Accessing audio samples on the iPhone - iphone

I want to code up a audio fx program that would process the samples coming in through the mic input and play them through the audio output in near realtime. But I cannot seem to figure out how to get accesses to the individual audio samples as they come in. Can. Anybody point me in the right direction and possibly some sample code? Thanks.

The audio-processing framework in iOS is called Core Audio. See the Core Audio Overview. For sample code see the iOS Reference Library sample code. You can filter for audio using the searchbox

You probably want to be looking at the Audio Queue services (most/all of the function names begin with "AudioQueue").


Playback and Recording simultaneously using Core Audio in iOS

I need to play and record simultaneously using Core Audio. I really do not want to use AVFoundation API (AVAudioPlayer + AVAudioRecorder) to do this as I am making a music app and cannot have any latency issues.
I've looked at the following source code from Apple:
I've already looked into the following posts:
iOS: Sample code for simultaneous record and playback
Record and play audio Simultaneously
I am still not clear on how I can do playback and record the same thing simultaneously using Core Audio. Any pointers towards how I can achieve this will be greatly appreciable. Any pointers to any sample source code will also be of great help.
The RemoteIO Audio Unit can be used for simultaneous record and play. There are plenty of examples of recording using RemoteIO (aurioTouch) and playing using RemoteIO. Just enable both unit input and unit output, and handle both buffer callbacks. See an example here

iOS Advanced Audio API for decompressing format

On iOS, is it possible to get the user's audio stream in a decompressed format? For example, the MP3 is returned as a WAV that can be used for audio analysis? I'm relatively new to the iOS platform, and I remember seeing that this wasn't possible in older iOS versions. I read that iOS 4 brought in some advanced APIs but I'm not sure where I can find documentations/samples for these.
If you don't mind using API for iOS 4.1 and above, you could try using the AVAssetReader class and friends. In this similar question you have a full example on how to extract video frames. I would expect the same to work for audio, and the nice thing is that the reader deals with all the details of decompression. You can even do composition with AVComposition to merge several streams.
These classes are part of the AVFramework, which allows not only reading but also creating your own content.
Apple has an OpenAL example at where Scene.m should interest you.
The Apple documentation has this picture where the Core Audio framework clearly shows that it gives you MP3 out. It also states that you can access audio units in a more radical way if you so need.
The same Core Audio document gives also some information about using MIDI if it may help you.
You're in luck today.
In this example an audio file is loaded and fed into an AudioUnit graph. You could fairly easily write an AudioUnit of your own to put into this graph and which analyzes the PCM stream as you see fit. You can even do it in the callback function, although that's probably not a good idea because callbacks are encouraged to be as simple as possible.

Record and play using Audio Queues in iPhone

Can someone explain how we can use Audio Queue services to record sound from Microphone and play it live? Explain how we can achieve it. If possible give code snippets.
Use RemoteIO Audio Unit. This awesome code will get you on the right path.

audio processing in iPhone

I am writing an iPhone application to apply filters to audio input and output the result in real time.
I am new to audio processing but using audiounit, the correct approach?
I found out how to output data using audiounit but couldn’t figure out how to capture input audio.
Is there a sample application showing how to connect input and output using audiounit?
Check out the aurioTouch sample app from apple. Audio unit is a very complex framework to use. I suggest you look at the AVFoundation framework if it suits your need. I hope it helps you.

How can I record the audio output of the iPhone? (like sounds of my app)

I want to record the sound of my iPhone-App. So like someone is playing something on a iPhone instrument and after that you can hear it.
Is it possible without the micro?
Do you mean an App you build yourself? If yes, you could just save the rendered waveform (maybe encoded/compressed to save space) for later playback. (see: Extended Audio File Services, it can write the same AudioBufferList to a file that you would render to the RemoteAudio Unit when playing audio in your Instrument-App)
[Edit: removed comments on recording third-party app audio output ...]
With the AVFoundation you are currently using, you're always working on the level of the sound files. Your code never sees the actual audio signal. Thus, you can't 'grab' the audio signal that your app generates when it is used. Also, AVAudioPlayer does not provide any means of getting to the final signal. If you're using multiple instances of AVAudio player to play multiple sounds at the same time you also wouldn't be able to get at the mixed signal.
Alas, you probably need to use CoreAudio which is a much more low level interface.
I'd like to suggest an alternative approach: Instead of recording the audio output, why not record the sequence of actions together with their time which lead to the audio being played? Write this sequence of events to a file and read it back in to reproduce the 'performance' - it's a bit like your own MIDI sequencer :)