I know about the parallel collections in Scala. They are handy! However, I would like to iterate over the lines of a file that is too large for memory in parallel. I could create threads and set up a lock over a Scanner, for example, but it would be great if I could run code such as:
Source.fromFile(path).getLines.par foreach { line =>
Unfortunately, however
error: value par is not a member of Iterator[String]
What is the easiest way to accomplish some parallelism here? For now, I will read in somes lines and handle them in parallel.
You could use grouping to easily slice the iterator into chunks you can load into memory and then process in parallel.
val chunkSize = 128 * 1024
val iterator = Source.fromFile(path).getLines.grouped(chunkSize)
iterator.foreach { lines =>
lines.par.foreach { line => process(line) }
In my opinion, something like this is the simplest way to do it.
I'll put this as a separate answer since it's fundamentally different from my last one (and it actually works)
Here's an outline for a solution using actors, which is basically what Kim Stebel's comment describes. There are two actor classes, a single FileReader actor that reads individual lines from the file on demand, and several Worker actors. The workers all send requests for lines to the reader, and process lines in parallel as they are read from the file.
I'm using Akka actors here but using another implementation is basically the same idea.
case object LineRequest
case object BeginProcessing
class FileReader extends Actor {
//reads a single line from the file or returns None if EOF
def getLine:Option[String] = ...
def receive = {
case LineRequest => self.sender.foreach{_ ! getLine} //sender is an Option[ActorRef]
class Worker(reader: ActorRef) extends Actor {
def process(line:String) ...
def receive = {
case BeginProcessing => reader ! LineRequest
case Some(line) => {
reader ! LineRequest
case None => self.stop
val reader = actorOf[FileReader].start
val workers = Vector.fill(4)(actorOf(new Worker(reader)).start)
workers.foreach{_ ! BeginProcessing}
//wait for the workers to stop...
This way, no more than 4 (or however many workers you have) unprocessed lines are in memory at a time.
Below helped me to achieve
source.getLines.toStream.par.foreach( line => println(line))
The comments on Dan Simon's answer got me thinking. Why don't we try wrapping the Source in a Stream:
def src(source: Source) = Stream[String] = {
if (source.hasNext) Stream.cons(source.takeWhile( _ != '\n' ).mkString)
else Stream.empty
Then you could consume it in parallel like this:
src(Source.fromFile(path)).par foreach process
I tried this out, and it compiles and runs at any rate. I'm not honestly sure if it's loading the whole file into memory or not, but I don't think it is.
I realize this is an old question, but you may find the ParIterator implementation in the iterata library to be a useful no-assembly-required implementation of this:
scala> import com.timgroup.iterata.ParIterator.Implicits._
scala> val it = (1 to 100000).toIterator.par().map(n => (n + 1, Thread.currentThread.getId))
scala> it.map(_._2).toSet.size
res2: Int = 8 // addition was distributed over 8 threads
I want to read many .CSV files inside a folder asynchronously and return an Iterable of a custom case class.
Can i achieve this with Akka Streams and How?
*I have tried to somehow Balance the job according to documentation but it's a little hard to manage through...
Is it a good practice to use Actors instead?(a parent Actor with children, every child to read a File, and return an Iterable to parent, and then parent combine all Iterables?)
Mostly the same as #paul answer but with small improvements
def files = new java.io.File("").listFiles().map(_.getAbsolutePath).to[scala.collection.immutable.Iterable]
Source(files).flatMapConcat( filename => //you could use flatMapMerge if you don't bother about line ordering
.via(Framing.delimiter(ByteString("\n"), 256, allowTruncation = true).map(_.utf8String))
).map { csvLine =>
// parse csv here
first of all you need to read/learn how Akka stream works, with Source, Flow and Sink. Then you can start learning the operators.
To make multiple actions in parallel you can use operator mapAsync In which you specify the number of parallelism.
* Using mapAsync operator, we pass a function which return a Future, the number of parallel run futures will
* be determine by the argument passed to the operator.
