Transferring iPhone Provisioning Profiles - iphone

I thought there had already been a similar question but searching for it yielded no results. So if anyone can find it and link me I would appreciate it.
I have not done any iPhone development in months (Since last August I believe) and since then, I have reformatted my MacBook when I installed Snow Leopard. Well, I am interested in working on an iPhone application now. My question is, how do I go about continuing iPhone development? More specifically, I did not back-up my provisioning files and/or certificates. Do I just go back to the developer center and re-do the steps required to get the provisioning files?
EDIT: Apparently it wasn't clear when I mentioned that I did not back-up my provisioning files. By this I mean I did not back-up the contents of my keychain or the certificates I downloaded from the developer center.

I'm not sure quite what you mean when you say you didn't back-up your provisioning files and/or certificates. Did you back up your Keychain and other user data? If so, you can restore that, then re-download the provisioning profile from the portal.
If you also lost the contents of your Keychain when you reformatted, and don't have any way of restoring them, you may have to talk to Developer Support. At a minimum you'll have to go through the certificate request process again.
Once you get the situation sorted out, follow the steps here to back up all your development info!

You will need to regenerate a certificate through the developer portal, and then generate new profiles.

You can probably just download the certificates you already created unless they are expired in which you just need to renew them. You can also simply restore them from a backup which I'm sure you have :)


ios - provisioning profile issues

I recently re-installed my mac for a good spring clean and did a complete backup with Super Duper:-)
Now on the day I did the re-install Apple's servers had issues with signing certificates, which I didn't know and thought I was messing things up. So I deleted all of them from my account and thought to start over again.
I have them downloaded, but obviously they are not on my account anymore.
Now I have an update for an app in the app store and no matter what I try, I can't sign the app to make it ready for the upload. Have I completely stuffed this and do I need to make a new app in iTunes Connect?
PS I do not believe this question is under NDA - if it is I am happy to delete it, I have also posted this on the apple forum, but I am seem to get quicker answers here:-)
Thanks for your help.
Whatever you do DON'T make a new App. This is simply a provisioning profile and signing certificate issue. Just go through the process of setting those up all again. And then make sure your Project knows to use the NEW ones and does not have references to old ones in Git or whatever source code control you use.

Update app on appstore with another Mac, without transferring identity possible?

I have a question about updating an app on appstore:
I have to update an app that was published by another developer. I have been given id/mdp to the developer portal, so I can download certificates and provisioning profile for distribution.
However, I know that to use these signing, I must use the identity used by the previous developer :
according to apple:
Transferring Your Identities
Once you have a healthy working code signing configuration set up it is recommended that you follow the steps in section Transfer Your Developer Profile to Another Computer of the Xcode 4 User Guide to create a backup of them. The backup can be used to restore your working code signing configuration from hardware failure, or to enable code signing on additional Macs, partitions, or OS X user accounts of your choice.
I can't contact the previous developer...
So here is my question :) If I generate new certificates, and publish the update:
First, is it possible? ^^
Second, if it is possible, will it appear like a normal update (a notification in the appstore update tab, and just a clic to update?) - my fear is that it is impossible because of different signing and the user have to reinstall the app
I really thank you if anyone have the answer.
Nice day,
If you are the administrator or the team leader of the same iOS Developer account under which the app was previously submitted, then you can revoke and re-generate all the certificates and provisioning profiles necessary to submit an update to that app.

