How can i use Extent report with puppeteer-Jest automation similar to Selenium - ui-automation

I am using Puppeteer for UI automation with jest Framework.
i had worked previously selenium and used extend report i want similar kind of reporting with puppeteer.
Is there a way i can use extent report or do we have some similar reporting for puppeteer?

Something like this is not available out of the box. Reason for this can be found in the fact that Selenium is more oriented toward testing while and contains more tools while Puppeteer is more focused on being remote control library.
I suggest using some 3rd party library like jest-html-reporter ( or jest-html-reporters ( The other alternative would be generating your own HTML report manually in JS code from Puppeteer command results and outcomes.


Testing autocompletion in an Eclipse plugin

I am working on an Eclipse Plug-in which provides property auto-completions with a ICompletionProposalComputer contributed via the org.eclipse.wst.sse.ui.completionProposal.
I'd like to create automated tests for the functionality but have no idea where to start. How can I write automated tests for my proposal computer?
Some time ago a colleague and I had a similar problem while implementing a IContentAssistProcessor for a SourceViewer based editor in a console view.
We started with an integration test that simulated a Ctrl+Space key stroke within the console editor and expected a shell with a table that holds the proposal(s) to show up.
Here is such a test case: ConsoleContentAssistPDETest. It uses a ConsoleBot that encapusulates the key stroke simulation and a custom AssertJ assertion that hides the details of waiting for the shell to open and finding the table, etc. (ConsoleAssert)
With such a test in place we were able to implement a walking skeleton. We developed individual parts of the content proposal code test-driven with unit tests.
Instead of writing your own bot you may also look into SWTBot which provides an API to write UI/functional tests.
I ended up writing a simple SWTBot test. Once I have the editor open, it's pretty simple to get a list of autocompletions:
editor.insertText("<html>\n<div ></div>\n</html>");
editor.navigateTo(1, 5);

Python based browser plug-in?

Is there any good browser plugin that has Python as its primary scripting language. It is ok even if it has very minimal graphical abilities like just taking inputs through HTML forms or parameters and rendering text as output.
One option is running Python on server side. But unfortunately, I am not allowed to install any Python server side framework.
It seems that Silverlight can use IronPython as its language. But any other more cross platform solutions are still welcome.
You can look at the PyXPCOM add-on to Firefox. It seems to do what you're looking for.

pyjamas vs pyqt OR GWT

I am not a web application pro but need to start working on a project so I need to know if pyjamas ( or shall I say the javascript generated o/p of pyjamas ) is as good as pyqt in terms of 2d graphics and widget features. I have a desktop python application which has some rich 2d graphics (with animations / collision detection etc..) implemented using pyqt.
Now I am specifically looking for equivalent web client with similar graphics and widget features . Does pyjamas support all the pyqt UI features with same look and feel??
I am also exploring GWT for this since I believe GWT has a good set of UIs and also supports decent 3rd party tools like vaadin,smartgwt but my preference is for pyjamas because its python and I am writing a equivalent pyqt based desktop app so am more comfortable with python then java. Also am not sure if GWTs look and feel would match with that of pyqt based UI on windows.
Any insights would be very helpful
Thanks in advance
Probably too late, but if anyone else would need an answer,
Pyjamas' widgets are mostly same as GWT's (most are direct translation from GWT, but we have some own widgets too), and do not target Qt, GTK or any other toolkit.
If you are looking into using webkit, you could get best of the two worlds, and use Pyjamas with PyJD. This way your very same application could be compiled into html/css/javascript and run in web browsers and at the same time you could run it in pyqt-webkit, xulrunner or mshtml with original python code.

Writing Logs/results or generating reports using Selenium C# API

I am testing the web application using Selenium RC. All things works fine and I have written many test cases and executing these test cases using Nunit.
Now the hurdle that I am facing is how to keep track of failures or how to generate the Reports?
Please advice which could be best way to capture this.
Because you're using NUnit you'll want to use NUnits reporting facilities. If the GUI runner is enough, that's great. But if you're running from the command line, or NAnt, you'll want to use the XML output take a look at the NAnt documentation for more information.
If you're using Nant you'll want to look at NUnit2Report. It's nolonger maintained, but it may suit your needs. Alternatively, you could extract it's XSLT files and apply it against the XML output.
Selenium itself doesn't have report because it is only a library used by many different languages.
For anyone else happening randomly into this question, the 'nunit2report' task is now available in NAntContrib.
NantContrib Nunit2report task

Google web Toolkit with monorail

Well the topic says it all. Can I use google web toolkit to generate my views to be used in Castle Monorail project and render it through nvelocity view engine. Is it at all possible?
I don't know of anyone that has tried this, but GWT is a server-independent technology so in principle I don't see why it wouldn't work. GWT needs some server-side plumbing which you'll probably have to write yourself (again because I haven't found anyone that has done this before).
You might want to check out Script# which is similar to GWT but you code in .Net, it has MSBuild support, Visual Studio integration, etc.