#Test def readAsync(): Unit = {
Source(0 to 10)//-->Your files
.mapAsync(5) { value => //-> It will run in parallel 5 reads
implicit val ec: ExecutionContext = ActorSystem().dispatcher
Future {
//Here read your file
println(s"Process in Thread:${Thread.currentThread().getName}")
.runWith(Sink.foreach(value => println(s"Item emitted:$value in Thread:${Thread.currentThread().getName}")))
You can learn more about akka and akka stream here https://github.com/politrons/Akka
I notice that my program has a severe memory leak (the memory consumption spirals up). I had to parallelize this NLP task (using StanfordNLP EnglishPCFG Parser and Tregex Matcher). So I built a pipeline of actors (only 6 actors for each task):
val listOfTregexActors = (0 to 5).map(m => system.actorOf(Props(new TregexActor(timer, filePrinter)), "TregexActor" + m))
val listOfParsers = (0 to 5).map(n => system.actorOf(Props(new ParserActor(timer, listOfTregexActors(n), lp)), "ParserActor" + n))
val listOfSentenceSplitters = (0 to 5).map(j => system.actorOf(Props(new SentenceSplitterActor(listOfParsers(j), timer)), "SplitActor" + j))
My actors are pretty standard. They need to stay alive to process all the information (there's no poisonpill along the way). The memory consumption goes up and up, and I don't have a single clue of what's wrong. If I run single-thread, the memory consumption would be just fine. I read it somewhere that if actors don't die, nothing inside will be released. Should I manually release things?
There are two heavy-lifting actors:
I wonder if it could be Scala's closure or other mechanism that retains too much information, and GC can't collect it somehow.
Here's part of TregexActor:
def receive = {
case Match(rows, sen) =>
println("Entering Pattern matching: " + rows(0))
val result = patternSearching(sen)
filePrinter ! Print(rows :+ sen.toString, result)
def patternSearching(tree: Tree):List[Array[Int]] = {
val statsFuture = search(patternFuture, tree)
val statsPast = search(patternsPast, tree)
List(statsFuture, statsPast)
def search(patterns: List[String], tree: Tree) = {
val stats = Array.fill[Int](patterns.size)(0)
for (i <- 0 to patterns.size - 1) {
val searchPattern = TregexPattern.compile(patterns(i))
val matcher = searchPattern.matcher(tree)
if (matcher.find()) {
stats(i) = stats(i) + 1
timer ! PatternAddOne
Or if my code checks out, could it be StanfordNLP parser or tregex matcher's memory leak?? Is there a strategy to manually release memory or do I need to kill those actors after a while and assign their mailbox tasks to a new actor to release memory? (If so, how?)
After some struggling with profiling tools, I finally was able to use VisualVM with IntelliJ. Here are the snapshots. GC never ran.
The other is Heap Dump:
Summary of pipeline:
Raw Files -> SentenceSplit Actors (6) -> Parser Actors (6) -> Tregex Actors (6) -> File Output Actors (done)
Patterns are defined in Entry.scala file: https://github.com/windweller/parallelAkka/blob/master/src/main/scala/blogParallel/Entry.scala
This may not the correct answer but I don't have enough space to write it in the comment.
Try moving the actor creating inside your a Companion object.
val listOfTregexActors = (0 to 5).map(m => system.actorOf(Props(new TregexActor(timer, filePrinter)), "TregexActor" + m))
val listOfParsers = (0 to 5).map(n => system.actorOf(Props(new ParserActor(timer, listOfTregexActors(n), lp)), "ParserActor" + n))
val listOfSentenceSplitters = (0 to 5).map(j => system.actorOf(Props(new SentenceSplitterActor(listOfParsers(j), timer)), "SplitActor" + j))
OR don't use the new to create your actors.
I suspect when your create the app you are closing your App which is preventing the GC to collect any garbage.
You can easily verify if this is the issue by looking at the heap on Visual VM once you have made the change.
Also, how long does it take for you to run out of memory and what is the max. heap memory you are giving your JVM ?
See - Creating Actors with Props here
Few other things to consider:
Make sure your actor are not dying and restarted automatically.
