Scala: read and save all elements of an Iterable - scala

I have an Iterable[T] that is really a stream of unknown length, and want to read it all and save it into something that is still an instance of Iterable. I really do have to read it and save it; I can't do it in a lazy way. The original Iterable can have a few thousand elements, at least. What's the most efficient/best/canonical way? Should I use an ArrayBuffer, a List, a Vector?
Suppose xs is my Iterable. I can think of doing these possibilities:
xs.toArray.toIterable // Ugh?
xs.toList // Fast?
Vector(xs: _*) // There's no toVector, sadly. Is this construct as efficient?
EDIT: I see by the questions I should be more specific. Here's a strawman example:
def f(xs: Iterable[SomeType]) { // xs might a stream, though I can't be sure
val allOfXS = <xs all read in at once>
h(allOfXS) // Both g() and h() take an Iterable[SomeType]

This is easy. A few thousand elements is nothing, so it hardly matters unless it's a really tight loop. So the flippant answer is: use whatever you feel is most elegant.
But, okay, let's suppose that this is actually in some tight loop, and you can predict or have benchmarked your code enough to know that this is performance-limiting.
Your best performance for an immutable solution will likely be a Vector, used like so:
Vector() ++ xs
In my hands, this can copy a 10k iterable about 4k-5k times per second. List is about half the speed.
If you're willing to try a mutable solution under the hood, xs.toArray.toIterable usually takes the cake with about 10k copies per second. ArrayBuffer is about the same speed as List.
If you actually know the size of the target (i.e. size is O(1) or you know it from somewhere else), you can shave off another 20-30% of the execution speed by allocating just the right size and writing a while loop.
If it's actually primitives, you can gain a factor of 10 by writing your own specialized Iterable-like-thing that acts on arrays and converts to regular collections via the underlying array.
Bottom line: for a great blend of power, speed, and flexibility, use Vector() ++ xs in most situations. xs.toIndexedSeq defaults to the same thing, with the benefit that if it's already a Vector that it will take no time at all (and chains nicely without using parens), and the drawback that you are relying upon a convention, not a specification for behavior (and it takes 1-3 more characters to type).

How about Stream.force?
Forces evaluation of the whole stream and returns it.

This is hard. An Iterable's methods are defined in terms of its iterator, but that gets overridden by subtraits. For instance, IndexedSeq methods are usually defined in terms of apply.
There is the question of why do you want to copy the Iterable, but I suppose you might be guarding against the possibility of it being mutable. If you do not want to copy it, then you need to rephrase your question.
If you are going to copy it, and you want to be sure all elements are copied in a strict manner, you could use .toList. That will not copy a List, but a List does not need to be copied. For anything else, it will produce a new copy.


Is there any advantage to avoiding while loops in Scala?

