enterprise architect api: Add element to a collection - enterprise-architect

I have few short questions regarding Enterprise architect.
My question is regarding the automation interface. When following the instructions provided on this page: http://www.sparxsystems.com/uml_tool_guide/sdk_for_enterprise_architect/colle... in order to add a new element to the collection ( and the .eap file) it does not add the element. I can get data from the elements, modify and even delete them, but adding a new element does not work?
Instructions provided:
Call AddNew to add a new item.
Modify the item as required.
Call Update on the item to save it to the database.
Call Refresh on the collection to include it in the current set.
my java example:
elements is a collection of all the elements in the model...
org.sparx.Element elementEa = elements.AddNew("Requirement", "non-functional");
With the api is it possible to change the id or guid of an element since there are no methods specified in org.sparx for that?
One last thing... Is it possible to create a custom element in EA, for example a requirement which will not have the standard properties like difficulty, priority etc.. , but will have others? (normal properties, not tagged values)

The arguments to AddNew() are Name and Type, so to create a Requirement element you should specify "SomeRequirementName" and "Requirement".
You can't change the ID or GUID through the API, and your models would crash and burn if you did (connectors would be left dangling, elements would vanish from diagrams, etc, etc).
With an MDG Technology you can create very detailed stereotyped elements if you like, with their own visual representations (shape scripts) etc, but if you're after creating an element type with its own properties dialog the answer is no; there is no hook for a custom dialog in the API.

Collection<Package> packageCollection = myPackage.GetPackages();
Package consolidatedCfsSpecPackage = packageCollection.AddNew("somePackageName", "");
if (!consolidatedCfsSpecPackage.Update()) {
System.err.println("Not Updated: somePackageName");
This works for me. I suggest you to check return value of elementEa.Update() method you called. If it returns false, you can get the reason by calling elementEa.GetLastError().


How to make a custom ListView page in SuiteCRM

I need to make a page in SuiteCRM (v7.9 -- based loosely on Sugar 6.5 CE) that has a list of objects (of a custom module), with checkboxes in front of each one. So far, so good: that's a standard ListView.
The catch is that only some records should be in the list (filtering on whether there is an associated row in a related custom module/object).
This page needs to be distinct from the "regular" list for this module, which should indeed list all records.
It seems to me it makes sense to use a custom "action" to access this page view, and I can get my custom action code to fire with the right URL.
But I don't see how to hook in the filtering. At first, it looked like the process_record logic hook might be helpful here, but it just gives the bean for every record to be displayed. Unless there's a flag "display this record" that I'm not seeing, that's not so helpful.
Ideally, of course, I'd like to be able to inject a different WHERE clause in my custom controller action before calling
to display the page, but I'm not seeing doc to indicate how that might work. I would include source code, but so far, the line above is everything (but boilerplate) that's in the controller.php file.
Create a copy of listview in custom folder and then override the listview's listViewProcess() method and insert your query there:
function listViewProcess() // generating listview
$this->lv->searchColumns = $this->searchForm->searchColumns;
$this->lv->setup($this->seed, 'custom/modules/Leads/ListView/ListViewGeneric.tpl', $this->where, $this->params);
echo $this->lv->display();
More info: http://wiki-crm-forum.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=9420&p=32674&hilit=listViewProcess&sid=21907ecd28734a726f61f7017a7e9a24#p32674
Another tested working example can be found here:
How to hard code the where condition in list view ,basic search,advance search in sugar CE
P.S: I'm not so sure about "v7.9 -- based loosely on Sugar 6.5 CE" I'd say it's 95% identical apart from API stuff
for custom modules in SuiteCRM.
You may change in function create_new_list_query.