Create your NLP objects outside your actors and pass them when you create your actors.
Use Akka router instead of your hashing logic to distribute work between different actors.
I see these pieces of code in your actors:
val cleanedSentences = new java.util.ArrayList[java.util.List[HasWord]]()
Are these objects ever freed? If not, that might explain why memory goes up. Especially taking into account that you return these newly created objects (e.g. in cleanSentence method).
UPDATE: you might try, instead of creating new object, modify the object you have received instead, and then flag it's availability as the response (instead of sending the new object back), though from the point of thread-safety it might also be funky. Other option might be to use an external storage (e.g. database or Redis key-value store), put the resulting sentences there and send "sentence cleaned" as a reply, so that the client can then access the sentence from that key-value store or DB.
In general, using mutable objects (like java.util.List) which might potentially be leaked in actors is not a good idea, so it might be worth redesigning your application to use immutable objects whenever possible.
E.g. your cleanSentence method would then look like:
def cleanSentence(sentences: List[HasWord]): List[HasWord] = {
import TwitterRegex._
sentences.filter(ref =>
val word = ref.word() // do not call same function several times
!word.contains("#") &&
!word.contains("#") &&
You can convert your java.util.List to Scala list (before sending it to actor) in the following manner:
import scala.collection.JavaConverters._
val javaList:java.util.List[HasWord] = ...
I have heard that iteratees are lazy, but how lazy exactly are they? Alternatively, can iteratees be fused with a postprocessing function, so that an intermediate data structure does not have to be built?
Can I in my iteratee for example build a 1 million item Stream[Option[String]] from a java.io.BufferedReader, and then subsequently filter out the Nones, in a compositional way, without requiring the entire Stream to be held in memory? And at the same time guarantee that I don't blow the stack? Or something like that - it doesn't have to use a Stream.
I'm currently using Scalaz 6 but if other iteratee implementations are able to do this in a better way, I'd be interested to know.
Please provide a complete solution, including closing the BufferedReader and calling unsafePerformIO, if applicable.
Here's a quick iteratee example using the Scalaz 7 library that demonstrates the properties you're interested in: constant memory and stack usage.
The problem
First assume we've got a big text file with a string of decimal digits on each line, and we want to find all the lines that contain at least twenty zeros. We can generate some sample data like this:
val w = new java.io.PrintWriter("numbers.txt")
val r = new scala.util.Random(0)
(1 to 1000000).foreach(_ =>
w.println((1 to 100).map(_ => r.nextInt(10)).mkString)
Now we've got a file named numbers.txt. Let's open it with a BufferedReader:
val reader = new java.io.BufferedReader(new java.io.FileReader("numbers.txt"))
It's not excessively large (~97 megabytes), but it's big enough for us to see easily whether our memory use is actually staying constant while we process it.
Setting up our enumerator
First for some imports:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, effect.IO, iteratee.{ Iteratee => I }
And an enumerator (note that I'm changing the IoExceptionOrs into Options for the sake of convenience):
val enum = I.enumReader(reader).map(_.toOption)
Scalaz 7 doesn't currently provide a nice way to enumerate a file's lines, so we're chunking through the file one character at a time. This will of course be painfully slow, but I'm not going to worry about that here, since the goal of this demo is to show that we can process this large-ish file in constant memory and without blowing the stack. The final section of this answer gives an approach with better performance, but here we'll just split on line breaks:
val split = I.splitOn[Option[Char], List, IO](_.cata(_ != '\n', false))
And if the fact that splitOn takes a predicate that specifies where not to split confuses you, you're not alone. split is our first example of an enumeratee. We'll go ahead and wrap our enumerator in it:
val lines = split.run(enum).map(_.sequence.map(_.mkString))
Now we've got an enumerator of Option[String]s in the IO monad.