Reading Scala docs written by the experts one can get the impression that tail recursion is better than a while loop, even when the latter is more concise and clearer. This is one example
object Helpers {
implicit class IntWithTimes(val pip:Int) {
// Recursive
def times(f: => Unit):Unit = {
def loop(counter:Int):Unit = {
if (counter >0) { f; loop(counter-1) }
// Explicit loop
def :#(f: => Unit) = {
var lc = pip
while (lc > 0) { f; lc -= 1 }
(To be clear, the expert was not addressing looping at all, but in the example they chose to write a loop in this fashion as if by instinct, which is what the raised the question for me: should I develop a similar instinct..)
The only aspect of the while loop that could be better is the iteration variable should be local to the body of the loop, and the mutation of the variable should be in a fixed place, but Scala chooses not to provide that syntax.
Clarity is subjective, but the question is does the (tail) recursive style offer improved performance?
I'm pretty sure that, due to the limitations of the JVM, not every potentially tail-recursive function will be optimised away by the Scala compiler as so, so the short (and sometimes wrong) answer to your question on performance is no.
The long answer to your more general question (having an advantage) is a little more contrived. Note that, by using while, you are in fact:
creating a new variable that holds a counter.
mutating that variable.
Off-by-one errors and the perils of mutability will ensure that, on the long run, you'll introduce bugs with a while pattern. In fact, your times function could easily be implemented as:
def times(f: => Unit) = (1 to pip) foreach f
Which not only is simpler and smaller, but also avoids any creation of transient variables and mutability. In fact, if the type of the function you are calling would be something to which the results matter, then the while construction would start to be even more difficult to read. Please attempt to implement the following using nothing but whiles:
def replicate(l: List[Int])(times: Int) = l.flatMap(x => List.fill(times)(x))
Then proceed to define a tail-recursive function that does the same.
I hear you saying: "hey! that's cheating! foreach is neither a while nor a tail-rec call". Oh really? Take a look into Scala's definition of foreach for Lists:
def foreach[B](f: A => B) {
var these = this
while (!these.isEmpty) {
these = these.tail
If you want to learn more about recursion in Scala, take a look at this blog post. Once you are into functional programming, go crazy and read RĂșnar's blog post. Even more info here and here.
In general, a directly tail recursive function (i.e., one that always calls itself directly and cannot be overridden) will always be optimized into a while loop by the compiler. You can use the #tailrec annotation to verify that the compiler is able to do this for a particular function.
As a general rule, any tail recursive function can be rewritten (usually automatically by the compiler) as a while loop and vice versa.
The purpose of writing functions in a (tail) recursive style is not to maximize performance or even conciseness, but to make the intent of the code as clear as possible, while simultaneously minimizing the chance of introducing bugs (by eliminating mutable variables, which generally make it harder to keep track of what the "inputs" and "outputs" of the function are). A properly written recursive function consists of a series of checks for terminating conditions (using either cascading if-else or a pattern match) with the recursive call(s) (plural only if not tail recursive) made if none of the terminating conditions are met.
The benefit of using recursion is most dramatic when there are several different possible terminating conditions. A series of if conditionals or patterns is generally much easier to comprehend than a single while condition with a whole bunch of (potentially complex and inter-related) boolean expressions &&'d together, especially if the return value needs to be different depending on which terminating condition is met.
Did these experts say that performance was the reason? I'm betting their reasons are more to do with expressive code and functional programming. Could you cite examples of their arguments?
One interesting reason why recursive solutions can be more efficient than more imperative alternatives is that they very often operate on lists and in a way that uses only head and tail operations. These operations are actually faster than random-access operations on more complex collections.
Anther reason that while-based solutions may be less efficient is that they can become very ugly as the complexity of the problem increases...
(I have to say, at this point, that your example is not a good one, since neither of your loops do anything useful. Your recursive loop is particularly atypical since it returns nothing, which implies that you are missing a major point about recursive functions. The functional bit. A recursive function is much more than another way of repeating the same operation n times.)
While loops do not return a value and require side effects to achieve anything. It is a control structure which only works at all for very simple tasks. This is because each iteration of the loop has to examine all of the state to decide what to next. The loops boolean expression may also have to be come very complex if there are multiple potential exit paths (or that complexity has to be distributed throughout the code in the loop, which can be ugly and obfuscatory).
Recursive functions offer the possibility of a much cleaner implementation. A good recursive solution breaks a complex problem down in to simpler parts, then delegates each part on to another function which can deal with it - the trick being that that other function is itself (or possibly a mutually recursive function, though that is rarely seen in Scala - unlike the various Lisp dialects, where it is common - because of the poor tail recursion support). The recursively called function receives in its parameters only the simpler subset of data and only the relevant state; it returns only the solution to the simpler problem. So, in contrast to the while loop,
Each iteration of the function only has to deal with a simple subset of the problem
Each iteration only cares about its inputs, not the overall state
Sucess in each subtask is clearly defined by the return value of the call that handled it.
State from different subtasks cannot become entangled (since it is hidden within each recursive function call).
Multiple exit points, if they exist, are much easier to represent clearly.
Given these advantages, recursion can make it easier to achieve an efficient solution. Especially if you count maintainability as an important factor in long-term efficiency.
I'm going to go find some good examples of code to add. Meanwhile, at this point I always recommend The Little Schemer. I would go on about why but this is the second Scala recursion question on this site in two days, so look at my previous answer instead.

