How to solve Invalid Binary error in App Store - iphone

A few months back I uploaded my iPhone app on the app store. Now I wish to add a new version. I didn't have the last profile or certificate. So I created a new one. Followed all the necessary steps, yet it says Invalid Binary. I am working on a deadline, and it's really important to solve this issue. Please help. I have followed many forums, questions, and answers but no luck.

If I've understand right you lost the original developer certificate (the one that Apple say "keep this safe or you're lost") and create a new one from scratch.
Doing this you create a complete new "identity" (I mean, not a copy of the original one) so you can't upload the app as an upgrade of the older.
But if you still have somewhere the .p12 file you can re-install the private/public keys and download the old certificate of the app and this should works.


ios - provisioning profile issues

I recently re-installed my mac for a good spring clean and did a complete backup with Super Duper:-)
Now on the day I did the re-install Apple's servers had issues with signing certificates, which I didn't know and thought I was messing things up. So I deleted all of them from my account and thought to start over again.
I have them downloaded, but obviously they are not on my account anymore.
Now I have an update for an app in the app store and no matter what I try, I can't sign the app to make it ready for the upload. Have I completely stuffed this and do I need to make a new app in iTunes Connect?
PS I do not believe this question is under NDA - if it is I am happy to delete it, I have also posted this on the apple forum, but I am seem to get quicker answers here:-)
Thanks for your help.
Whatever you do DON'T make a new App. This is simply a provisioning profile and signing certificate issue. Just go through the process of setting those up all again. And then make sure your Project knows to use the NEW ones and does not have references to old ones in Git or whatever source code control you use.

Updating application with new certificate

To make a long story short: I have developed an application for a company and I was about to update when I discovered that in the member center area on the Apple website the Development Certificate was gone, as well as the devices and other stuff, so I made a new one and uploaded the device ID again.
So everything okay...I thought. I opened iTunes and downloaded the new provisioning profile and dragged it over to the organizer window. But it did not work. I got several different warning and errors saying the the keys, certificates etc did not match, so I Googled. I saw some posts that said: try making a new distrubution I did, then xcode told me that I had to many certificates for that app so I exported the certificates by right clicking the selected certificates in the keychain and tapped export. I ended up with a Certificates.cer file. Then I deleted those certificates to make room for the new ones i downloaded from the member center portal.
SO now I do not know what I have done...I am afraid that I screwed something really up.
My question is: I really hope it is still possible to update the application already in appstore even though I have to recreate the certficates, provisioning profiles etc.
Best regards
You can alway start from scratch, deleting all the provisioning profiles through your developer member page, recreating the profiles you need, importing them in Xcode and rebuilding the app with them. You cannot screw things that much, not being able to publish the app once again.
Clear all the contents of Xcode, and of your provisioning profiles page, and start over. Things will work. I've done this tens of times.

Invalid Code Signing Entitlements [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
App Submission Error - Invalid binary - Invalid Code Signing Error
(3 answers)
Closed 5 years ago.
I ve followed all the procedure that app store support placed for help yet when ever i sumit the app after upload the status becomes "invalid binary" with following msg in the mail.
Invalid Code Signing Entitlements - Your application bundle's signature contains ubiquity code signing entitlements that are not supported.
Specifically, value "( 79FWT492R4.* )" for key "" in is not supported.
I will be thankful if someone help
Well i really dont know why Apple has set so many complications for the app submission.Now coming towards the solution, What i did was, I used the same APP ID but i reconfigured it by unchecking the iCloud option, then i renewed the provision and distribution profiles downloaded them, deleted the old profiles from the xcode organizer added the new ones (those i downloaded after renew), first my app started giving error during the that "key does not match .... " then i went to the built info of the target there i simply set "iphone distribution" in code signing, Thats it i build the app and uploaded via organizer, and it went with the status "Waiting for Review" :)
Just to clarify the answer, which I found confusing. I had ths problem just now (October 2011) and solved it quickly.
I thought I had to revoke my own distribution certificate, but this clarifying note saved me (can't find the source right now but THANK YOU)
Go to App IDs in the provisioning portal. Scroll to the bottom. Click configure on the row that represents your app’s ID. Uncheck Enable for iCloud. Click Done.
Now you can just regenerate your distro provisioning prof (no need to create a new one) and redownload it into Xcode, reubild and resubmit. i hope this helps people
There is indeed no more option to disable iCloud in Provisioning Portal. But apparently Apple has noticed that the iCloud entitlements in distribution certificates may cause trouble during submission and has recently REMOVED these entitlements from the certificates again.
So help is near: Just re-create your distribution certificate and you'll see that it doesn't contain the offending keys any more. Hope that helps.
Under the Code Signing section in my Build Settings, Xcode had selected iOS Developer for Release instead of iOS Distribution. Selecting the correct distribution profile for Release resolved this issue for me.
My solution was to remove the provisioning profile entries. Evidently in addition to the Code Signing entries, now there are also Provisioning Profile entries and mine was stuck on an old version or something. Clearing that fixed the problem.

