Pull down to refresh - iphone

I would like to implement a "Pull down to refresh" into my application. Just like twitter has in their iPhone app.
I have found a good source code: PullDownToRefresh but people are saying that they have copyrighted it or somewhat? Please could anyone clarify?
And also, does anyone know of any good tutorials for this pull down to refresh?

The orignal developer of Tweetie, Loren Brichter, has a patent on the Pull To Refresh method, but said not to enforce eny fees.
I've not worked with any of the libraries out there, i've always rolled my own version, its not that difficult.

I just got encountered with the same code. Have a look.
It does the same as twitter refresh functionality. Exactly the same. Try it. Works like a charm.
here it goes

A Pull down to refresh... was also made by Facebook team for their Three20 project. You can download it here, on GitHub. You can use this library without any copyright issues.

Use this code in view controller
- (id<UITableViewDelegate>)createDelegate {
NSLog(#"Creating Table Delegate for Auto Refresh");
return [[[TTTableViewDragRefreshDelegate alloc] initWithController:self] autorelease];


Outlets are null in ViewDidLoad with mvvmcross

In my view.designer.cs my outlets are generated by xcode.
When starting debug I have a null reference exception on my properties when adding bindings, in the code bellow this.SampleText is null.
public override void ViewDidLoad ()
base.ViewDidLoad ();
new Dictionary<object, string>()
{ this.SampleText, "{'Text':{'Path':'VMText'}}"}
I noticed the following error in Application's output :
"Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch"
what did I miss ?
It sounds like you might have a more general problem with your iOS setup - possibly some issues with the XIB file synchronisation between xcode and MonoTouch.
Before you try to add the MvvmCross binding take a look at the MonoTouch layer - if this.SampleText is null in the MonoTouch layer then you need to solve that before you can add the MvvmCross binding code.
The MonoTouch soft debugger is an excellent tool to help debug this - and the debug cycle with the simulator is pretty quick - so this often helps solve these problems.
From your partial answer to this question, it does sounds like you were trying to use a XIB in a Dialog based UI - that's probably not going to work - I think MonoTouch.Dialog is always based on a single Table - so it's not expecting a XIB (at least, that's my experience!)
As for "Application windows are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch" that sounds more like a general problem in your AppDelegate.cs perhaps. Alternatively it might be a problem in the presenter. Which presenter are you using?
That error message itself has a lot of hits on StackOverflow - e.g. Applications are expected to have a root view controller at the end of application launch - but I'm not sure which of these is appropriate to your case right now.
I must admit everything is not clear for me with iOS and MVVMCross
For coders coming from a C# background I don't think this is unusual - I think the jump from VS on Windows to MonoDevelop on Mac (with a little xcode) is a non-trivial leap. It takes more time to switch from WP to iOS development than it does from WP to Droid - this is the case independent of whether you use MvvmCross - if you are doing MT development you are doing native code, so you do have to take some time to understand iOS a bit (in my experience/opinion!).
For the most part, I've personally written tens of thousands of lines of code, authored hundreds of blog posts and stackoverflow answers, and presented maybe ten sessions on mvvmcross. I've done this across five distinct operating systems, four of which I've learnt as I've coded and all of which I've battled against platform and tooling bugs and idiosyncrasies.
I'll continue to post as much as I can - and continue to operate for 'free'
I do also encourage every user to post and blog about their experience too. In this way I hope knowledge will be generated and shared. To anyone who is reading this, using mvvmcross and learning something about cross platform coding - good or bad - then please do consider sharing that knowledge. For inspiration, check out some of the presentations and blog posts users have written - I try to list them on http://slodge.blogspot.co.uk/p/mvvmcross-quicklist.html. Thanks :)
Also, when asking questions, please can you indicate which version of mvvmcross you are using and which sample(s) you're basing your code on - there are differences between master and vNext and there have been fixes over time - so posting this info will help me try to understand and/or replicate the errors you are seeing.
Thanks :)
I know this is a little old, but I was just having the same issue.
My outlet properties in my View.designer.cs file were null when I attempted to access them when ViewDidLoad was called.
Turned out that my xib file in Visual Studio was no longer set to a Build Action of InterfaceDefinition.
Hopefully, this helps someone else who stumbles upon this issue.

Where can I find a feed of App Store new releases?

Not sure this is the correct forum for this, and if it isn't, my apologies in advance.
Is there a feed of App Store new releases somewhere? Or a feed/list of apps with their category and release date?
This listing is gone from the App Store proper and I'd like to see if it would be possible to make an app to replace it's functionality.
You can build your own category-specific feed here: https://rss.itunes.apple.com/us/
PS: Only added this answer because Linuxios' answer leads to a page with an XML error because 300 results doesn't seem allowed. I tried with 200 and it worked so it seems a bit odd.

Issues in using facebook api for ios sdk

I have downloaded the source project from
I came across many issues over there, then I changed the source header path then changed the compiler version in the project settings, then all those were solved, now there is no errors, it runs, when I click FBLoginButton ,Facebook Login Dialog appeared but it looks empty,
I dont know why, The app key and app secret key were placed correctly.
I tried with device,if there would probm with simulator, still looks same.
what Im doing wrong, I had searched a lot, not found any solution, any ideas pls tell me
I have the same problem.
I have opened a bug here : https://developers.facebook.com/bugs/279606225487338
You can also vote for it, so that FB may take a look at it. Let's hope they solve it.
We had two apps in the app store which used this old api of facebook for login and they also g=have stopped working... So most probably Facebook has stopped support for this but I couldn't fond anything official. I guess we will have to incorporate the new Api.. :/ If I find something I will post here...

Why doesn't "graph.facebook.com/:page_id/insights" return anything?

However urls one level deep like /insights/page_engaged_users, /insights/page_consumptions etc. return data.
Uhm, this absolutely should work, and it used to. It's broken right now. A bug was filed at 1:46am for this:
Please go to that bug and subscribe and also reproduce it so that Facebook will fast-track fixing this.

iOS: Foursquare shout or creating event

I am working with foursquare a for the first time, having hard time with this: Is there any API from the foursquare that supports function to allow shout out? If there is can someone tell me the link. I am really stuck with this stuff..
there is a good example in github for this,hope that helps you. :
This is latest and working FSQDemo works with iOS5 and Xcode4.2 tested. Please read Readme.md first, you need to create your application and put your clientid as mentioned in it.
When you run the application you can get check in and before you do that you have to click on obtain access token.
According to this A shout is Foursquare’s version of a status update or a tweet and from this forum discussion it is passing shout as parameter to url. So there may/must be a way from this sample as it allows check in.
Hope this helps.
Got it.. Thanks with this > https://github.com/baztokyo/foursquare-ios-api/blob/master/README.md