Iteratees in Scala that use lazy evaluation or fusion? - scala

I have heard that iteratees are lazy, but how lazy exactly are they? Alternatively, can iteratees be fused with a postprocessing function, so that an intermediate data structure does not have to be built?
Can I in my iteratee for example build a 1 million item Stream[Option[String]] from a, and then subsequently filter out the Nones, in a compositional way, without requiring the entire Stream to be held in memory? And at the same time guarantee that I don't blow the stack? Or something like that - it doesn't have to use a Stream.
I'm currently using Scalaz 6 but if other iteratee implementations are able to do this in a better way, I'd be interested to know.
Please provide a complete solution, including closing the BufferedReader and calling unsafePerformIO, if applicable.

Here's a quick iteratee example using the Scalaz 7 library that demonstrates the properties you're interested in: constant memory and stack usage.
The problem
First assume we've got a big text file with a string of decimal digits on each line, and we want to find all the lines that contain at least twenty zeros. We can generate some sample data like this:
val w = new"numbers.txt")
val r = new scala.util.Random(0)
(1 to 1000000).foreach(_ =>
w.println((1 to 100).map(_ => r.nextInt(10)).mkString)
Now we've got a file named numbers.txt. Let's open it with a BufferedReader:
val reader = new"numbers.txt"))
It's not excessively large (~97 megabytes), but it's big enough for us to see easily whether our memory use is actually staying constant while we process it.
Setting up our enumerator
First for some imports:
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, effect.IO, iteratee.{ Iteratee => I }
And an enumerator (note that I'm changing the IoExceptionOrs into Options for the sake of convenience):
val enum = I.enumReader(reader).map(_.toOption)
Scalaz 7 doesn't currently provide a nice way to enumerate a file's lines, so we're chunking through the file one character at a time. This will of course be painfully slow, but I'm not going to worry about that here, since the goal of this demo is to show that we can process this large-ish file in constant memory and without blowing the stack. The final section of this answer gives an approach with better performance, but here we'll just split on line breaks:
val split = I.splitOn[Option[Char], List, IO](_.cata(_ != '\n', false))
And if the fact that splitOn takes a predicate that specifies where not to split confuses you, you're not alone. split is our first example of an enumeratee. We'll go ahead and wrap our enumerator in it:
val lines =
Now we've got an enumerator of Option[String]s in the IO monad.
Filtering the file with an enumeratee
Next for our predicate—remember that we said we wanted lines with at least twenty zeros:
val pred = (_: String).count(_ == '0') >= 20
We can turn this into a filtering enumeratee and wrap our enumerator in that:
val filtered = I.filter[Option[String], IO](_.cata(pred, true)).run(lines)
We'll set up a simple action that just prints everything that makes it through this filter:
val printAction = (I.putStrTo[Option[String]](System.out) &= filtered).run
Of course we've not actually read anything yet. To do that we use unsafePerformIO:
Now we can watch the Some("0946943140969200621607610...")s slowly scroll by while our memory usage remains constant. It's slow and the error handling and output are a little clunky, but not too bad I think for about nine lines of code.
Getting output from an iteratee
That was the foreach-ish usage. We can also create an iteratee that works more like a fold—for example gathering up the elements that make it through the filter and returning them in a list. Just repeat everything above up until the printAction definition, and then write this instead:
val gatherAction = (I.consume[Option[String], IO, List] &= filtered).run
Kick that action off:
val xs: Option[List[String]] = gatherAction.unsafePerformIO().sequence
Now go get a coffee (it might need to be pretty far away). When you come back you'll either have a None (in the case of an IOException somewhere along the way) or a Some containing a list of 1,943 strings.
Complete (faster) example that automatically closes the file
To answer your question about closing the reader, here's a complete working example that's roughly equivalent to the second program above, but with an enumerator that takes responsibility for opening and closing the reader. It's also much, much faster, since it reads lines, not characters. First for imports and a couple of helper methods:
import{ BufferedReader, File, FileReader }
import scalaz._, Scalaz._, effect._, iteratee.{ Iteratee => I, _ }
def tryIO[A, B](action: IO[B]) = I.iterateeT[A, IO, Either[Throwable, B]](
r => I.sdone(r, r.fold(_ => I.eofInput, _ => I.emptyInput))
def enumBuffered(r: => BufferedReader) =
new EnumeratorT[Either[Throwable, String], IO] {
lazy val reader = r
def apply[A] = (s: StepT[Either[Throwable, String], IO, A]) => s.mapCont(
k =>
tryIO(IO(reader.readLine())).flatMap {
case Right(null) => s.pointI
case Right(line) => k(I.elInput(Right(line))) >>== apply[A]
case e => k(I.elInput(e))
And now the enumerator:
def enumFile(f: File): EnumeratorT[Either[Throwable, String], IO] =
new EnumeratorT[Either[Throwable, String], IO] {
def apply[A] = (s: StepT[Either[Throwable, String], IO, A]) => s.mapCont(
k =>
tryIO(IO(new BufferedReader(new FileReader(f)))).flatMap {
case Right(reader) => I.iterateeT(
case Left(e) => k(I.elInput(Left(e)))
And we're ready to go:
val action = (
I.consume[Either[Throwable, String], IO, List] %=
I.filter(_.fold(_ => true, _.count(_ == '0') >= 20)) &=
enumFile(new File("numbers.txt"))
Now the reader will be closed when the processing is done.