GTM Reduce number of tags

GTM up and running, main UA tag in place along with a ClickListener tag.
To reduce the number of macros, i use dataLayer variable Macros for event category, action, label, value & interaction, so they can be used for many rules and tags.
So i want to collect data from one link/button (Add to Fav), i add a rule to listen for the click using {{event}} equals gtm.click and {{Event Label}} equals Add_to_Fav (the label i push to the DL via onclick.
All good so far, but i need to create another UA tag (Track Type - event) that fires on the rule made previously. And this is my question, using this method seems to create many tags. If i have another 20 links that i want to collect data from, do i need to keep creating tags like this. Surely, this will affect page load speed with many tags firing on all pages.
Hope thats all clear.
If you need to retrieve the link text to use it as an event label you do not need many many event tracking tags, that would be horribly verbose. Instead you can use a custom javascript macro - the cool thing about them being that you can use existing macros inside your custom function.
If you create a click listener or link click listener this will create a few macros - one of them is {{element}}, which is the DOM element that received a click.
Now you create a macro of the type "custom java script", which must contain an anonymous function with a return value.
The barebones version of a function that retrieves the text of a clicked link would be
function() {
var el = {{element}};
return el.innerText;
(actually you do not need the variable assigment, you could use {{element}}.innerText directly).
You name the macro e.g. Linktext and use the macro {{Linktext}} in your single event tracking tag where it will dynamically be set to the value of the text of the clicked link (although you might want to check cross browser support for innerText, or maybe use innerHTML instead which serves in you use case probably the same purpose).

How can I get the Zend_Form object via the Zend_Form_Element child

I've built a Zend_Form_Decorator_Input class which extends Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract, so that I could customize my form inputs -- works great. I ran into a problem in the decorate class, in trying to get the form name of the element, so as to built a unique id for each field (in case there are multiple forms with identical field names).
There is no method like this: Zend_Form_Element::getForm(); It seems Zend_Form_Decorator_Abstract doesn't have this ability either. Any ideas?
I don't think changing the id from the decorator is the right approach. At the time the decorator is called the element already has been rendered. Thus changing the id would have no effect to the source code. Additionally, as you already have pointed out, the relation between a form and its elements is unidirectional, i.e. (to my best knowledge) there is no direct way to access the form from the element.
So far the bad news.
The good news is, that there actually is a pretty easy solution to your problem: The Zend_Form option elementsBelongTo. It prevents that the same ID is assigned to two form elements that have the same name but belong to different forms:
$form1 = new Zend_Form(array('elementsBelongTo' => 'form1'));
$form1->addElement('Text', 'text1');
$form2 = new Zend_Form(array('elementsBelongTo' => 'form2'));
$form2->addElement('Text', 'text1');
Although both forms have a text field named 'text1', they have different ids: 'form1-text1' and 'form2-text1'. However, there is a major drawback to this: This also changes the name elements in such a way that they are in the format formname[elementname]. Therefore $this->getRequest()->getParam('formname') will return an associative array containing the form elements.

How to sort a pi_list_query (or pi_exec_query) listing

I am using the extension feuserlisting to present my visitors a list of site members, but I'd like to sort the list on the full name. I know I can click the table heading to sort it when it is presented on the screen, but somehow it should be possible to set the default sorting by TypoScript?
The way of doing it is to use the _DEFAULT_PI_VARS mechanism.
plugin.tx_feuserlisting_pi1._DEFAULT_PI_VARS {
sort = name:0
The list view method of feuserlisting initilizes with a call to $this->pi_setPiVarDefaults() (which is inherited from tslib_pibase), where the key _DEFAULT_PI_VARS is taken into account when establishing the piVars.
This technique should be available in all pibase extensions which initialize their piVars with such a call.

symfony form - delete embedded form object

I have a two Symfony forms:
I'm embedding the ShoppingListItemForm inside the ShoppingListForm many times. i.e. A shopping list contains many items.
So the ShoppingListItemForm consists of two widgets:
item_id (checkbox)
shopping_list_id (hidden - foreign key)
What I would like to do is delete the corresponding ShoppingListItem object if the object exists and the checkbox is left unchecked.
I'm not sure how this delete would occur? Would I use a post validator to see which fields have/haven't been checked? I'm a bit lost on this one.
I'd do this by over-riding the ShoppingListForm's updateObject method and putting your custom delete() etc calls in there (be sure to call parent::updateObject() within it).
Depending how you implement it, you may also need to remove the embedded forms and their values to ensure saving still works correctly for the remaining objects. Try without, but if you do, you need to clear the following:
If you want to see a custom updateObject method to get an idea how to interact with values etc:
personnally, I would loop through the existing list items to see whether the corresponding checkboxes are checked in the action, and call the delete() method on the items for which it is not the case. I don't think it is the purpose of a post validator, I would do this directly in the action.