How To Replicate This UIPageControl Look? - iphone

I want to replicate the functionality of this view in this app.
It has a UIPageControl at the bottom with 3 views that only changes the view at the bottom, and not the whole view.
Any basic advice on how to accomplish this?

Well, UIPageControl simply sends events informing you to change a page...
I would place the bottom view in a UIScrollView (that in turn would contain the 3 views you want to alternate), and when the user clicks the UIPageControl, you would set the contentOffset of the UIScrollView.
Makes sense?


uitableview inside a uiscrollview (scrolling issue)

I have got a uitableview inside of a uiscrollview.
So the uitableview is smaller than the uiscrollview. And when I start to scroll down on the uitableview and it reaches the bottom, I am able to scroll in the uiscrollview.
And it works fairly. But not perfectly.
I would like to make the ux perfect so the scrollview would be kind of an extension (or another section of the uitableview). I don't want to add any section or footerview at the bottom of the tableview.
I was wondering on doing this by implementing something like this:
if tableview didscroll to bottom
then scrollview scrolltorect xxx
but it would only work if the uitableview was scrolling down.
I am not sure if this would replicate the correct ux behaviour.
Could you guys give me your advice on how to do this?
Thank you and best regards.
I found this very hard and difficult to execute so I changed my UI in order to put the bottom of the interface inside the tableview footer's view. This way the experience of scrolling my app got much smoother.

How to interact with UIView behind UIScrollView

I was trying to replicate something similar to the new Path app in the fact that the UIScrollview houses the main content view, and when it scrolls over it shows the menus. My current implementation is I have the menu behind the scroll view and I have a transparent UIView covering where the menu is in the scroll view. That way when the scroll view swipes over you can fully see the menu. Problem is, you can;t interact behind the UIScrollview.
Does anyone know how to replicate the path type of functionality or be able to interact behind a UIScrollView?
Thanks a lot for the help.
For anyone else that is trying to accomplish this i solved it by implementing the didenddecelerating method and trimming the frame down to not cover the page UIView.
Then whenever the user begins to interact with the part of the main scrollview view the frame resizes again

Rotating UILabels depending on page in UIScrollView like in Google+ App

I have an application with several (8) different Views in a UIScrollView. They are circling so that you get to the first when you try to get "behind" the last and vice versa.
My problem is how to create a titlebar like in the Stream of the Google+ App. There the titles are circling with the pages and show the current visible page.
How could I realize that? Would it be possible to create a general class to use such a view in many different apps?
I've already tried to solve this problem with some different approaches, but they all didn't work (well). I can display labels above my scrollView and move them, but how far and with which text seems to be difficult for me.
So now I'm looking forward to your answers ;D
Try using two UIScrollView, one for the content and one for the headers. The header UIScrollView would be controlled by your view controller that is also a delegate of the main UIScrollView. Update the header UIScrollView whenever you receive a -scrollViewDidScroll: message from the main UIScrollView.
I think you need to add label in customview and then add customviews in scrollView, you will get events for individual view, so you can rotate that view according to angle and keep label at fix place...

Add UIViewController over another but buttons on parent still clickable

.m file.
- (IBAction)switchViewThinking:(id)sendr {
[self.view addSubview:pick.view];
[pick animate];
The view pops up fine. Only the buttons on the parent view are still clickable behind the subview that overlays it. Also pick is a UIViewController. The parent view has 3 buttons each open a differnt subview. On the subviews buttons are not clickable through UITables or Scrolltext. Linkage is correct and views remove and activate when needed to. Is there a setting I'm missing that would cause this? Whats the best solution to overcome this.
You'll have to either re-create the buttons on the top layer (maybe as transparent clickable views) or make the top layer smaller so that it doesn't obstruct the buttons below it. Instead of one large view on top, you could create many smaller views that look like one view,but that still allow the buttons beneath to be visible and clickable.
In any case, I'd advise thinking whether you really want this behavior. Seems a little like it would not be intuitive for the end user.

UIPageControl tap to "swipe"?

What method to I use to make my UIScrollView update when the sides of a UIPageControl are tapped? When swiping the UIScrollView, the UIPageControl is updated correctly, but if I tap the sides of the UIPageControl to go to the next page, only the dots update, but the UIScrollView won't swipe. I've looked in the docs and am unable to find any methods for this?
If you're unsure of what I mean, go to your iPhone home screen and tap either side of the white dots, right between the dock and the paged icons.
Just make sure you're giving your page control enough width, and you've hooked up its Value Changed outlet. If you do this, you should get messages when its value changes; look at the currentPage property on the control. It handles left- and right-margin taps properly.
The method you're looking for is:
UIScrollView scrollRectToVisible: animated:
If you do this on the UIPageControl valueChanged, it should be automatic.
See my answer here: Is UIPageControl Useless By Itself?
for a reusable class encapsulating the UIPageControl and UIScrollView.