Filtering the file with an enumeratee
Next for our predicate—remember that we said we wanted lines with at least twenty zeros:
val pred = (_: String).count(_ == '0') >= 20
We can turn this into a filtering enumeratee and wrap our enumerator in that:
val filtered = I.filter[Option[String], IO](_.cata(pred, true)).run(lines)
We'll set up a simple action that just prints everything that makes it through this filter:
val printAction = (I.putStrTo[Option[String]](System.out) &= filtered).run
Of course we've not actually read anything yet. To do that we use unsafePerformIO:
Now we can watch the Some("0946943140969200621607610...")s slowly scroll by while our memory usage remains constant. It's slow and the error handling and output are a little clunky, but not too bad I think for about nine lines of code.
Getting output from an iteratee
That was the foreach-ish usage. We can also create an iteratee that works more like a fold—for example gathering up the elements that make it through the filter and returning them in a list. Just repeat everything above up until the printAction definition, and then write this instead:
val gatherAction = (I.consume[Option[String], IO, List] &= filtered).run
Kick that action off:
val xs: Option[List[String]] = gatherAction.unsafePerformIO().sequence
Now go get a coffee (it might need to be pretty far away). When you come back you'll either have a None (in the case of an IOException somewhere along the way) or a Some containing a list of 1,943 strings.
Complete (faster) example that automatically closes the file
To answer your question about closing the reader, here's a complete working example that's roughly equivalent to the second program above, but with an enumerator that takes responsibility for opening and closing the reader. It's also much, much faster, since it reads lines, not characters. First for imports and a couple of helper methods:
import java.io.{ BufferedReader, File, FileReader }
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, effect._, iteratee.{ Iteratee => I, _ }
def tryIO[A, B](action: IO[B]) = I.iterateeT[A, IO, Either[Throwable, B]](
r => I.sdone(r, r.fold(_ => I.eofInput, _ => I.emptyInput))
def enumBuffered(r: => BufferedReader) =
new EnumeratorT[Either[Throwable, String], IO] {
lazy val reader = r
def apply[A] = (s: StepT[Either[Throwable, String], IO, A]) => s.mapCont(
k =>
tryIO(IO(reader.readLine())).flatMap {
case Right(null) => s.pointI
case Right(line) => k(I.elInput(Right(line))) >>== apply[A]
case e => k(I.elInput(e))
And now the enumerator:
def enumFile(f: File): EnumeratorT[Either[Throwable, String], IO] =
new EnumeratorT[Either[Throwable, String], IO] {
def apply[A] = (s: StepT[Either[Throwable, String], IO, A]) => s.mapCont(
k =>
tryIO(IO(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)))).flatMap {
case Right(reader) => I.iterateeT(
case Left(e) => k(I.elInput(Left(e)))
And we're ready to go:
val action = (
I.consume[Either[Throwable, String], IO, List] %=
I.filter(_.fold(_ => true, _.count(_ == '0') >= 20)) &=
enumFile(new File("numbers.txt"))
Now the reader will be closed when the processing is done.
I should have read a little bit further... this is precisely what enumeratees are for. Enumeratees are defined in Scalaz 7 and Play 2, but not in Scalaz 6.
Enumeratees are for "vertical" composition (in the sense of "vertically integrated industry") while ordinary iteratees compose monadically in a "horizontal" way.
Suppose I need to process files in a given folder in parallel. In Java I would create a FolderReader thread to read file names from the folder and a pool of FileProcessor threads. FolderReader reads file names and submits the file processing function (Runnable) to the pool executor.
In Scala I see two options:
create a pool of FileProcessor actors and schedule a file processing function with Actors.Scheduler.
create an actor for each file name while reading the file names.
Does it make sense? What is the best option?
Depending on what you're doing, it may be as simple as
//process the file
I suggest with all my energies to keep as far as you can from the threads. Luckily we have better abstractions which take care of what's happening below, and in your case it appears to me that you do not need to use actors (while you can) but you can use a simpler abstraction, called Futures. They are a part of Akka open source library, and I think in the future will be a part of the Scala standard library as well.
A Future[T] is simply something that will return a T in the future.