Should Scala immutable case classes be defined to hold Seq[T], immutable.Seq[T], List[T] or Vector[T]?

If we want to define a case class that holds a single object, say a tuple, we can do it easily:
sealed case class A(x: (Int, Int))
In this case, retrieving the "x" value will take a small constant amount of time, and this class will only take a small constant amount of space, regardless of how it was created.
Now, let's assume we want to hold a sequence of values instead; we could it like this:
sealed final case class A(x: Seq[Int])
This might seem to work as before, except that now storage and time to read all of x is proportional to x.length.
However, this is not actually the case, because someone could do something like this:
val hugeList = (1 to 1000000000).toList
val a = A(hugeList.view.filter(_ == 500000000))
In this case, the a object looks like an innocent case class holding a single int in a sequence, but in fact it requires gigabytes of memory, and it will take on the order of seconds to access that single element every time.
This could be fixed by specifying something like List[T] as the type instead of Seq[T]; however, this seems ugly since it adds a reference to a specific implementation, while in fact other well behaved implementations, like Vector[T], would also do.
Another worrying issue is that one could pass a mutable Seq[T], so it seems that one should at least use immutable.Seq instead of scala.collection.Seq (although the compiler can't actually enforce the immutability at the moment).
Looking at most libraries it seems that the common pattern is to use scala.collection.Seq[T], but is this really a good idea?
Or perhaps Seq is being used just because it's the shortest to type, and in fact it would be best to use immutable.Seq[T], List[T], Vector[T] or something else?
New text added in edit
Looking at the class library, some of the most core functionality like scala.reflect.api.Trees does in fact use List[T], and in general using a concrete class seems a good idea.
But then, why use List and not Vector?
Vector has O(1)/O(log(n)) length, prepend, append and random access, is asymptotically smaller (List is ~3-4 times bigger due to vtable and next pointers), and supports cache efficient and parallelized computation, while List has none of those properties except O(1) prepend.
So, personally I'm leaning towards Vector[T] being the correct choice for something exposed in a library data structure, where one doesn't know what operations the library user will need, despite the fact that it seems less popular.
First of all, you talk both about space and time requirements. In terms of space, your object will always be as large as the collection. It doesn't matter whether you wrap a mutable or immutable collection, that collection for obvious reasons needs to be in memory, and the case class wrapping it doesn't take any additional space (except its own small object reference). So if your collection takes "gigabytes of memory", that's a problem of your collection, not whether you wrap it in a case class or not.
You then go on to argue that a problem arises when using views instead of eager collections. But again the question is what the problem actually is? You use the example of lazily filtering a collection. In general running a filter will be an O(n) operation just as if you were iterating over the original list. In that example it would be O(1) for successive calls if that collection was made strict. But that's a problem of the calling site of your case class, not the definition of your case class.
The only valid point I see is with respect to mutable collections. Given the defining semantics of case classes, you should really only use effectively immutable objects as arguments, so either pure immutable collections or collections to which no instance has any more write access.
There is a design error in Scala in that scala.Seq is not aliased to collection.immutable.Seq but a general seq which can be either mutable or immutable. I advise against any use of unqualified Seq. It is really wrong and should be rectified in the Scala standard library. Use collection.immutable.Seq instead, or if the collection doesn't need to be ordered, collection.immutable.Traversable.
So I agree with your suspicion:
Looking at most libraries it seems that the common pattern is to use scala.collection.Seq[T], but is this really a good idea?
No! Not good. It might be convenient, because you can pass in an Array for example without explicit conversion, but I think a cleaner design is to require immutability.

Scala immutable map, when to go mutable?