I should have read a little bit further... this is precisely what enumeratees are for. Enumeratees are defined in Scalaz 7 and Play 2, but not in Scalaz 6.
Enumeratees are for "vertical" composition (in the sense of "vertically integrated industry") while ordinary iteratees compose monadically in a "horizontal" way.


Is there a better functional method to operate on Map[String,List[Int]]

I'm fairly new to scala and functional programming, and I'm working on a project where I have grocery prices in 30 days and want to apply some analysis over the data that I have.
The data is saved as map(string, List[Int])
What I'm trying to do is to get the lowest and highest price for each item, I did it like this and then I have another function that loops over the returned Map and prints it.
def f(): Map[String,List[Int]] = {
var result= Map.empty[String, List[Int]]
for ((k,v) <- data){
var low = v.min
var high = v.max
result+= (k -> List(low,high));
I think this is not the most functional method to do it, can anyone elaborate if there is a way to iterate over the data and return the result without creating an empty map?
The computation does not depend on the keys in any way, so there is no reason to introduce the ks anywhere, it's just distracting from the main goal. Just map the values:
data.view.mapValues(v => (v.min, v.max)).toMap
Also, your signature f() doesn't tell anything useful. How do you know what it's doing? If you deleted the body of that function, and were given only "f()", would you be able to unambiguously reconstruct the body? Would the GPT be able to reconstruct the body? Probably not.
Ideally, the signature should be precise enough so you never need to dig into the implementation bodies (and also that you don't actually have to write them). Here is a possible improvement:
def priceRanges(itemsToPrices: Map[String, List[Int]]): Map[String, (Int, Int)] =
itemsToPrices.view.mapValues(v => (v.min, v.max)).toMap
There are several ways to achieve this. I think one key aspect is readability, so while the following can be done as a pure one-liner, I think this could be a viable and readable solution: { case (k, v) =>
k -> Seq(v.min, v.max)
Feel free to shorten it if you like.
This would also work, but it may be less readable for someone not used to functional programming. => kv._1 -> Seq(kv._2.min, kv._2.max))
Another thing you may want to consider:
There is nothing that protects the List/Seq in the result type from containing more than two elements. You may want to use a tuple or create a custom type for it.
I love it when people encourage themselves to do functional Scala instead of the imperative style, so congratulations on that.
Returning to your question, I think the easiest way to solve this problem is with the famous map function: it takes a function as a parameter which describes how you want to transform each element within the collection. In your case, this function goes from the tuple (item, values), which in your question would be the (k, v), to a new similar tuple, but this time only with the "prices" we are interested in:
def getLowAndHighPrices(itemsWithPrices: Map[String, List[Int]]): Map[String, List[Int]] =, prices) => (item, List(prices.min, prices.max)))
You can read the previous map implementation as: for each value (item, prices), convert it into the tuple (item, List(prices.min, prices.max). The map function literally describes what you want to do, without telling exactly what steps to follow, because map takes care of that for you; that is personally one of the advantages of functional programming.
You can also print the results in a very “functional” way (ignoring the side effects):
// For demonstration purposes
val allItemPrices: Map[String, List[Int]] =
"Milk" -> List(9, 8, 7, 10),
"Eggs" -> List(1, 3, 4, 3, 5, 2)
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit =
getLowAndHighPrices(allItemPrices).foreach((item, prices) => println(s"$item -> $prices"))
* Which prints out:
* Milk -> List(10, 7)
* Eggs -> List(5, 2)
In this case, foreach does something very similar to map, with the difference that foreach is design to perform side-effects such as printing to the console.
I hope I made myself clear. Good luck on your Scala journey!