I'm in an iPhone provisioning mess -- Insight needed

My app has been more or less ready to be submitted for a while now, but as usual, the overly complex provisioning nonsense that Apple forces developers to jump through is causing me an enormous amount of stress. Initially the problem I was receiving was Invalid Codesign. After trying every 'solution' i could find on the internet and failing, I decided that it would be best if I started fresh -- Deleted all my provioning profiles, cleaned up my itunes connect account, deleted all my keys and certificate from the keychain access and started from scratch. The problem is that once I deleted by keys and developer certificate from the keychain access, I cant get them back!!! I've tried restarting, I've tried installing it every way imaginable, but I just cant get anything to be listed in the 'keys' nor 'my certificates' sections of the keychain access. I do have an iPhone edveloper profile in the 'certificates section' but this doesnt even seem to be of any use because when I look in the Organizer there are no developer profiles listed, and all my provisioning profiles warn "A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain"
Someone please help me through this mess. I've been developing my app for several months now and I already have an app in the App Store but Apple insists on making this process damn near impossible. Thanks so much!!!
Your public and private keys are automagically generated when required - if you use the certificate assistant to request a signing certificate as the provisioning profile describes you will find your new private/public keys created.
Once you begin this process you should also use spotlight to remove all .mobileprovision and .cer files you may have remaining in downloads, and also use organizer to remove profiles from devices. If you are starting from scratch you want to make sure none of that stuff remains to cause you problems.
This is an overcomplicated process to be sure, but once everything is really deleted and a fresh start is made it should be good for some time. The biggest problems I have had are when getting a new Mac and having hiccups with exporting/importing keys in an effort to keep my old certificates/provisioning valid.

Transferring iPhone Provisioning Profiles

I thought there had already been a similar question but searching for it yielded no results. So if anyone can find it and link me I would appreciate it.
I have not done any iPhone development in months (Since last August I believe) and since then, I have reformatted my MacBook when I installed Snow Leopard. Well, I am interested in working on an iPhone application now. My question is, how do I go about continuing iPhone development? More specifically, I did not back-up my provisioning files and/or certificates. Do I just go back to the developer center and re-do the steps required to get the provisioning files?
EDIT: Apparently it wasn't clear when I mentioned that I did not back-up my provisioning files. By this I mean I did not back-up the contents of my keychain or the certificates I downloaded from the developer center.
I'm not sure quite what you mean when you say you didn't back-up your provisioning files and/or certificates. Did you back up your Keychain and other user data? If so, you can restore that, then re-download the provisioning profile from the portal.
If you also lost the contents of your Keychain when you reformatted, and don't have any way of restoring them, you may have to talk to Developer Support. At a minimum you'll have to go through the certificate request process again.
Once you get the situation sorted out, follow the steps here to back up all your development info!
You will need to regenerate a certificate through the developer portal, and then generate new profiles.
You can probably just download the certificates you already created unless they are expired in which you just need to renew them. You can also simply restore them from a backup which I'm sure you have :)