My present use case is pretty trivial, either mutable or immutable Map will do the trick.
Have a method that takes an immutable Map, which then calls a 3rd party API method that takes an immutable Map as well
def doFoo(foo: String = "default", params: Map[String, Any] = Map()) {
val newMap =
if(someCondition) params + ("foo" -> foo) else params
The Map in question will generally be quite small, at most there might be an embedded List of case class instances, a few thousand entries max. So, again, assume little impact in going immutable in this case (i.e. having essentially 2 instances of the Map via the newMap val copy).
Still, it nags me a bit, copying the map just to get a new map with a few k->v entries tacked onto it.
I could go mutable and params.put("bar", bar), etc. for the entries I want to tack on, and then params.toMap to convert to immutable for the api call, that is an option. but then I have to import and pass around mutable maps, which is a bit of hassle compared to going with Scala's default immutable Map.
So, what are the general guidelines for when it is justified/good practice to use mutable Map over immutable Maps?
so, it appears that an add operation on an immutable map takes near constant time, confirming #dhg's and #Nicolas's assertion that a full copy is not made, which solves the problem for the concrete case presented.
Depending on the immutable Map implementation, adding a few entries may not actually copy the entire original Map. This is one of the advantages to the immutable data structure approach: Scala will try to get away with copying as little as possible.
This kind of behavior is easiest to see with a List. If I have a val a = List(1,2,3), then that list is stored in memory. However, if I prepend an additional element like val b = 0 :: a, I do get a new 4-element List back, but Scala did not copy the orignal list a. Instead, we just created one new link, called it b, and gave it a pointer to the existing List a.
You can envision strategies like this for other kinds of collections as well. For example, if I add one element to a Map, the collection could simply wrap the existing map, falling back to it when needed, all while providing an API as if it were a single Map.
Using a mutable object is not bad in itself, it becomes bad in a functional programming environment, where you try to avoid side-effects by keeping functions pure and objects immutable.
However, if you create a mutable object inside a function and modify this object, the function is still pure if you don't release a reference to this object outside the function. It is acceptable to have code like:
def buildVector( x: Double, y: Double, z: Double ): Vector[Double] = {
val ary = Array.ofDim[Double]( 3 )
ary( 0 ) = x
ary( 1 ) = y
ary( 2 ) = z
Now, I think this approach is useful/recommended in two cases: (1) Performance, if creating and modifying an immutable object is a bottleneck of your whole application; (2) Code readability, because sometimes it's easier to modify a complex object in place (rather than resorting to lenses, zippers, etc.)
In addition to dhg's answer, you can take a look to the performance of the scala collections. If an add/remove operation doesn't take a linear time, it must do something else than just simply copying the entire structure. (Note that the converse is not true: it's not beacuase it takes linear time that your copying the whole structure)
I like to use collections.maps as the declared parameter types (input or return values) rather than mutable or immutable maps. The Collections maps are immutable interfaces that work for both types of implementations. A consumer method using a map really doesn't need to know about a map implementation or how it was constructed. (It's really none of its business anyway).
If you go with the approach of hiding a map's particular construction (be it mutable or immutable) from the consumers who use it then you're still getting an essentially immutable map downstream. And by using collection.Map as an immutable interface you completely remove all the ".toMap" inefficiency that you would have with consumers written to use immutable.Map typed objects. Having to convert a completely constructed map into another one simply to comply to an interface not supported by the first one really is absolutely unnecessary overhead when you think about it.
I suspect in a few years from now we'll look back at the three separate sets of interfaces (mutable maps, immutable maps, and collections maps) and realize that 99% of the time only 2 are really needed (mutable and collections) and that using the (unfortunately) default immutable map interface really adds a lot of unnecessary overhead for the "Scalable Language".

How do I deal with Scala collections generically?

