iPhone chat functionality - iphone

i want to implement a chat functionality between two iOS devices.Please suggest me some libraries for the same.I went for XMPP but code is not available for that on repository.

You visit tutorial by RayWenderlich. Part1 and Part2. In this tutorial he has explained how to use webservice and PushNotification for chat kind of functionality.

You can also check Scringo. It's SDK offers chat between your app users.

Have you considered using push notifications?
You could use a service like Urban Airship so you don't have to roll your own push server, and they provide a pretty comprehensive iOS Framework which you could use to take advantage of their services.
You would of course still need some way of tracking who was talking with who so there would need to be some work on your part to build the necessary intermediary software/API, although this should be a pretty trivial task since all you'd need to do is keep a record of each of the device tokens in the conversation.

XMPP is still alive.. A newer version also came up...
You can download Version 2 directly here
To download Version 3 you have to download and install Mercurial repository and download it running this hg clone on the Mac Terminal...


Is it possible to develop flutter windows desktop with fcm push notification?

I was thinking to developing a windows desktop application with dart and flutter but i don't know how can i integrate Firebase cloud messaging with it. Any suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks in advance
At the moment, there is no Windows desktop support in the firebase_messaging flutter packages. There was a separate effort to develop desktop support for some of the firebase platform that Google had announced in partnership with a company called Invertase, however I haven't heard much about that in the past 6 months and I don't believe that messaging is at the top of the priority list (I know, I want it too)
It looks like the project is still alive and seeing regular commits but for now my suggestion would be, unless you want to use the C++ SDK and develop your own plugin, you might want to curb plans for native Windows push notifications for a little while. (If you decide to make your own plugin, let me know, because again, I want it too!)

How can I target push notifications to both iPhone and Android?

I am developing apps for both Android and iPhone, and am looking for how I can push notifications to both (if you only have an answer for one, that's ok, I'm sure someone has an answer for the other).
For example, if I'm having a special on something and want to notify people so it sort of dings and a message pops up (I have a Groupon app that does that) how can I accomplish this? And do I have to reprogram each time, or can I do it through an RSS or something else?
For Android 2.2+ use C2DM. Apple also has a proprietary push notification service. In both cases you need to register with the company to use the system. Also in both cases you will need a web server able to communicate to Google and Apple.
If you don't want to have to support an entire server framework for communicating with both iOS and Android devices, take a look at UrbanAirship. It's a dirt-cheap service that allows you to push both plain- and rich- text messages to iOS, Android, and BlackBerry.
Gravy: It also has mechanisms for In-App Purchasing, and statistics tracking.
Maybe PushOver can be a solution https://pushover.net/ but there is probably other web services like that !

libraries / services to assist with iOS wireless app distribution

Can anyone recommend any libraries/utilities they use to assist in distributing iOS adhoc/enterprise applications over the air, so users can install without needing a PC/iTunes?
There's a few hosted services around (eg. https://testflightapp.com/ - though that is not free for enterprise apps), but I'm sure in the past I saw a non-hosted service (ie. something I could install on my own server) and came with a client side library that was easy to hook into the app to notify the user when updates were available and allow them to easily install them. Unfortunately it seems I didn't bookmark it and a bunch of googling and searching on stack overflow hasn't found it.
You need to create your own manifest and bundle it with the app package (the IPA from Build and Archive). There are a lot of guides on the web. e.g. this to automate OTA distribution using Heroku from Héctor Ramos or Mike Nachbaur's write up.
That said, I suspect using TestFlight.app is a lot easier than rolling your own - have you looked at the cost benefit of paying TestFlight vs developing and maintaining your own system. Much better to write production code rather than save the cost of the TestFlight subscription surely...
I finally found the one I believe I was thinking of when I wrote the question, it's called "Hockey":
If there are other similar solutions out there, please do add your own answer!

WebSockets client for Objective-C (preferably iOS compatible)

Closest thing I've found is How to incorporate WebSockets into a Cocoa application, but the answers only pointed to an outdated library.
Does anyone know about a WebSockets library compatible with iOS 4.x?
I've also read about Pusherapp, and, as good as the service could be, I would prefer to use my own WebSockets server.
You can check out the UnitT Web Socket Client. It is intended for use in iOS apps using Objective-C. It works with both ws & wss.
I am the author and have been using it in some of my projects with success. Let me know if you run into any trouble and I will do what I can to help.
Found this post in a google search for iOS WebSockets and wanted to put an updated answer.
Anyways, Zimt and Unitt's client don't support the latest standard (at the time of writing this).
(disclaimer: author of SocketRocket)
We just released a new library that has no external dependencies, supports RFC 6455 completely, and works with iOS 4.x+.
It's called SocketRocket and can be found here
You could make a web application using one of several Cocoa-like libraries and then convert it to a native app using something like PhoneGap/Apache Cordova.
Cappuccino - Make webapps using Objective-J and Cocoa-like API.
WebSockets for Cappuccino
SproutCore - Apple's Cocoa for the web
Toth - a multi-user SproutCore library that uses WebSockets.
For the server side there are lots of options. Just search for "websockets server" on github.com.
I created a package for iOS/Objective-C and TLS taking into account the new iOS13 TLS restrictions. It works with a NodeJS TLS server how I use it. Hope it helps, feel free to contribute.

can we do push notification in iphone using phonegap framework?

I need basic idea about how to implement push notification using phonegap framework.
Yes we can:
The latest version of that beta offered developers a very exciting new feature just this morning - push notification of new messages. That means apps will be able to send SMS style messages when something important occurs
Taken from this website:
To have complete documentation for PhoneGap, go to http://wiki.phonegap.com
And also, we have several tools with PhoneGap, which are:-
(a) PhoneGap simulator(cross-platform)
(b) XUI :- JavaScript framework for mobile device browsers
(c) Lawnchair:- It is a clent-side JSON store
(d) Easy APNS :- Push notifications using Php & MySQL
(e) Sony WebSDK:- To make mobile applications to work on multiple devices
(f) Urban Airship :-It offers services like: Push notifications, Air Mail, In-App purchase.
So as you can see PhoneGap does offer this solution. Just visit the documentation and it will help you.
If this answer was helpful please mark this post as answered.
If you need any more help do let me know.