REPL for Emacs Lisp - emacs

What are some REPLs for Emacs Lisp?
Is there only one that is within Emacs?
Are there some that run inside terminal outside Emacs?

Based on this question: REPL on console emacs, you can use M-x ielm (inferior emacs lisp mode).

There is a (work in progress) REPL for Emacs for use from the command line. It currently supports basic command line editing and history.
The code is hosted on Github.

There is this project on Gitlab. The REPL can run on a termninal or on Emacs' minibuffer. Even if you run it in "no-window-system" mode (with -nw).


Emacs Slime - Comma doesn't work

I have emacs 24.5.1 on windows with slime installed. I am using sbcl for lisp. When I open up slime, it works, but whenever I try to use comma to invoke a command, it just enters a comma. I can't get to the slime command menu. Is there any other way to get to the command menu besides comma?
Found the solution.
When going to the slime git website, they said you should include this in your initialization file
(setq slime-contribs '(slime-fancy))
It works after adding that to init.el (equivalent of .emacs)

Use repl for Hy in Emacs

I have successfully installed hy-mode from I now can open a .hy file in emacs and have syntax highlighting, and editing with paredit is a joy.
I however, don't know how to start a REPL. At the bottom of the github readme, it says:
When in hy-mode, you can launch a Hy REPL by launching a Lisp inferior
M-x lisp-inferior-process
That function, however, is not defined for me. What else do I need to install or check to be able to use the repl for Hy?
I am currently using:
GNU Emacs 24.3.1.
Have you tried to set inferior-lisp-program to "hy" and then doing M-x run-lisp?
This is the standard way (or maybe just the "way I know about") of having an inferior lisp process.
As of version 1.0.4 of hy-mode, you can start a hy repl buffer in Emacs using M-x run-hy or use the default key binding of C-c C-z.
In any Emacs mode, including hy-mode, you can use M-x describe-mode or the default key binding of C-h m to show key bindings for the current mode.

The tab indent in emacs ipython shell

The environment is Emacs 24.1.1 on Ubuntu. using Ipython for python programming.
The auto indent is works well when running ipython command on shell directly, but when i come to emacs run ipython there is no auto indent any more. and even worse when i type TAB it will prompt the Completion buffer.I also have searched this issue many times but still not found a practical method. as a result i have to enter space manually.
anyone could help to resolve this issue ?
1. auto indent on emacs ipython shell
2. disable completion on emacs ipython shell separately.keep the Tab-completion work when i am not in ipython interactive shell.
In emacs you can use python-mode, and from there send the code to *REPL* buffer with C-c C-c.
When you send the buffer for the first time, it asks you what executable you use for python, so you can use ipython, or other one.
Any invocation of ipython-shell should do a correct setup.
Please file a bug-report.
If running python-mode.el -- modeline shows "Py" --
please checkout current trunk first
When bazaar is available
bzr branch lp:python-mode

How do I control emacs from a terminal?

I'm trying to drive emacs on OSX using Dragon Naturally Speaking running inside a Windows VM. Rather than running emacs in the VM, I'd like to drive an emacs (built from the HEAD of the repository) already running on the mac side of things. So, after a hunt through the emacs lisp manual I came up with the following snippets of lisp (currently running from the scratch buffer while I work stuff out):
;; This part is run from an emacsclient -t session
(defvar slave-frame last-event-frame)
;; and this is run in a GUI frame
(defadvice handle-switch-frame (after update-slave-redirect-advice activate)
(unless (eq last-event-frame slave-frame)
(redirect-frame-focus slave-frame last-event-frame)))
And all is well. I type into the terminal window, displaying buffer A and my typing appears in the GUI frame busily dsplaying buffer B. Great. Until I do C-x C-f or any other command that needs the minibuffer, at which point I get the error Terminal 1 is locked, cannot read from it.
I'm I barking up the wrong tree here, or is there a way to make redirect-frame-focus work nicely with commands that use the minibuffer?
What behavior do you want, redirection to a minibuffer on the (Windows) client or a minibuffer on the server? Also, what version/flavor of emacs are you using?

In emacs, query-replace-regexp keyboard shortcut doesn't work in the terminal (e.g., emacs -nw)

Is it expected that C-M-% and ESC C-% do not run the command query-replace-regexp when running emacs in a terminal window (for example, emacs -nw)?
According to describe-function the binding exists, but emacs runs query-replace instead (which has the binding M-%). This has happened on several machines I've tried it on, and does not happen when I run emacs in a window.
The problem is that C-% simply can't be typed in a terminal. The only control sequences available are those that corresponds to ascii-code 0-31, mainly C-letter.
I have created a new shortcut in my .emacs file.
(global-set-key "\M-q" 'query-replace-regexp)
Control-Alt-Shift-% all together works on Windows and Fedora Linux. Does your keyboard have all those keys?