon displayed in search results was wrong.
In the last update I finally solved the problem. It seems Apple always takes "Icon#2x.png" for search results on the App Store. It doesn't matter what you set in Images.xcassets or Info.plist. Apple will probably fix the problem soon, for the moment you can just replace the "Icon#2x.png" file.
If you were looking for an answer to this problem, this isn't the answer you were looking for. I feel that it is too late in the game for Apple to do anything about this issue, since at this point nobody cares about iOS6. Therefore, the best course of action is to just make all icons for iOS7, meaning if you have a border in your icon, make the roundness of the border match iOS7 for all sizes. This will result in the icon looking slightly weird on an iOS6 device, but at this point that is an extremely minor issue.

iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Launch image really necessary?

When trying to upload a binary to App Store, I get the following response in an email:
"iPhone 5 Optimization Requirement - Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5. As of May 1, all new iPhone apps and app updates submitted must support the 4-inch display on iPhone 5. All apps must include a launch image of the appropriate size. Learn more about iPhone 5 support by reviewing the iOS Human Interface Guidelines."
Also, the status of the app is "Illegal binary".
I've read that I must include a launch image called "Default-568h#2x.png". Question is: My app was not intending to have a launch image at all. Am I really required to have a launch image now?
Yes you must include one. Not only does the launch image give the hint to the OS about the app's iPhone 5 (4" screen) support, but launch images in general are required:
From Apple's Interface Guidelines
To enhance the user’s experience at app launch, you must provide at least one launch image. A launch image looks very similar to the first screen your app displays. iOS displays this image instantly when the user starts your app and until the app is fully ready to use. As soon as your app is ready for use, your app displays its first screen, replacing the launch placeholder image.
Generally, design a launch image that is identical to the first screen of the app.
So really, making a launch image that is about the same as the first screen of your app (e.g. if the first screen is a UITableViewController with a toolbar and navigation bar, perhaps the screen looks like an empty navigation bar, an empty toolbar, and an empty table view, which then suddenly all become populated as soon as your app really gets going), is the way to go for the best user experience.
If really you don't want or need this, then make the default images just be black.
Yes, as stated, as of May 1, 2013, all new apps and app updates must provide support for the new iPhone 5 4-inch display.
The way to indicate that your app supports (has been tested with) the new iPhone 5 resolution is to simply include the launch image for that device.
You can simply create a black .png image (which is what your other default launch images are anyway) that is 640 x 1136 pixels and use that as the launch image for that device.
Simply including the new splash screen image (Default-568h#2x.png) is not enough
You must re-build your project with the iOS 6.0 SDK (or newer) - which supports iPhone 5
So if you're still using an older SDK, update your XCode in the App Store first
Yes. from 1st May, you can't upload application with out including Default-568h#2x.png in your application.

iOS Delete Button - Objective C

I was wondering where does one get access to iOS delete button. This is the button that Apple uses to close the iAd window, and for deleting iPhone apps from the home screen, and also the Twitter App uses it to delete the photo that you add to a tweet. Do they just download this image somewhere or is there an option for it somewhere like for the info button, and the detail disclosure.
I also found that Growl uses this icon along with Lion's Mission Control...
You can use UIKit Artwork Extractor to extract about any iOS artwork that is not public. Just search for close and you will find several close button png images.
Apple doesn't make that image available, unfortunately.
This iPad template has the icon you want, though, in a PSD:
If it's actually an image and the iOS Simulator displays it, it should be hidden somewhere inside the Simulator frameworks or support files.
What, you mean the circle with an X in it? It's pretty easy to make your own, either in an image editor or just drawing it in code. I can guarantee you that's what the Twitter app did.

Iphone working with icons

I want to write a simple program which can customize iphone icons like their positions or something like theme creators. and I want to know how some programs' settings are in the iphone main setting tab. I really need help.
thanx in advance
If you mean you want to retheme the springboard (the place where apps icons are displayed) you can't. If you want to retheme things inside your own application it is doable, but it really depends on the design of your application.
To get your apps settings into the Settings app you just need to add a Settings.bundle to your app, which a plist describing the preferences. There is documentation for it here.
There's an app that already does this for jailbroken iPhones. It's called iconoclasm, you can get it from Cydia.