All you need to run a future, is to have an implicit ExecutionContext, which you can derive from a java executor service. Then you will be able to enjoy the elegant API and the fact that a future is a monad to transform collections into collections of futures, collect the result and so on. I suggest you to give a look to http://doc.akka.io/docs/akka/2.0.1/scala/futures.html
object TestingFutures {
implicit val executorService = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(20)
implicit val executorContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(executorService)
def testFutures(myList:List[String]):List[String]= {
val listOfFutures : Future[List[String]] = Future.traverse(myList){
aString => Future{
val result:List[String] = Await.result(listOfFutures,1 minute)
There's a lot going on here:
I am using Future.traverse which receives as a first parameter which is M[T]<:Traversable[T] and as second parameter a T => Future[T] or if you prefer a Function1[T,Future[T]] and returns Future[M[T]]
I am using the Future.apply method to create an anonymous class of type Future[T]
There are many other reasons to look at Akka futures.
Futures can be mapped because they are monad, i.e. you can chain Futures execution :
Future { 3 }.map { _ * 2 }.map { _.toString }
Futures have callback: future.onComplete, onSuccess, onFailure, andThen etc.
Futures support not only traverse, but also for comprehension
Ideally you should use two actors. One for reading the list of files, and one for actually reading the file.
You start the process by simply sending a single "start" message to the first actor. The actor can then read the list of files, and send a message to the second actor. The second actor then reads the file and processes the contents.
Having multiple actors, which might seem complicated, is actually a good thing in the sense that you have a bunch of objects communicating with eachother, like in a theoretical OO system.
Edit: you REALLY shouldn't be doing doing concurrent reading of a single file.
I was going to write up exactly what #Edmondo1984 did except he beat me to it. :) I second his suggestion in a big way. I'll also suggest that you read the documentation for Akka 2.0.2. As well, I'll give you a slightly more concrete example:
import akka.dispatch.{ExecutionContext, Future, Await}
import akka.util.duration._
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.io.File
val execService = Executors.newCachedThreadPool()
implicit val execContext = ExecutionContext.fromExecutorService(execService)
val tmp = new File("/tmp/")
val files = tmp.listFiles()
val workers = files.map { f =>
Future {
val result = Future.sequence(workers)
result.onSuccess {
case filenames =>
filenames.foreach { fn =>
// Artificial just to make things work for the example
Here I use sequence instead of traverse, but the difference is going to depend on your needs.
Go with the Future, my friend; the Actor is just a more painful approach in this instance.
But if use actors, what's wrong with that?
If we have to read / write to some property file. There is my Java example. But still with Akka Actors.
Lest's say we have an actor ActorFile represents one file. Hm.. Probably it can not represent One file. Right? (would be nice it could). So then it represents several files like PropertyFilesActor then:
Why would not use something like this:
public class PropertyFilesActor extends UntypedActor {
Map<String, String> filesContent = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
{ // here we should use real files of cource
filesContent.put("file1.xml", "");
filesContent.put("file2.xml", "");
public void onReceive(Object message) throws Exception {
if (message instanceof WriteMessage) {
WriteMessage writeMessage = (WriteMessage) message;
String content = filesContent.get(writeMessage.fileName);
String newContent = content + writeMessage.stringToWrite;
filesContent.put(writeMessage.fileName, newContent);
else if (message instanceof ReadMessage) {
ReadMessage readMessage = (ReadMessage) message;
String currentContent = filesContent.get(readMessage.fileName);
// Send the current content back to the sender
getSender().tell(new ReadMessage(readMessage.fileName, currentContent), getSelf());
else unhandled(message);
...a message will go with parameter (fileName)
It has its own in-box, accepting messages like:
WriteLine(fileName, string)
ReadLine(fileName, string)
Those messages will be storing into to the in-box in the order, one after antoher. The actor would do its work by receiving messages from the box - storing/reading, and meanwhile sending feedback sender ! message back.
Thus, let's say if we write to the property file, and send showing the content on the web page. We can start showing page (right after we sent message to store a data to the file) and as soon as we received the feedback, update part of the page with a data from just updated file (by ajax).
