How to render SVG images in iphone without uiwebview? - iphone

I want to render SVG images in iPhone without using a UIWebView. How can I do that?
I have checked these 2 links:
The above project on Github shows 102 errors showing UIKit framework missing and others and I are also not able to add that framework.
I think the application is for MacOS not for iOS.
The project on the above url shows the error when i build the project.
Target specifies product type '', but there's no such product type for the 'iPhoneOS' platform.
Does anyone know how to solve that? Or other useful working examples that I can use for that? I want to render SVG's on iPhone.
UPDATE: I have got working SVGKit working by reading instructions. But when I tried to make project working which iI downloaded from Github (
) I got following errors:
1) UIKit/UIKit.h: No such file or directory (I am not able to add it using add existing framework)
2) Libxml/tree.h: No such file or directory
3) Expected specifier-qualifier-listbefore 'xmlParserCtxtPtr'.
Does anyone know that how to resolve it and make it work?

Jason Morrissey, author of the extremely excellent Alien Blue app, the best iOS Reddit client on the store (can you tell I'm a fan? I'm also a beta tester.) recently put up his SVGKit framework, which renders SVG images as Core Animation layers. I haven't used it, but I know it exists.
And then, look... if you're just getting lots of errors when you bring in other people's classes, my strong suspicion is that you're not following their "how to use" instructions. They'll mostly tell you what frameworks are required and what platforms they support. Every time I've tried to use something like this and had a compilation bloodbath, I've gone back and found some installation instruction step I missed.

I just managed to compile SVGFlashRenderer.
For iOS you need to open the project from the directory SVGRendererTouch.
And don't forget to separately download contents of the lib/MROGeometry dir from github (just follow the link in the source tree).
P.S. For me, the best working solution was SVGKit, but not the version from Jason Morissey (mentioned in another answer), but a fork from reklis. It has many bugs fixed and works in a much more correct way.

It's easy.
SVGKImage *svgImg = [SVGKImage imageNamed:#"add-control-panel"];
SVGKFastImageView *imgView = [[SVGKFastImageView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(10, 100, 420, 280)];
imgView.image = svgImg;
[self.view addSubview:imgView];


Issue with FilePicker in BlackBerry 10

I've being trying to implement a native File picker on BlackBerry 10 today, I linked it against the required Library -lbbcascadespickers
Included <bb/cascades/pickers/FilePicker> that links to the FilePicker.hpp class and all seems fine, but when I try to create a new File picker it says "error: 'FilePicker' was not declared in this scope"
Code is as follows:
FilePicker* filePicker = new FilePicker();
filePicker->setTitle("Select Picture");
// Connect the fileSelected() signal with the slot.
SIGNAL(fileSelected(const QStringList&)),
SLOT(onFileSelected(const QStringList&)));
// Connect the canceled() signal with the slot.
I'm brand new to BlackBerry development so don't really know what to do, I've cleaned the project and built it many times but it won't play.
I was going by the example on BlackBerry's website:
I wanted to open it from QML (I'm using Qt Quick and not BB components)
If anyone can help it will be deeply appreciated
The compiler can't find FilePicker. So either use a using to tell the compiler where to look:
using namespace bb::cascades::pickers;
or fully qualify the name of the class:
bb::cascades::pickers::FilePicker* filePicker = new FilePicker();

how to run games or apps within one project --iPhone/iPad/iOS

I want to add a game into my current project, the game and my current project are two separate projects, so how could I combine them to one?
I have thought of two possible solutions:
Merge the source code. But I don't want to do this, as it's so much trouble and very cumbersome.
Packaging the game into .app or .ipa or .a or something else, then import this game package to project, but I don't know how to run it with Objective-C code.
In fact, the second method is described below.
NSWorkspace *workspacce = [NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace]; 
NSString * appPath = [[workspacce activeApplication] objectForKey:#"NSApplicationPath"];
appPath = [appPath stringByDeletingLastPathComponent]; 
appPath = [appPath stringByAppendingPathComponent:#"/"];
[workspacce launchApplication:appPath];
[[NSWorkspace sharedWorkspace] launchApplication:#"a`enter code here`ppName"] ;
Does anyone have a more effective or simple solution?
I think merging is the only option. Because it's not allowed to launch another App.
Apps that install or launch other executable code will be rejected
Chapter 2 Functionality point 2.8 written in the terms.

