Dygraph on GWT with googlevizualization - gwt

I'm trying to use Dygraph on our GWT project. But,
I cannot find dygraph-gwt.jar f.e. from here http://rowsandcolumns.blogspot.com/2012/04/gwt-dygraph-example-using-visualization.html
Also I looked http://dygraphs.com/
I've already have some vizualization charts with data.
So, Can anybody show me example how to use Dygraph on GWT with GViz?
Thanks for help.

Solution 1-
You can browse through Dan's GitHub account for DyGraph. You do not need a jar as there is not much of GWT wrapper built around it. You can copy the files under gwt folder into your code base in the same package hierarchy as in Dan's Git repo and follow the rest from the blog as is .
Solution 2-
There is a more recent gwt wrapper around dygraph by another developer # https://code.google.com/p/dygraphs-gwt/
Dygraphs GWT Usage - https://code.google.com/p/dygraphs-gwt/wiki/ExampleUsage
Another Use Case via UnitTest.


Customize initial project template for Flutter

I am trying to customize the starter template for a Flutter app. For projects that I work on I follow a very specific structure with my Themes, Blocs, Listeners, etc. I would love it if I could customize the starter template for Flutter so that I have everything all laid out and ready to use on doing something like flutter create .
I am aware of where the template is located. I was able to go to [flutter_dir]/packages/flutter_tools/templates/app/lib/main.dart.tmpl and customize the template.
But I am not able to figure out how I can add a new file/directory there. Let's say if I create a new file called config.dart.tmpl in the same directory as above, it does not get generated when I do flutter create
Any ideas how to get this to work or where I should be looking?
I have already tried out other options like Mason. It works fine for me, but I am more interested in doing it with default flutter tooling.
Already seen https://stackoverflow.com/a/61974852/6891637 and IDE file templates is not what I am looking for.
Currently there's no easy way to create a template similar to skeleton, package, and plugin. There's an open issue ticket for this feature. However, if you really need to create one. You can explore how skeleton was added as a template on this pull request.
Or as a workaround, you can just create a Flutter project template on your repo and fork it when starting a project.
This is the current issue about this topic : https://github.com/flutter/flutter/issues/77104
As Felix Angelov said, Mason and VeryGoodCLI are the best alternatives right now.

How to use multiple custom plugin in AEM RTE?

I have installed the color picker package provided here!
Also I have developed another plugin based on this for different functionality but I am not able to use both at same time. Individually both are working fine. One overrides other if they both installed.
Any way or link will be helpful.
Solved by integrating files in one.

java documentation of several packages

I've been recently asked to create a full Java documentation of all our APIs.
well creating a documentation for single project is easy (open project then eclipse->project->Generate javadoc).however, I'm not quite sure how is it possible to create a documentation for all the projects so they will be able to point to eachother.
in short to break down my question:
while commenting a packageONE.classA from project1 how am I able to point to package2.classB in project2 (assuming pakcageONE.classA uses API of project2 packageTWO.classB now I want to simply point to it while writing the documentation.)
how is it possible (or is it at all possible) to create javadoc for all the projects at once. so index.html will show a list of projects and upon click on a project it opens all the packages/classes of that project (if javadoc is used for one project index.html points to all packages/classes of that project)
when creating a javadoc even for one project all the native java classes come as full path (e.g. instead of String it shows java.lang.String without links to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html) so is it possible to first show it as String (instead of java.lang.String) and also link it to http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/lang/String.html
I hope question is clear enough.
1-2 : did you try to select all projects before generating javadoc ?
3 : try using option -link or -noqualifier
see this for more explanation about options

How to add my own tool in sakai 2.9 like announcement?

I am new to sakai, i want to add my own tool in sakai source code like announcement,syllabus...etc That tool having some my own functionality for this what i have to do, how can i develop my own tool in sakai.
Use one of the archetypes to get you started, then customise it. When you are comfortable you can change the UI layer to be whatever you like.
If you are looking for a solid "base" tool shell to begin with tool development my recommendation would be to start here: "Sakai Wicket Maven Archetype". There are a few other very good archetypes available but are often outdated and may cause you some problems based on my experience. This has been the one I've had the most success with.
This uses Wicket but does not mean you have to use Wicket to develop further with it. Make sure to pull the 1.2 version as last check the binaries for the others were not available yet so replace -DarchetypeVersion=1.4.1 with -DarchetypeVersion=1.2 It will compile and deploy successfully as a tool "as-is" that you can modify as needed. It also allows you to code in Java to directly access the sakai API and pull from its database or even add your own tables. I've successfully used it with NetBeans 8.0.1 and MySQL 5.6 under Windows 7 with Maven 3.2.3 and Sakai 10.1.
The code is well-documented and is no-frills but with enough varied functional use examples to allow you to do "almost" anything you want. The wicket manual is 600+ pages but in my experience you should be able to accomplish a lot just by looking at the code in the archetype.

To modify a core eclipse plugin

In order to modify an eclipse plugin, what are the steps to find its editable code ?
I read and debug source provided with eclipse distribution but to try a fix in org.eclipse.jdt.internal.corext.codemanipulation behavior I need to make it editable.
Well, the source repository is available at eclipse.org, the plugin compiled with the source should be available from the standard eclipse update site.
I'm guessing you are considering changing the source, recompiling and using your plugin instead of the standard one? There is a different way to change functionality, its with fragments. For example, look at a question I asked earlier, follow the links in my text and Andrews answer for more information.