how to check which GWT library i am Using - gwt

I want to know which GWT library is been using in a project and also if the project is working on GWT or GXT , can you please guide me where to check this, secondly if there's some website where we can found list of all GWT libraries

If your are using Eclipse, you can check the version by
Project->Properties->Google->Web Toolkit GWT SDK
If not, check the classpath to see where your libs are coming from
Is this what you were asking?

Have a look in the *.gwt.xml file and if you have gxt referenced then you have gxt (doesn't meant that you are using it though) - the simplest way to see if you are using gxt widgets is to look at the widgets that you have coded and look at the class reference - if it has gxt in the reference path then it is a gxt library...


Dygraph on GWT with googlevizualization

I'm trying to use Dygraph on our GWT project. But,
I cannot find dygraph-gwt.jar f.e. from here
Also I looked
I've already have some vizualization charts with data.
So, Can anybody show me example how to use Dygraph on GWT with GViz?
Thanks for help.
Solution 1-
You can browse through Dan's GitHub account for DyGraph. You do not need a jar as there is not much of GWT wrapper built around it. You can copy the files under gwt folder into your code base in the same package hierarchy as in Dan's Git repo and follow the rest from the blog as is .
Solution 2-
There is a more recent gwt wrapper around dygraph by another developer #
Dygraphs GWT Usage -
Another Use Case via UnitTest.

Migrating from 2.x to 3.0 (GXT) by module

I am thinking of developing a Ext GWT "GXT" 3.0 module that I need to embed to a GXT 2.x web application. Is it a good strategy to load a GXT module in a iframe. I mean, so I can develop the new module using GXT 3 and still "embed" the module in a GXT 2.x based web application. The application is quite big, so I don't think that there will be anyone in the project team that will be able to adapt to 3.0 just yet.
It is possible to run them together in the same project thanks to them using a different namespace.
Also if you plan to convert your older GXT2.x modules to GXT3 there is a legacy module to help with the transition. See :

Netbeans 7.0 + Zend Framework + Dojo

I'm starting to develop a basic web application with Zend Framework using Netbeans 7.
I don't get suggestions from the IDE when writing $this->dojo()-> ....
How can I enable suggestions?
Am I missing something? Was I supposed to do something in particular to enable suggestions (eg. include some dojo paths, etc..)?
I looked into Zend docs, but I didn't find anything about it.
Thanks in advance.
You need to add Zend library + ZendX library into the projects PHP include path (Project properties/PHP Include path) or in Options/PHP/General/Global Include path
However many of the suggestions wont appear, because large part of the framework depend on magic functions and context which Netbeans cannot track
I suggest you use PhpStorm!
In my opinion is the best IDE around!

How can I get Intellij Community Edition to play nicely with GWT UiBinder?

First- I am not using the EAP version, which I understand has built-in support. This is not a viable option.
I am getting XML validation errors on simple things like HTML elements and ui:field="" attributes. What can i tell Idea to make it handle these things correctly? To my "Resources" settings, I already added the uibinder and client.ui XSD's, as well as gwt/DTD/xhtml.ent.
GWT is not supported in the Community Edition.

Using uibinder with SmartGWT?

Is it possible to use UiBinder with SmartGWT at all? I've heard that at the moment it's impossible, though there are efforts to bridge the gap. How are those efforts? Have they yielded any successes yet?
Furthermore, if SmartGWT is still not UiBinder-friendly yet, are there any other GWT libraries that might be? ext-GWT, perhaps?
Not with UiBinder, but it is possible with GWT Designer which can be found here.
Then simply right click on the project or package in which you want to use SmartGWT, select Google Web Toolkit and then Configure for using SmartGWT.
Hope that gets you started!
Edit: GWT-Ext is also included, as you will see when right clicking.