How to read a web page, as a stream of lines, using akka-http 2.4.6

I've done a sample project in GitHub: akauppi/akka-2.4.6-trial
What I want seems simple: read a URL, provide the contents as a line-wise stream of Strings. Now I've struggled with this (and reading documentation) for the whole day so decided to push the sample public and ask for help.
I'm comfortable with Scala. I know Akka, and last time I've used Akka-streams it was probably pre-2.4. Now, I'm lost.
On these lines I'd like to return a Source[String,Any], not a Future (note: those lines do not compile).
The problem probably is that Http().singleRequest(...) materialises the flow, and I don't want that. How to just inject the "recipe" of reading a web page without actually reading it?
def sourceAsByteString(url: URL)(implicit as: ActorSystem, mat: Materializer): Source[ByteString, Any] = {
import as.dispatcher
val req: HttpRequest = HttpRequest( uri = url.toString )
val tmp: Source[ByteString, Any] = Http().singleRequest(req).map( resp => resp.entity.dataBytes ) // does not compile, gives a 'Future'
The problem is that the chunks you get from the server are not lines, but might be anything. You will often get small responses in a single chunk. So you have to split the stream to lines yourself.
Something like this should work:
import akka.http.scaladsl.Http
import akka.http.scaladsl.client.RequestBuilding._
implicit val system = ActorSystem("test")
implicit val mat = ActorMaterializer()
val delimiter: Flow[ByteString, ByteString, NotUsed] =
maximumFrameLength = 100000,
allowTruncation = true)
import system.dispatcher
val f = Http().singleRequest(Get("")).flatMap { res =>
val lines = res.entity.dataBytes.via(delimiter).map(_.utf8String)
lines.runForeach { line =>
f.foreach { _ =>
Note that if you wanted to return the lines instead of printing them, you would end up with a Future[Source[String, Any]], which is unavoidable because everything in akka-http is async. You could "flatten" this to a Source[String, Any] that produces no elements in case of a failed request, but that would probably not be a good idea.
To get a "recipe" for reading a web page, you could use Http().outgoingConnection(""), which creates a Flow[HttpRequest, HttpResponse, Future[OutgoingConnection]], so a thing where you put in HttpRequest objects and get back HttpResponse objects.
The problem probably is that Http().singleRequest(...) materialises
the flow, and I don't want that.
That was indeed at the heart of the problem. There are two ways to start:
Http().singleRequest(...) leads to a Future (i.e. materializes the stream, already in the very beginning).
Source.single(HttpRequest(...)) leads to a Source (non-materialized).
Ideally, such an important difference would be visible in the names of the methods used, but it's not. One simply has to know it, and understand the two above approaches are actually vastly different.
#RüdigerKlaehn's answer covers the linewise cutting pretty well, but also see the Cookbook
when dealing with a Source, use mapConcat in place of the flatMap (Futures), to flatten the res.entity.dataBytes (which is an inner stream). Having these two levels of streams (requests, then chunks per request) adds to the mental complexity especially since we only have one of the outer entities.
There might still be some simpler way, but I'm not looking at that actively any more. Things work. Maybe once I become more fluent with akka streams, I'll suggest a further solution.
Code for reading an HTTP response, linewise (akka-http 1.1.0-RC2):
val req: HttpRequest = ???
val fut: Future[Source[String,_]] = Http().singleRequest(req).map { resp =>
delimiter as in #Rüdiger-klaehn's answer.