How can I embed the OpenEars framework in my application?

How can I embed the OpenEars framework in my application?
When I download the sample project form this website it gives me 20 errors and (gcc- exit code 1 error)
If you have any tutorials for this project then please share it with me.
Without any description of what the errors are it's impossible to say what the issue is, but if you look at the first tutorial page for OpenEars here (this is what Jano is referring to):
And read onwards from the line "If (and only if) you get multiple build errors, you may have to take one more step of assigning the base SDK for the library and sample app" and follow the instructions and images there step by step, there is a good chance it will help with your problem. I agree with Jano that you should systematically go through the steps in the tutorial starting on the page I've linked and make sure you have downloaded the libraries and run the configuration script just as it says.
Jano, that is odd with the codesigning, I'll look into it.

How to use omnigroup framework in an iOS project?

I need to be able to write and read from a rtf file in iOS.
The omnigroup framework has the 2 classes i am looking for :
I managed to build the frameworks but i cant figure out how to integrate theses classes in my own project.
I had the following frameworks to my project :
I still get some undefined identifier such as :
Has anybody been able to use the omnigroup framework in your own project ?
We do need some better documentation for this, but the TextEditor example app in OmniUI/iPad/Examples/TextEditor may be a good starting point for seeing how we include the frameworks in our apps.
In this particular case, you may prefer to pull out the OUIRTFReader class and any dependencies it needs from OmniAppKit and OmniFoundation into your project. updating the #imports to be "..." instead of <OmniThis/AndOmniThat.h>.
Perhaps you could try following the instructions given as part of this thread on the Omni Group forums. They appear to have been able to build the framework under the iOS 4.2 SDK.
I don't think you want the OmniAppKit framework, as that is just for the Mac.

how to integrate ASIHTTPRequest to iphone project

I am trying to add ASIHTTPRequest library to my iphone project
i followed these lines
Integrating ASIHTTPRequest
ASIHTTPRequest is a powerful open source library written by Ben Copsey from All-Seeing Interactive (and he’s a fellow cocos2d developer too!) It makes it easy to post data and files, and has tons of other great features too like cache support, easy access to HTTP headers, cookie support, and much more.
So let’s add ASIHTTPRequest to our project. Take the following steps:
1. Download the latest version of ASIHTTPRequest.
2. Back in FBFun, right click FBFun under “Groups & Files”, click “Add\New Group”, and name the group “ASIHTTPRequest”.
3. Drag all of the files from the “pokeb-asi-http-request-xxx\Classes” to your new group. Make sure “Copy items into destination group’s folder (if needed)” is checked, and click “Add”.
4. Repeat the above for the 2 files in “pokeb-asi-http-request-xxx\External\Reachability”.
5. Right click the Frameworks folder, and click “Add\Exisitng Frameworks…”. Choose CFNetwork from the list, and click Add.
6. Repeat the above for SystemConfiguration.framework, MobileCoreServices.framework, CoreGraphics.framework and libz.1.2.3.dylib (at the bottom of the list).
7. Compile your project. If it works, you’re integrated!
We’ll explain about how ASIHTTPRequest works when we start to use it. But first, let’s integrate the JSON Framework while we’re at it.
but it not worked for me .while building it showing errors
/Classes/Tests/GHUnitTestMain.m:32:26: error: GHUnit/GHUnit.h: No such file or directory
can anybody help me in this issue
*Edit :
I fixed my problem by following these steps ,
If any one want to integrate ASIHTTPRequest just follow those steps :)*
You will need to add the XML library (it's missing in the instructions), and also make reference to it in the project header search paths with the following: