Editing the data in a List in a Dashcode app - dashcode

I’m writing a Dashcode app that contains a list. I’d like to populate this list with my data, but when I define the function
function populate_list()
var list = document.getElementById("list");
I get an error; I think the reason is that list in this context is a normal HTML ul element and not an instance of the fancy DC.List class that Apple has defined. How can I access my list in such a way that I can use its methods and access its properties?

In dashcode under library/code there is an example titled 'List Data Source'. You will also need to alter the list object datatype to dynamic and then select your datasource from the dropdown list.

It turns out that I wanted to do
var list = document.getElementById("list").object;


Can I get the style object and Get the property of it?

I wanted to use javascript addin's to get the style object and get some proerties of it for example maybe paragraph property and get the indentation of this specific style but I cant get to the style object and get the property of it. I know that there is a collection of every style in document but I cant get any properties of those. There is way to change style in selected range but it could be very fine if I could get style from the range maybe and like i said erlier get some properties of it.
This is code in Word VBA that is example of property i want to see value of:
We can set the value to any variable:
Dim var As Integer/Long
Let var = documents("[file_name]").Styles([index]).ParagraphFormat.LeftIndent
As far as I know the office.js API for Word does not currently (v. 1.4) provide any Style objects with the kind of properties that you are used to seeing via the Object Model that VBA uses. All it lets you do is get the style names (localized and built-in) associated with another object such as a range, a paragraph, or various style properties associated with a table.
i.e. at the moment, the only way you would be able to get detailed style information would probably be to retrieve the document's XML and interpret that. Hard, I suspect.
I think that probably answers your question but in case you were looking for code to retrieve a style, to get the style name of a range, say, is straightforward, e.g. in Script Lab you can start with one of the basic JavaScript samples and modify its run function so it looks like this:
function run() {
return Word.run(function(context) {
var range = context.document.getSelection();
return context.sync().then(function() {
console.log('The selected style was "' + range.style + '".');
Precisely which style name you get depends on the range - if you select two paragraphs with different styles, the style name will be "", and so on.

Apps script: use a form as a template for other forms creation

I have a form with a set of questions, and I want to use it for other forms creation. In other words, I want to iterate through this template form items, choose those that I need and append them to another, newly created form.
I had no problem with getting the items and choosing those that I need; however, I can't find the way to append these items to another form - all of the Form.addSomethingItem() methods don't take arguments (docs for example). Is it really impossible, or do I miss something foolishly simple?
There are two ways to achieve this:
Make a copy of the form using DriveApp and remove/modify items in-place on the new form copy.
Iterate over existing items, check it's type and add them to the new form. For example, The following gets Item1's enum and converts it to a camelCase string and executes add{Type}Item method, where Type is MultipleChoice in case of MULTIPLE_CHOICE Enum Item type.
const newForm2Item0 = Form2[
.replace(/(^|_)[A-Z]/gi, match =>
match.toUpperCase().replace('_', '')
]();//equivalent to Form2.addMultipleChoiceItem()
You would then add choices and other configurations as needed in a similar manner.
Form methods like addTextItem() don't take arguments, rather they return Items classes (e.g. TextItem). Those Item classes have their own methods for assigning properties to a question on a form.
here's an example of adding a text item with a specific title
form.addTextItem().setTitle('I am a text question title');
here's an example of adding a multiple choice item to a form with some choices
var item = form.addMultipleChoiceItem();
var choices = ['choice 1', 'choice 2', 'choice 3'];
choices.forEach(function(choice) {

SAPUI5 No dynamic way to get form data without data binding. And no Form submit event.

I have a simple form that's in a dialog fragment used to submitting two fields for log-in auth.
For simplicity I was hoping to not have to use data binding, but rather use some method to gather all data inside my sap.ui.layout.form.SimpleForm.
I added a name property to each input element which says in the docs it is " Defines the name of the control for the purposes of form submission."
However hard as I try to find there doesn't seem to be any getFormData methods.
All SO questions and guides either use data binding to a model, or hard-code references to the individual input controls with .getValue() methods.
And looking further into the form API, there doesn't seem to be a Submit event either.
Given an arbitrary form, what would be the best way to gather all submission values without hard-coded references or data-binding?
Would a method that walks though all the children elements of a form looking for all submission values work? I think it might, but there are more submission input types then just the input component.
You can get the value of the fields by directly using;
var oField = sap.ui.getCore().byId('IdOfTheFieldAtTheDialog');
var sValue = oField.getValue();
But it's always better and convenient to use data binding which keep things neat.
And If I assume that you have the id of parent form container, you can iterate over the items and get the sap.m.Input elements in it without knowing the IDs of the individual inputs, and you may check the name property of the fields if you want. Check this snippet;