I have realized that my typical way of passing Scala collections around could use some improvement.
def doSomethingCool(theFoos: List[Foo]) = { /* insert cool stuff here */ }
// if I happen to have a List
// but elsewhere I may have a Vector, Set, Option, ...
I tend to write my library functions to take a List as the parameter type, but I'm certain that there's something more general I can put there to avoid all the occasional .toList calls I have in the application code. This is especially annoying since my doSomethingCool function typically only needs to call map, flatMap and filter, which are defined on all the collection types.
What are my options for that 'something more general'?
Here are more general traits, each of which extends the previous one:
The traits above do not specify whether the collection is sequential or parallel. If your code requires that things be executed sequentially (typically, if your code has side effects of any kind), they are too general for it.
The following traits mandate sequential execution:
The first one, TraversableOnce only allows you to call one method on the collection. After that, the collection has been "used". In exchange, it is general enough to accept iterators as well as collections.
Traversable is a pretty general collection that has most methods. There are some things it cannot do, however, in which case you need to go to Iterable.
All Iterable implement the iterator method, which allows you to get an Iterator for that collection. This gives it the capability for a few methods not present in Traversable.
A Seq[A] implements the function Int => A, which means you can access any element by its index. This is not guaranteed to be efficient, but it is a guarantee that each element has an index, and that you can make assertions about what that index is going to be. Contrast this with Map and Set, where you cannot tell what the index of an element is.
A LinearSeq is a Seq that provides fast head, tail, isEmpty and prepend. This is as close as you can get to a List without actually using a List explicitly.
Alternatively, you could have an IndexedSeq, which has fast indexed access (something List does not provide).
See also this question and this FAQ based on it.
The most obvious one is to use Traversable as the most general trait which will have the goodies you want. However, I think you are generally better sticking to:
A Seq will cover List, Vector etc, IndexedSeq will cover Vector etc etc. I found myself not using Iterable because I often need (or want) to know the size of the thing I have and back pre scala-2.8 Iterable did not provide access to this, so I kept having to turn things into sequences anyway!
Looks like Traversable and Iterable now have size methods so maybe I should go back to using them! Of course you could start "going mad" with GenTraversableOnce but that is not likely to aid in readability.

Complexity of List.reverse?

In Scala, there is reverse method for lists. What is the complexity of this method? Is it better to simply use the original list and always remember that the list is the reverse of what we expect, or to explicitly use reverse before operating on it.
EDIT: What I am really interested in is to get the last two elements of the original list (or the first two of the reversed list).
So I would do something like:
val myList = origList.reverse
val a = myList(0)
val b = myList(1)
This is not in a loop, just a one-time thing in my library... but if someone else uses the library and puts it in a loop, it is not under my control.
Looking at the source, it's O(n) as you might reasonably expect:
override def reverse: List[A] = {
var result: List[A] = Nil
var these = this
while (!these.isEmpty) {
result = these.head :: result
these = these.tail
If in your code you're able to iterate through the list in reverse order at the same cost of iterating in forward order, then it would be more efficient to do this rather than reversing the List.
In fact, if your alternative operation which involves using the original list works in less than O(n) time, then there's a real argument for going with that. Making an algorithm asymptotically faster will make a huge difference if you ever rely on it more (especially if used inside other loops, as oxbow_lakes points out below).
On the whole though I'd expect that anything where you're reversing a list means that you care about the relative ordering of a non-trivial number of elements, and so whatever you're doing is inherently O(n) anyway. (This might not be true for other data structures such as a binary tree; but lists are linear, and in the extreme case even reverse . head can't be done in O(1) time with a singly-linked list.)
So if you're choosing between two O(n) options - for the vast majority of applications, shaving a few nanoseconds off the iteration time isn't going to really gain you anything. Hence it would be "best" to make your code as readable as possible - which means calling reverse and then iterating, if that's closest to your intention.
(And if your app is too slow, and profiling shows that this list manipulation is a hotspot, then you can think about how to make it more efficient. Which by that point may well involve a different option to both of your current candidates, given the extra context you'll have at that point.)