iOS: Foursquare shout or creating event - iphone

I am working with foursquare a for the first time, having hard time with this: Is there any API from the foursquare that supports function to allow shout out? If there is can someone tell me the link. I am really stuck with this stuff..

there is a good example in github for this,hope that helps you. :

This is latest and working FSQDemo works with iOS5 and Xcode4.2 tested. Please read first, you need to create your application and put your clientid as mentioned in it.
When you run the application you can get check in and before you do that you have to click on obtain access token.
According to this A shout is Foursquare’s version of a status update or a tweet and from this forum discussion it is passing shout as parameter to url. So there may/must be a way from this sample as it allows check in.
Hope this helps.

Got it.. Thanks with this >


Using instagram filters from an open source library

GPUIMage helped alot but exact result like instagram is not there. Found a new library but Not able to figure out how to use this. Any suggestions ?
Check this git.. code is this will help you the most..
Hope it Help to you :)

Where can I find a feed of App Store new releases?

Not sure this is the correct forum for this, and if it isn't, my apologies in advance.
Is there a feed of App Store new releases somewhere? Or a feed/list of apps with their category and release date?
This listing is gone from the App Store proper and I'd like to see if it would be possible to make an app to replace it's functionality.
You can build your own category-specific feed here:
PS: Only added this answer because Linuxios' answer leads to a page with an XML error because 300 results doesn't seem allowed. I tried with 200 and it worked so it seems a bit odd.

Issues in using facebook api for ios sdk

I have downloaded the source project from
I came across many issues over there, then I changed the source header path then changed the compiler version in the project settings, then all those were solved, now there is no errors, it runs, when I click FBLoginButton ,Facebook Login Dialog appeared but it looks empty,
I dont know why, The app key and app secret key were placed correctly.
I tried with device,if there would probm with simulator, still looks same.
what Im doing wrong, I had searched a lot, not found any solution, any ideas pls tell me
I have the same problem.
I have opened a bug here :
You can also vote for it, so that FB may take a look at it. Let's hope they solve it.
We had two apps in the app store which used this old api of facebook for login and they also g=have stopped working... So most probably Facebook has stopped support for this but I couldn't fond anything official. I guess we will have to incorporate the new Api.. :/ If I find something I will post here...

Invalid or missing URL scheme hackbook

I am trying to use facebook ios sdk but when I run the Hackbook example it gives me the error message "Invalid or missing URL scheme. You cannot run the app unti you set up a valid URL scheme in your .plist" Where do I make the changes for this?
Since one of the answers mentioned it, I will say that I have already modified the plist to have fb[my_app_id] in the URLSchemes.
This tutorial walks you through the process step by step, search for "Modify the app property list file".
I figured it out. There was another instance in the code where the ID needed to be replaced. What's odd is that it's not specifically called out as far as I can tell. I did a search for it.
you have to add like this
100% works and solved crash

Pull down to refresh

I would like to implement a "Pull down to refresh" into my application. Just like twitter has in their iPhone app.
I have found a good source code: PullDownToRefresh but people are saying that they have copyrighted it or somewhat? Please could anyone clarify?
And also, does anyone know of any good tutorials for this pull down to refresh?
The orignal developer of Tweetie, Loren Brichter, has a patent on the Pull To Refresh method, but said not to enforce eny fees.
I've not worked with any of the libraries out there, i've always rolled my own version, its not that difficult.
I just got encountered with the same code. Have a look.
It does the same as twitter refresh functionality. Exactly the same. Try it. Works like a charm.
here it goes
A Pull down to refresh... was also made by Facebook team for their Three20 project. You can download it here, on GitHub. You can use this library without any copyright issues.
Use this code in view controller
- (id<UITableViewDelegate>)createDelegate {
NSLog(#"Creating Table Delegate for Auto Refresh");
return [[[TTTableViewDragRefreshDelegate alloc] initWithController:self] autorelease];