Well, grab your files and stick them in a parallel structure
scala> new java.io.File("/tmp").listFiles.par
res0: scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[java.io.File] = ParArray( ... )
scala> res0 map (_.length)
res1: scala.collection.parallel.mutable.ParArray[Long] = ParArray(4943, 1960, 4208, 103266, 363 ... )
I'm looking for a FIFO stream in Scala, i.e., something that provides the functionality of
immutable.Stream (a stream that can be finite and memorizes the elements that have already been read)
mutable.Queue (which allows for added elements to the FIFO)
The stream should be closable and should block access to the next element until the element has been added or the stream has been closed.
Actually I'm a bit surprised that the collection library does not (seem to) include such a data structure, since it is IMO a quite classical one.
My questions:
1) Did I overlook something? Is there already a class providing this functionality?
2) OK, if it's not included in the collection library then it might by just a trivial combination of existing collection classes. However, I tried to find this trivial code but my implementation looks still quite complex for such a simple problem. Is there a simpler solution for such a FifoStream?
class FifoStream[T] extends Closeable {
val queue = new Queue[Option[T]]
lazy val stream = nextStreamElem
private def nextStreamElem: Stream[T] = next() match {
case Some(elem) => Stream.cons(elem, nextStreamElem)
case None => Stream.empty
/** Returns next element in the queue (may wait for it to be inserted). */
private def next() = {
queue.synchronized {
if (queue.isEmpty) queue.wait()
/** Adds new elements to this stream. */
def enqueue(elems: T*) {
queue.synchronized {
queue.enqueue(elems.map{Some(_)}: _*)
/** Closes this stream. */
def close() {
queue.synchronized {
Paradigmatic's solution (sightly modified)
Thanks for your suggestions. I slightly modified paradigmatic's solution so that toStream returns an immutable stream (allows for repeatable reads) so that it fits my needs. Just for completeness, here is the code:
import collection.JavaConversions._
import java.util.concurrent.{LinkedBlockingQueue, BlockingQueue}
class FIFOStream[A]( private val queue: BlockingQueue[Option[A]] = new LinkedBlockingQueue[Option[A]]() ) {
lazy val toStream: Stream[A] = queue2stream
private def queue2stream: Stream[A] = queue take match {
case Some(a) => Stream cons ( a, queue2stream )
case None => Stream empty
def close() = queue add None
def enqueue( as: A* ) = queue addAll as.map( Some(_) )
In Scala, streams are "functional iterators". People expect them to be pure (no side effects) and immutable. In you case, everytime you iterate on the stream you modify the queue (so it's no pure). This can create a lot of misunderstandings, because iterating twice the same stream, will have two different results.
That being said, you should rather use Java BlockingQueues, rather than rolling your own implementation. They are considered well implemented in term of safety and performances. Here is the cleanest code I can think of (using your approach):
import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue
import scala.collection.JavaConversions._
class FIFOStream[A]( private val queue: BlockingQueue[Option[A]] ) {
def toStream: Stream[A] = queue take match {
case Some(a) => Stream cons ( a, toStream )
case None => Stream empty
def close() = queue add None
def enqueue( as: A* ) = queue addAll as.map( Some(_) )
object FIFOStream {
def apply[A]() = new LinkedBlockingQueue
I'm assuming you're looking for something like java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue?
Akka has a BoundedBlockingQueue implementation of this interface. There are of course the implementations available in java.util.concurrent.
You might also consider using Akka's actors for whatever it is you are doing. Use Actors to be notified or pushed a new event or message instead of pulling.
1) It seems you're looking for a dataflow stream seen in languages like Oz, which supports the producer-consumer pattern. Such a collection is not available in the collections API, but you could always create one yourself.
2) The data flow stream relies on the concept of single-assignment variables (such that they don't have to be initialized upon declaration point and reading them prior to initialization causes blocking):
val x: Int
startThread {
println("The other thread waits for the x to be assigned")
x = 1
It would be straightforward to implement such a stream if single-assignment (or dataflow) variables were supported in the language (see the link). Since they are not a part of Scala, you have to use the wait-synchronized-notify pattern just like you did.
Concurrent queues from Java can be used to achieve that as well, as the other user suggested.