Use only the value from IO monad without precedent IO actions

Doing some home project, I encountered an interested effect, which now , seems obvious to me, but still I do not see a way to get away from it.
That is the gist (I am using ScalaZ, but in haskell there would be probably the same result):
def askAndReadResponse(question: String): IO[String] = {
putStrLn(question) >> readLn
def core: IO[String] = {
val answer: IO[String] = askAndReadResponse("enter something")
val cond: IO[Boolean] = answer map {_.length > 2}
IO.ioMonad.ifM(cond, answer, core)
When I am trying to get an input from core, the askAndReadResponse evaluates twice - once for evaluating the condition, and then in ifM (so I have the message and readLn one more time then necessary).
What I need - just the validated value (to print it later, for instance)
Is there any elegant way to do this, in particular - to pass further the result of IO, without preceding IO actions, namely avoiding execution of askAndReadResponse twice?
You can sequence the effects using monadic binding with flatMap:
def core: IO[String] = askAndReadResponse("enter something").flatMap {
case response if response.length > 2 => response.point[IO]
case response => core
This lets you take the result of one computation (the user entering text after being prompted) and use it in subsequent computations (the calculation about whether to return or loop, and the result if returning).
ifM just isn't going to be useful in your case—it would only work here if your condition and your successful branch were independent computations.

Is there an easy way to get a Stream as output of a RowParser?

