Voice morphing iphone sdk - iphone

I want to do voice morphing for the recorded voice (i.e) I want to change the voice that cat speaks,Can you please suggest me a way or an algorithm to do so.
Thanks in advance

Look into OpenAL, an audio framework already present in ios. It has the ability to record and play back - morphing the sound via pitch and virtual 3d location. Mainly, you'd probably want the pitch morph function to make a cat.


VoIP/SIP to make calls with background music

I'm looking to create an app where two users can chat to each other while one of them plays music in the background. The music will be played from a file and will need to be mixed with the input from the microphone so that the other user can hear it too.
I've been looking at PJSIP which looks like it can do this but I was just wondering if there where any easy to implement alternatives that were more objective c and less plain c?
PJSIP can do this. A colleague of mine did it and followed
He had to convert the music to wav to lower the bitrate.
Hope that help.

How to modify a recorded voice to playback and sound "funny" in iOS?

I am creating one application which requires recording voice and then funny voice will play.
Is there any library to use this work function better?
The SpeakHere sample application provided from the SDK site has a working example of how to use the microphone to record the voice.
Now how to play funny voice.
For that there are no built-in iOS APIs that will do independent time-pitch modification.
There is open source code that implements time-pitch stretching in Audacity, but I don't know whether this code has been ported to iOS. Same with SoundTouch.
There is a Time-Pitch Stretch Tutorial on the DSP Dimensions site.
Some more blogs on it

iPhone recording audio

I'm currently working on a project where it is necessary to record sound being played by the iPhone. By this, I mean recording sound being played in the background like a sound clip or whatever, NOT using the built-in microphone.
Can this be done? I am currently experimenting with the AVAudioRecorder but this only captures sound with the built-in microphone.
Any help would be appreciated!
This is possible only when using only the Audio Unit RemoteIO API or only the Audio Queue API with uncompressed raw audio, and with no background audio mixed in. Then you have full access to the audio samples, and can queue them up to be saved in a file.
It is not possible to record sound output of the device itself using any of the other public audio APIs.
Just to elaborate on hotpaw2's answer, if you are responsible for generating the sound then you can retrieve it. But if you are not, you cannot. You only have any control over sounds in your process. yes, you can choose to stifle sounds coming from different processes. but you can't actually get the data for these sounds or process them in any way.

Accessing audio samples on the iPhone

I want to code up a audio fx program that would process the samples coming in through the mic input and play them through the audio output in near realtime. But I cannot seem to figure out how to get accesses to the individual audio samples as they come in. Can. Anybody point me in the right direction and possibly some sample code? Thanks.
The audio-processing framework in iOS is called Core Audio. See the Core Audio Overview. For sample code see the iOS Reference Library sample code. You can filter for audio using the searchbox
You probably want to be looking at the Audio Queue services (most/all of the function names begin with "AudioQueue").

Is it possible to both play a sound and record from the microphone at the same time on the iPhone?

I want to both play sound and record sound at the same time on the iPhone.
All the apps which record sound first disable any music playing. However as music would disrupt their purpose I don't know if they're doing this deliberately or whether the iPhone does it automatically when you record from the microphone.
Does anyone have experience with this?
Refer to this page. Good luck!
I've heard something about this on one episode of the mobile orchard podcast - the one with Michael Tyson, the creator of Loopy. During the discussion, Michael explained that he had to include some code to filter out the sounds that were coming in through the microphone in realtime as other sounds were being played on the speaker.
Based on that discussion, it seems entirely possible to both play and record at the same time, but I'm sure you'll have to do your own filtering to avoid recording the sounds your playing.
You can use either a core audio unit or an audio queue, and
you need to make sure that your audio session category is set to kAudioSessionCategory_PlayAndRecord.
Beware that sound output when you use this session is much quieter
than the normal solo session (observed on 3.0).