How to retrieve the rows which are selected in the list report page of smart templates

This is the List Report type of Smart Template application
Here I have selected 2nd and 5th row, I also have a button named Send Requests in the section part which is highlighted. If I click this button it calls a javascript controller function which is defined in the extensions of the application. In this js function how can I retrieve the selected rows that are selected?
I have enabled the checkboxes in this page by mentioning this code
"settings": { "gridTable": false, "multiSelect": true } in the manifest.json
As it was recommended by this link https://sapui5.netweaver.ondemand.com/#docs/guide/116b5d82e8c545e2a56e1b51b8b0a9bd.html
I want to know how can I retrieve the rows which got selected?
There is an API that you can use for your use case. It is described here: https://sapui5.netweaver.ondemand.com/#docs/guide/bd2994b69ef542998becbc69ab093f7e.html
Basically, you just need to call the getSelectedContexts method. Unfortunately you will not be able to really get the items themselves, only the binding contexts (which point to the data entities which are selected). Excerpt from the documentation:
After you have defined a view extension, you can access and modify the
properties of all UI elements defined within these extensions (for
example, change the visibility). However, you cannot access any UI
elements that are not defined within your view extensions.
In this type of table there is way.
var myTable=sap.ui.getCore().byId("your table id");
get all rows:
var myTableRows=myTable.getRows();
now get selected Indices
var selectedIndeices=myTable.getSelectedIndices(); //this will give you array of indeices.
now run loop on indeices array. And get particular row item;
// get binding path
var bindingpath=myTableRows[2].getBindingContext().sPath; // this will return eg:"/ProductCollection/2"
// now get Binding object of that particular row.
var myData=myTableRows[2].getModel().getObject(bindingpath); // this will return binding object at that perticular row.
// once your loop is over in the end you will have all object of selected row. then do whatever you want to do.
If you use smart template create an extension.
This is the standard event befor the table is rebinding:
onBeforeRebindTableExtension: function (oEvent) {
this._table = oEvent.getSource().getTable();
In your action function (or where you want) call the table and get the context :

enterprise architect api: Add element to a collection

I have few short questions regarding Enterprise architect.
My question is regarding the automation interface. When following the instructions provided on this page: http://www.sparxsystems.com/uml_tool_guide/sdk_for_enterprise_architect/colle... in order to add a new element to the collection ( and the .eap file) it does not add the element. I can get data from the elements, modify and even delete them, but adding a new element does not work?
Instructions provided:
Call AddNew to add a new item.
Modify the item as required.
Call Update on the item to save it to the database.
Call Refresh on the collection to include it in the current set.
my java example:
elements is a collection of all the elements in the model...
org.sparx.Element elementEa = elements.AddNew("Requirement", "non-functional");
With the api is it possible to change the id or guid of an element since there are no methods specified in org.sparx for that?
One last thing... Is it possible to create a custom element in EA, for example a requirement which will not have the standard properties like difficulty, priority etc.. , but will have others? (normal properties, not tagged values)
The arguments to AddNew() are Name and Type, so to create a Requirement element you should specify "SomeRequirementName" and "Requirement".
You can't change the ID or GUID through the API, and your models would crash and burn if you did (connectors would be left dangling, elements would vanish from diagrams, etc, etc).
With an MDG Technology you can create very detailed stereotyped elements if you like, with their own visual representations (shape scripts) etc, but if you're after creating an element type with its own properties dialog the answer is no; there is no hook for a custom dialog in the API.
Collection<Package> packageCollection = myPackage.GetPackages();
Package consolidatedCfsSpecPackage = packageCollection.AddNew("somePackageName", "");
if (!consolidatedCfsSpecPackage.Update()) {
System.err.println("Not Updated: somePackageName");
This works for me. I suggest you to check return value of elementEa.Update() method you called. If it returns false, you can get the reason by calling elementEa.GetLastError().