Given rowParser of type RowParser[Photo], this is how you would parse a list of rows coming from a table photo, according to the code samples I have seen so far:
def getPhotos(album: Album): List[Photo] = DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SQL("select * from photo where album = {album}").on(
'album ->
).as(rowParser *)
Where the * operator creates a parser of type ResultSetParser[List[Photo]]. Now, I was wondering if it was equally possible to get a parser that yields a Stream (thinking that being more lazy is always better), but I only came up with this:
def getPhotos(album: Album): Stream[Photo] = DB.withConnection { implicit c =>
SQL("select * from photo where album = {album}").on(
'album ->
)() collect (rowParser(_) match { case Success(photo) => photo })
It works, but it seems overly complicated. I could of course just call toStream on the List I get from the first function, but my goal was to only apply rowParser on rows that are actually read. Is there an easier way to achieve this?
EDIT: I know that limit should be used in the query, if the number of rows of interest is known beforehand. I am also aware that, in many cases, you are going to use the whole result anyway, so being lazy will not improve performance. But there might be a case where you save a few cycles, e.g. if for some reason, you have search criteria that you cannot or do not want to express in SQL. So I thought it was odd that, given the fact that anorm provides a way to obtain a Stream of SqlRow, I didn't find a straightforward way to apply a RowParser on that.
I ended up creating my own stream method which corresponds to the list method:
def stream[A](p: RowParser[A]) = new ResultSetParser[Stream[A]] {
def apply(rows: SqlParser.ResultSet): SqlResult[Stream[A]] = match {
case None => Success(Stream.empty[A])
case Some(Success(a)) => {
val s: Stream[A] = a #:: rows.tail.flatMap(r => p(r) match {
case Success(r) => Some(r)
case _ => None
case Some(Error(msg)) => Error(msg)
Note that the Play SqlResult can only be either Success/Error while each row can also be Success/Error. I handle this for the first row only, assuming the rest will be the same. This may or may not work for you.
You're better off making smaller (paged) queries using limit and offset.
Anorm would need some modification if you're going to keep your (large) result around in memory and stream it from there. Then the other concern would be the new memory requirements for your JVM. And how would you deal with caching on the service level? See, previously you could easily cache something like photos?page=1&size=10, but now you just have photos, and the caching technology would have no idea what to do with the stream.
Even worse, and possibly on a JDBC-level, wrapping Stream around limited and offset-ed execute statements and just making multiple calls to the database behind the scenes, but this sounds like it would need a fair bit of work to port the Stream code that Scala generates to Java land (to work with Groovy, jRuby, etc), then get it on the approved for the JDBC 5 or 6 roadmap. This idea will probably be shunned as being too complicated, which it is.
You could wrap Stream around your entire DAO (where the limit and offset trickery would happen), but this almost sounds like more trouble than it's worth :-)
I ran into a similar situation but ran into a Call Stack Overflow exception when the built-in anorm function to convert to Streams attempted to parse the result set.
In order to get around this I elected to abandon the anorm ResultSetParser paradigm, and fall back to the java.sql.ResultSet object.
I wanted to use anorm's internal classes for the parsing result set rows, but, ever since version 2.4, they have made all of the pertinent classes and methods private to their package, and have deprecated several other methods that would have been more straight-forward to use.
I used a combination of Promises and Futures to work around the ManagedResource that anorm now returns. I avoided all deprecated functions.
import anorm._
import java.sql.ResultSet
import scala.concurrent._
def SqlStream[T](sql:SqlQuery)(parse:ResultSet => T)(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Stream[T]] = {
val conn = db.getConnection()
val mr = sql.preparedStatement(conn, false)
val p = Promise[Unit]()
val p2 = Promise[ResultSet]()
Future {{ stmt =>
Await.ready(p.future, duration.Duration.Inf)
}).acquireAndGet(identity).andThen { case _ => conn.close() }
def _stream(rs:ResultSet):Stream[T] = {
if ( parse(rs) #:: _stream(rs)
else {
} { rs =>
A rather trivial usage of this function would be something like this:
def getText(implicit ec:ExecutionContext):Future[Stream[String]] = {
SqlStream(SQL("select FIELD from TABLE")) { rs => rs.getString("FIELD") }
There are, of course, drawbacks to this approach, however, this got around my problem and did not require inclusion of any other libraries.

what is proper monad or sequence comprehension to both map and carry state across?

