Emacs Slime - Comma doesn't work - emacs

I have emacs 24.5.1 on windows with slime installed. I am using sbcl for lisp. When I open up slime, it works, but whenever I try to use comma to invoke a command, it just enters a comma. I can't get to the slime command menu. Is there any other way to get to the command menu besides comma?

Found the solution.
When going to the slime git website, they said you should include this in your initialization file
(setq slime-contribs '(slime-fancy))
It works after adding that to init.el (equivalent of .emacs)


Enable tuareg mode in the emacs shell

In emacs I have got the tuareg mode enabled in the top and the shell in the bottom without color syntax. How can I have color syntax in the shell?
In order to get here, I installed camllight using this script http://judicael.courant.free.fr/2015/02/20/installationcaml.html
then, I installed melpa
M-x list-packages
to search and to install tuareg. And finally, I edited .emacs with (add to list 'load-path "home/pi/.emacs.d/lisp") where lisp is a directory which contain tuareg.el, camldebug.el, tuareg-site-file-el
emacs window:
The mode that you're looking for is not the one that comes with Tuareg. The guy in the video is using the inferior-ocaml mode that is a part of an old caml-mode that used to be distributed with the OCaml compiler. Unless you really want the exact setup as in the video, I would suggest you use a more modern Tuareg mode together with the OCaml Merlin. Otherwise, you should remove Tuareg and install caml-mode using M-x package-install <RET> caml-mode <RET> (see also the documentation on the Github page of the project for more details).

How to exit SLIME - comma or quit not working

I'm am trying to use SLIME in Emacs.
When in the SLIME REPL, inputting , (comma) ends up in the error
Comma not inside a backquote.
Inputting quit instead end up in
The variable QUIT is unbound.
Simple question then: how do I exit SLIME? What's the problem in my case?
Found the reason.
I was not using the slime-fancy metapackage, which allows you to use additional facilities from the Contributed Packages of SLIME.
I just added:
(slime-setup '(slime-fancy))
to my emacs init file.
Info on SLIME Contributed Packages at: https://www.quicklisp.org/beta/UNOFFICIAL/docs/slime/doc/Loading-Contribs.html#Loading-Contribs

Emacs24 , org-mode, can't find `latex'(needed to convert LaTeX fragments fo images)

I want to use the command C-c C-x C-l to preview latex code in org-mode. Since the emacs-nox cannot do this, I tried apt-get install emacs24. However, after I have installed the emacs24 with GUI, I get an error like
can't find \`latex'(needed to convert LaTeX fragments to images)
I have installed texlive2016, and I can latex *.tex in shell command.
I added the /paht/to/latex to .emacs, but it don't work well.
Adding the following to my init.el makes it work:
;; Making emacs find latex (so that C-c C-x C-l works on orgmode)
(setenv "PATH" (concat ":/Library/TeX/texbin/" (getenv "PATH")))
(add-to-list 'exec-path "/Library/TeX/texbin/")
It is not a very pretty solution, but it does the job and is very easy to modify and understand.
This solution worked on a Mac running macOS Sierra and Emacs v25.1.
My crystal ball tells me that the problem is that you're not starting the GUI Emacs from a terminal, so it can't inherit your $PATH settings. See for example https://emacs.stackexchange.com/questions/10722/ (that question is within OSX, but the same problem appears in other systems).
Apparently you can set env-vars globally (so that they affect all applications, including those started directly from the GUI) in ~/.pam_environment (that's for GNU/Linux systems). Note that this is only consulted when you login, so you need to logout+login for changes to take effect.

Run emacs command in terminal

I'm using Emacs Muse for work reasons and I don't really enjoy editing my .muse files in emacs.
I haven't found alternatives to publishing .muse files in another editor.
Is it possible to run Emacs commands from outside Emacs almost as if using it as a sort of interpreter?
I want to be able to go to the terminal and run something like:
> emacs -ne file_with_command file_to_publish.muse
The command in question is M-x muse-project-publish-this-file
edit: In Emacs, this command also has inputs that it prompts me to give one at a time. It's the style of publishing (html in my case) and the directory where the publication will go to.
muse-project-publish-this-file is not design to use in batch mode.Use muse-publish-file instead.
git clone https://github.com/jwiegley/muse /path/to/muse
Then create script.el with content
(add-to-list 'load-path "/path/to/muse/lisp")
(require 'muse-publish)
(muse-publish-file "file_to_publish.muse" (muse-define-style "newstyle" nil) "/path/to/publish/directory")
notice is /muse/lisp not muse.
Last, emacs --batch -l script.el

Use repl for Hy in Emacs

I have successfully installed hy-mode from https://github.com/hylang/hy-mode. I now can open a .hy file in emacs and have syntax highlighting, and editing with paredit is a joy.
I however, don't know how to start a REPL. At the bottom of the github readme, it says:
When in hy-mode, you can launch a Hy REPL by launching a Lisp inferior
M-x lisp-inferior-process
That function, however, is not defined for me. What else do I need to install or check to be able to use the repl for Hy?
I am currently using:
GNU Emacs 24.3.1.
Have you tried to set inferior-lisp-program to "hy" and then doing M-x run-lisp?
This is the standard way (or maybe just the "way I know about") of having an inferior lisp process.
As of version 1.0.4 of hy-mode, you can start a hy repl buffer in Emacs using M-x run-hy or use the default key binding of C-c C-z.
In any Emacs mode, including hy-mode, you can use M-x describe-mode or the default key binding of C-h m to show key bindings for the current mode.