iPhone Certificate Fog

This question is, in some ways, a follow up on my earlier question regarding Push Notifications. After much time wasted I have more or less concluded that the issues I am running into, particularly with Titanium, are down to my not configuring my Keychain in the right order. I am now contemplating redoing it all from scratch but thought it best to first post a question here to establish the right way. Here is what I am planning to do
Log in to my Apple iOS provisioning portal account, download and install the Apple WWDRCA cert
Open up KeyChain and create a new certificate signing request. I call it myname.certS... .
Go to the provisioning portal account and use the CSR created above to secure my development and production certificates.
Download and install those certs on my machine by double clicking on them
Back in the provisioning portal create my first appID - call it, com.example.push
Back in KeyChain create a new csr - push.certSig... .
Back in the provisioning portal choose the new appID and configure it for Push using the new csr
Still in the provisioning portal select Devices and add the UUIDs for the devices on which I want to test my app
Still in the provisioning portal select Provisioning and create a new development and production provisioning profile for the app. The latter has AdHoc selected. Use the certificates created earlier. At this stage assign only one device in each profile.
Submit the profile, wait then edit it and add the remaining devices - I am doing this because I have read that there is bug somewhere that stops the provisioning profile from using the Push configuration for the appID in question the first time round
Download and install the two provisioning profiles
Well as I write I have followed all of these steps. I then wrote and compiled a simple Titanium mobile project and tried the Install To Device option with the AdHoc profile created above. Everything went swimmingly well and I got my IPA. I took the IPA and fed it to TestFlightApp which reported Invalid Profile: developer build entitlements must have get-task-allow set to true. So I tried again with the Development profile. This time round TestFlightApp accepted the IPA. In installed it on my iPad but still find that registerForPushNotifications is going away into the ether with nothing being reported - no success, no erors... just a defeaning silence.
I have to admit that I am at my wits end here. I am clearly doing something wrong but I haven't got the foggiest idea what it could be. If I had a million dollars I would give em away to anyone who could set me on the right track. Well I don't so I hope someone just puts me on the right track out of sheer goodness
tried the Install To Device option with the AdHoc profile created above. Everything went swimmingly well and I got my IPA
That doesn't sound right. You aren't installing to a device, you're generating a distributable build. I'm not familiar with Titanium's build process, but in Xcode 4, you select Archive to generate the IPA, and Xcode generates the appropriate entitlements at that point. If you're using an option intended to install directly onto a device, it won't generate those entitlements.
So I tried again with the Development profile.
This doesn't sound right either. You should be using the distribution profile.

After renewing my iOS membership, is it necessary to update my apps with new distribution profiles signed with a new distribution certificate?

Background: I have some existing apps in the App Store and I have just renewed my Apple Developer Program membership.
Appreciate if someone can help with these questions:
Is it necessary to release an update for each of my apps, compiled with a new distribution profile and signed with a new distribution certificate?
If I don't do the above (1), will my apps expire and disappear from the App Store?
Will a user who has previously downloaded my app, but have yet to install the update, be able to use my app even after its distribution profile has expired?
I found a related question, but it doesn't specifically address the above questions:
How can I update my App in the App Store if the Distribution Provisioning Profile expired?
1. No, your apps are there to stay on the app store. Distribution profiles do not expire until you force them to. Even then, the expiration only keeps you from submitting new apps with that certificate. It does not effect pre-existing applications.
2. Nope! Jeez, that'd suck...
3. Yes. Apple actually applies their own certificate to your app once it is submitted. Your distribution certificate only goes as far as Apple's verification process.
You're good friend. No need to freak out. The provisioning/signing/profile process is a pain in the a**, but fortunately for us we don't have to worry about things like this.
If you have renewed it then there is no need to Do all these stuffs :)
1) You cannot Update a new Version with Different Certificate... you have to use that only.
2) if you do not Renew your Certificate, i think so they are removed from Sale only. :(
But as Peter Said May be he hi Right :)
You can find a lots of links having Queries like this... Hope you will find and get the solutions. :)
All the Best :)

I'm in an iPhone provisioning mess -- Insight needed

My app has been more or less ready to be submitted for a while now, but as usual, the overly complex provisioning nonsense that Apple forces developers to jump through is causing me an enormous amount of stress. Initially the problem I was receiving was Invalid Codesign. After trying every 'solution' i could find on the internet and failing, I decided that it would be best if I started fresh -- Deleted all my provioning profiles, cleaned up my itunes connect account, deleted all my keys and certificate from the keychain access and started from scratch. The problem is that once I deleted by keys and developer certificate from the keychain access, I cant get them back!!! I've tried restarting, I've tried installing it every way imaginable, but I just cant get anything to be listed in the 'keys' nor 'my certificates' sections of the keychain access. I do have an iPhone edveloper profile in the 'certificates section' but this doesnt even seem to be of any use because when I look in the Organizer there are no developer profiles listed, and all my provisioning profiles warn "A valid signing identity matching this profile could not be found in your keychain"
Someone please help me through this mess. I've been developing my app for several months now and I already have an app in the App Store but Apple insists on making this process damn near impossible. Thanks so much!!!
Your public and private keys are automagically generated when required - if you use the certificate assistant to request a signing certificate as the provisioning profile describes you will find your new private/public keys created.
Once you begin this process you should also use spotlight to remove all .mobileprovision and .cer files you may have remaining in downloads, and also use organizer to remove profiles from devices. If you are starting from scratch you want to make sure none of that stuff remains to cause you problems.
This is an overcomplicated process to be sure, but once everything is really deleted and a fresh start is made it should be good for some time. The biggest problems I have had are when getting a new Mac and having hiccups with exporting/importing keys in an effort to keep my old certificates/provisioning valid.