I'm writing a programming language interpreter.
I have need of the right code idiom to both evaluate a sequence of expressions to get a sequence of their values, and propagate state from one evaluator to the next to the next as the evaluations take place. I'd like a functional programming idiom for this.
It's not a fold because the results come out like a map. It's not a map because of the state prop across.
What I have is this code which I'm using to try to figure this out. Bear with a few lines of test rig first:
// test rig
class MonadLearning extends JUnit3Suite {
val d = List("1", "2", "3") // some expressions to evaluate.
type ResType = Int
case class State(i : ResType) // trivial state for experiment purposes
val initialState = State(0)
// my stub/dummy "eval" function...obviously the real one will be...real.
def computeResultAndNewState(s : String, st : State) : (ResType, State) = {
val State(i) = st
val res = s.toInt + i
val newStateInt = i + 1
(res, State(newStateInt))
My current solution. Uses a var which is updated as the body of the map is evaluated:
def testTheVarWay() {
var state = initialState
val r = {
s =>
val (result, newState) = computeResultAndNewState(s, state)
state = newState
I have what I consider unacceptable solutions using foldLeft which does what I call "bag it as you fold" idiom:
def testTheFoldWay() {
// This startFold thing, requires explicit type. That alone makes it muddy.
val startFold : (List[ResType], State) = (Nil, initialState)
val (r, state) = d.foldLeft(startFold) {
case ((tail, st), s) => {
val (r, ns) = computeResultAndNewState(s, st)
(tail :+ r, ns) // we want a constant-time append here, not O(N). Or could Cons on front and reverse later
I also have a couple of recursive variations (which are obvious, but also not clear or well motivated), one using streams which is almost tolerable:
def testTheStreamsWay() {
lazy val states = initialState #:: resultStates // there are states
lazy val args = d.toStream // there are arguments
lazy val argPairs = args zip states // put them together
lazy val resPairs : Stream[(ResType, State)] ={ case (d1, s1) => computeResultAndNewState(d1, s1) } // map across them
lazy val (results , resultStates) = myUnzip(resPairs)// Note .unzip causes infinite loop. Had to write my own.
lazy val r = results.toList
lazy val finalState = resultStates.last
But, I can't figure out anything as compact or clear as the original 'var' solution above, which I'm willing to live with, but I think somebody who eats/drinks/sleeps monad idioms is going to just say ... use this... (Hopefully!)
With the map-with-accumulator combinator (the easy way)
The higher-order function you want is mapAccumL. It's in Haskell's standard library, but for Scala you'll have to use something like Scalaz.
First the imports (note that I'm using Scalaz 7 here; for previous versions you'd import Scalaz._):
import scalaz._, syntax.std.list._
And then it's a one-liner:
scala> d.mapAccumLeft(initialState, computeResultAndNewState)
res1: (State, List[ResType]) = (State(3),List(1, 3, 5))
Note that I've had to reverse the order of your evaluator's arguments and the return value tuple to match the signatures expected by mapAccumLeft (state first in both cases).
With the state monad (the slightly less easy way)
As Petr Pudlák points out in another answer, you can also use the state monad to solve this problem. Scalaz actually provides a number of facilities that make working with the state monad much easier than the version in his answer suggests, and they won't fit in a comment, so I'm adding them here.
First of all, Scalaz does provide a mapM—it's just called traverse (which is a little more general, as Petr Pudlák notes in his comment). So assuming we've got the following (I'm using Scalaz 7 again here):
import scalaz._, Scalaz._
type ResType = Int
case class Container(i: ResType)
val initial = Container(0)
val d = List("1", "2", "3")
def compute(s: String): State[Container, ResType] = State {
case Container(i) => (Container(i + 1), s.toInt + i)
We can write this:
d.traverse[({type L[X] = State[Container, X]})#L, ResType](compute).run(initial)
If you don't like the ugly type lambda, you can get rid of it like this:
type ContainerState[X] = State[Container, X]
d.traverse[ContainerState, ResType](compute).run(initial)
But it gets even better! Scalaz 7 gives you a version of traverse that's specialized for the state monad:
scala> d.traverseS(compute).run(initial)
res2: (Container, List[ResType]) = (Container(3),List(1, 3, 5))
And as if that wasn't enough, there's even a version with the run built in:
scala> d.runTraverseS(initial)(compute)
res3: (Container, List[ResType]) = (Container(3),List(1, 3, 5))
Still not as nice as the mapAccumLeft version, in my opinion, but pretty clean.
What you're describing is a computation within the state monad. I believe that the answer to your question
It's not a fold because the results come out like a map. It's not a map because of the state prop across.
is that it's a monadic map using the state monad.
Values of the state monad are computations that read some internal state, possibly modify it, and return some value. It is often used in Haskell (see here or here).
