Is there any good browser plugin that has Python as its primary scripting language. It is ok even if it has very minimal graphical abilities like just taking inputs through HTML forms or parameters and rendering text as output.
One option is running Python on server side. But unfortunately, I am not allowed to install any Python server side framework.
It seems that Silverlight can use IronPython as its language. But any other more cross platform solutions are still welcome.
You can look at the PyXPCOM add-on to Firefox. It seems to do what you're looking for.
I am using Puppeteer for UI automation with jest Framework.
i had worked previously selenium and used extend report i want similar kind of reporting with puppeteer.
Is there a way i can use extent report or do we have some similar reporting for puppeteer?
Something like this is not available out of the box. Reason for this can be found in the fact that Selenium is more oriented toward testing while and contains more tools while Puppeteer is more focused on being remote control library.
I suggest using some 3rd party library like jest-html-reporter ( or jest-html-reporters ( The other alternative would be generating your own HTML report manually in JS code from Puppeteer command results and outcomes.
Is there a way to use the Interactive Web Component in a self hosted solution? At my work, we could perhaps use something like this, as demonstrated here:
I saw that the ILView over at github has a viewer and a C# REPL, but I'm not sure if this works in the browser. We really would love to see something like the Interactive Web Components on the corporate intranet.
The Internet Web Components from ILNumerics are not public yet. See the comment here.
An alternative could be an IPython Notebook server that uses IronPython as an interpreter as described here. But that seems to require giving up on a C# REPL and using a Python REPL instead.
I am not a web application pro but need to start working on a project so I need to know if pyjamas ( or shall I say the javascript generated o/p of pyjamas ) is as good as pyqt in terms of 2d graphics and widget features. I have a desktop python application which has some rich 2d graphics (with animations / collision detection etc..) implemented using pyqt.
Now I am specifically looking for equivalent web client with similar graphics and widget features . Does pyjamas support all the pyqt UI features with same look and feel??
I am also exploring GWT for this since I believe GWT has a good set of UIs and also supports decent 3rd party tools like vaadin,smartgwt but my preference is for pyjamas because its python and I am writing a equivalent pyqt based desktop app so am more comfortable with python then java. Also am not sure if GWTs look and feel would match with that of pyqt based UI on windows.
Any insights would be very helpful
Thanks in advance
Probably too late, but if anyone else would need an answer,
Pyjamas' widgets are mostly same as GWT's (most are direct translation from GWT, but we have some own widgets too), and do not target Qt, GTK or any other toolkit.
If you are looking into using webkit, you could get best of the two worlds, and use Pyjamas with PyJD. This way your very same application could be compiled into html/css/javascript and run in web browsers and at the same time you could run it in pyqt-webkit, xulrunner or mshtml with original python code.
is it possible to write firefox addon with perl and if yes could some one point to some articles materials about this subject ?
I don't know how feasible building a Firefox addon in Perl is, but here are a few links that might get you started.
MozRepl (interact with Firefox from Perl via the MozRepl addon)
WWW::Mechanize::Firefox (use Firefox as WWW::Mechanize)
XUL::Gui (my own module that lets you build gui applications in Perl that are rendered with Firefox)
I might be able to answer more detailed questions if you have them.
Firefox is largely built using four technologies: XUL, CSS, JavaScript, and XPCOM. Extensions are also built using these four technologies.
XPCOM is a cross platform component object model, similar to Microsoft COM. It has multiple language bindings, letting the XPCOM components be used and implemented in JavaScript, Java, and Python in addition to C++.(so no perl)
To write a extension you have to comunicate with the xpcom this is not possible from perl.
Is there a good tool to debug Perl-based web applications? Output to stderr or stdout don't count as tool.
Yup, I've got the perfect tool for you.
CGI::Inspect lets you inspect and debug a running Perl web application.
Read more about the module on the developer's website.
Or check out the slides from a presentation about it at YAPC::NA 2009.
The Komodo IDE supports remote debugging for just this sort of thing.
The EPIC plugin for Eclipse will also let you do this.
In CGI, you can
use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
It will display any fatal message in your browser.
With Mason, leave the default error option, which outputs the call stack in your browser.
Let's not assume, like the first answer, that the module being used is CGI, but rather provide something that will work across anything that is supported by/supports PSGI/Plack.
Perhaps combine Plack::Middleware::Debug (to display information about the active request and response, perhaps adding the Log4perl panel) and Devel::hdb to debug the running code in a separate tab.
Also available (I haven't tried it though) is InteractiveDebugger
Anything you try should be run in a single process, non-forking server like HTTP::Server::PSGI or HTTP::Server::Simple::PSGI for development and debugging instead of something like Starman.
Late to the party on this one, but I felt some other tools should be called out in case anyone else stumbles upon this question.
The Perl command line debugger is perfectly serviceable, but occasionally hard to use, and has a fairly steep learning curve, especially for those who are used to GUI tools.
Devel::hdb is a great tool for this. It integrates with the existing debugging functionality in Perl, so you can start the application with -d:hdb as a flag, and then you can hit a web based endpoint to start stepping through the application easily. It supports breakpoints, watch expressions, and stepping, so it can help you figure out where an issue is on a somewhat live application.
As mentioned earlier, ActiveState's Komodo IDE (not Edit) has a built in graphical debugger, that can work on a local instance or against a remote server. The remote server must have some libraries installed, and activated within the code to work. It's not invasive, but it should be known. Also, Komodo costs money, but they do provide a trial period. It'll work on Windows, OS X or Linux. ActiveState's Perl Dev Kit has an independent debugger as well, but I haven't used it in years.