For Scala, there is a trait in the ScalaZ library called State that models it (see also the source). There are utility methods in States for creating instances of State. Note that from the monadic point of view State is just a monadic value. This may seem confusing at first, because it's described by a function depending on a state. (A monadic function would be something of type A => State[B].)
Next you need is a monadic map function that computes values of your expressions, threading the state through the computations. In Haskell, there is a library method mapM that does just that, when specialized to the state monad.
In Scala, there is no such library function (if it is, please correct me). But it's possible to create one. To give a full example:
import scalaz._;
object StateExample
extends App
with States /* utility methods */
// The context that is threaded through the state.
// In our case, it just maps variables to integer values.
class Context(val map: Map[String,Int]);
// An example that returns the requested variable's value
// and increases it's value in the context.
def eval(expression: String): State[Context,Int] =
state((ctx: Context) => {
val v =;
(new Context( + ((expression, v + 1)) ), v);
// Specialization of Haskell's mapM to our State monad.
def mapState[S,A,B](f: A => State[S,B])(xs: Seq[A]): State[S,Seq[B]] =
state((initState: S) => {
var s = initState;
// process the sequence, threading the state
// through the computation
val ys = for(x <- xs) yield { val r = f(x)(s); s = r._1; r._2 };
// return the final state and the output result
(s, ys);
// Example: Try to evaluate some variables, starting from an empty context.
val expressions = Seq("x", "y", "y", "x", "z", "x");
print( mapState(eval)(expressions) ! new Context(Map[String,Int]()) );
This way you can create simple functions that take some arguments and return State and then combine them into more complex ones by using or State.flatMap (or perhaps better using for comprehensions), and then you can run the whole computation on a list of expressions by mapM.
See also
Edit: See Travis Brown's answer, he described how to use the state monad in Scala much more nicely.
He also asks:
But why, when there's a standard combinator that does exactly what you need in this case?
(I ask this as someone who's been slapped for using the state monad when mapAccumL would do.)
It's because the original question asked:
It's not a fold because the results come out like a map. It's not a map because of the state prop across.
and I believe the proper answer is it is a monadic map using the state monad.
Using mapAccumL is surely faster, both less memory and CPU overhead. But the state monad captures the concept of what is going on, the essence of the problem. I believe in many (if not most) cases this is more important. Once we realize the essence of the problem, we can either use the high-level concepts to nicely describe the solution (perhaps sacrificing speed/memory a little) or optimize it to be fast (or perhaps even manage to do both).
On the other hand, mapAccumL solves this particular problem, but doesn't give us a broader answer. If we need to modify it a little, it might happen it won't work any more. Or, if the library starts to be complex, the code can start to be messy and we won't know how to improve it, how to make the original idea clear again.
For example, in the case of evaluating stateful expressions, the library can become complicated and complex. But if we use the state monad, we can build the library around small functions, each taking some arguments and returning something like State[Context,Result]. These atomic computations can be combined to more complex ones using flatMap method or for comprehensions, and finally we'll construct the desired task. The principle will stay the same across the whole library, and the final task will also be something that returns State[Context,Result].
To conclude: I'm not saying using the state monad is the best solution, and certainly it's not the fastest one. I just believe it is most didactic for a functional programmer - it describes the problem in a clean, abstract way.
You could do this recursively:
def testTheRecWay(xs: Seq[String]) = {
def innerTestTheRecWay(xs: Seq[String], priorState: State = initialState, result: Vector[ResType] = Vector()): Seq[ResType] = {
xs match {
case Nil => result
case x :: tail =>
val (res, newState) = computeResultAndNewState(x, priorState)
innerTestTheRecWay(tail, newState, result :+ res)
Recursion is a common practice in functional programming and is most of the time easier to read, write and understand than loops. In fact scala does not have any loops other than while. fold, map, flatMap, for (which is just sugar for flatMap/map), etc. are all recursive.
This method is tail recursive and will be optimized by the compiler to not build a stack, so it is absolutely safe to use. You can add the #annotation.tailrec annotaion, to force the compiler to apply tail recursion elimination. If your method is not tailrec the compiler will then complain.
edit: renamed inner method to avoid ambiguity