I believe the answer is no, but wouldn't hurt to check: anything in Scala that's equivalent to C#'s dynamic keyword? Anything on the horizon?
I know about scala.Dynamic, which is not the same thing - in C# you don't know the types at compile time, and the dynamic type propagates.
I also know about invokedynamic, which is not the same thing - invokedynamic is the infrastructure that would make language constructs like dynamic performant.
Anything on the horizon?
Yes there is: objects extending the Dynamic trait behave similarly to variables declared as dynamic in C#.
This is a new feature in Scala 2.9 (but still considered experimental), see the scaladoc at http://www.scala-lang.org/api/current/index.html#scala.Dynamic.
Is the reason a val variable can be used to contain a function definition is because functions are first class citizens where they can be contained in variables?
In Scala damn near everything is an expression. From a practical perspective what that means is pretty much every bit of syntactically correct Scala code that you can write evaluates to an object that can you can do more Scala on. Examples of things you can do to these objects are: call a method on it, pass it to a function, or store it in a val. Expressions can be thought of in contrast to statements, which are just instructions to the computer to do something. An example of the use of statements in Scala are import commands. The heavy prevalence of expressions in Scala are a deliberate design choice intended to make the language more flexible and extensible.
res2: Option[None.type] = Some(None)
Why it is possible? Why Option of None doesn't returns None?
Scala (like most statically typed functional programming languages) is built out of pieces that can be composed together in consistent ways. This is in contrast with other programming languages and libraries (often dynamic ones) that attempt to predict the programmer's intentions and often support this by having lots of special cases (automatic flattening of nested constructions, etc.).
In Scala Option is just a type constructor—you can create an Option[A] for literally any type A by writing Option(a). Option[Int] is itself a type, for example, so you could have an Option[Option[Int]], an Option[Option[Option[Int]]], and so on. There are no special cases, just a general mechanism for building up programs.
Not sure if this is a good answer. But try read next article.
Some is actually a wrapper for the value you trying to use. So your code is valid.
In Scala, is there a way to "discover" all the type classes in scope; or more generally, all the implicits in scope? In ghci, :info Monad shows all the available Monads, and :info Maybe shows all the available type classes for Maybe, I wonder if something similar exists in the Scala.
No, Scala does not have something like that. There are a few compiler options as "-Xlog-implicits" that print a bit more information, if implicits are not applicable. But there is nothing to list all implicits available in a certain context.
One could try to do this via macros, but even the macro api does not provide a direct way to do that. There is access to the typer via the compiler API and implicit search. But this API is very complicated.
I have read that Scala's type system is weakened by Java interoperability and therefore cannot perform some of the same powers as Haskell's type system. Is this true? Is the weakness because of type erasure, or am I wrong in every way? Is this difference the reason that Scala has no typeclasses?
The big difference is that Scala doesn't have Hindley-Milner global type inference and instead uses a form of local type inference, requiring you to specify types for method parameters and the return type for overloaded or recursive functions.
This isn't driven by type erasure or by other requirements of the JVM. All possible difficulties here can be overcome, and have been, just consider Jaskell - http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JASKELL/Home
H-M inference doesn't work in an object-oriented context. Specifically, when type-polymorphism is used (as opposed to the ad-hoc polymorphism of type classes). This is crucial for strong interop with other Java libraries, and (to a lesser extent) to get the best possible optimisation from the JVM.
It's not really valid to state that either Haskell or Scala has a stronger type system, just that they are different. Both languages are pushing the boundaries for type-based programming in different directions, and each language has unique strengths that are hard to duplicate in the other.
Scala's type system is different from Haskell's, although Scala's concepts are sometimes directly inspired by Haskell's strengths and its knowledgeable community of researchers and professionals.
Of course, running on a VM not primarily intended for functional programming in the first place creates some compatibility concerns with existing languages targeting this platform.
Because most of the reasoning about types happens at compile time, the limitations of Java (as a language and as a platform) at runtime are nothing to be concerned about (except Type Erasure, although exactly this bug seems to make the integration into the Java ecosystem more seamless).
As far as I know the only "compromise" on the type system level with Java is a special syntax to handle Raw Types. While Scala doesn't even allow Raw Types anymore, it accepts older Java class files with that bug.
Maybe you have seen code like List[_] (or the longer equivalent List[T] forSome { type T }). This is a compatibility feature with Java, but is treated as an existential type internally too and doesn't weaken the type system.
Scala's type system does support type classes, although in a more verbose way than Haskell. I suggest reading this paper, which might create a different impression on the relative strength of Scala's type system (the table on page 17 serves as a nice list of very powerful type system concepts).
Not necessarily related to the power of the type system is the approach Scala's and Haskell's compilers use to infer types, although it has some impact on the way people write code.
Having a powerful type inference algorithm can make it worthwhile to write more abstract code (you can decide yourself if that is a good thing in all cases).
In the end Scala's and Haskell's type system are driven by the desire to provide their users with the best tools to solve their problems, but have taken different paths to that goal.
another interesting point to consider is that Scala directly supports the classical OO-style. Which means, there are subtype relations (e.g. List is a subclass of Seq). And this makes type inference more tricky. Add to this the fact that you can mix in traits in Scala, which means that a given type can have multiple supertype relations (making it yet more tricky)
Scala does not have rank-n types, although it may be possible to work around this limitation in certain cases.
I only have little experenice with Haskell, but the most obvious thing I note that Scala type system different from Haskell is the type inference.
In Scala, there is no global type inference, you must explicit tell the type of function arguments.
For example, in Scala you need to write this:
def add (x: Int, y: Int) = x + y
instead of
add x y = x + y
This may cause problem when you need generic version of add function that work with all kinds of type has the "+" method. There is a workaround for this, but it will get more verbose.
But in real use, I found Scala's type system is powerful enough for daily usage, and I almost never use those workaround for generic, maybe this is because I come from Java world.
And the limitation of explicit declare the type of arguments is not necessary a bad thing, you need document it anyway.
Well are they Turing reducible?
See Oleg Kiselyov's page http://okmij.org/ftp/
One can implement the lambda calculus in Haskell's type system. If Scala can do that, then in a sense Haskell's type system and Scala's type system compute the same types. The questions are: How natural is one over the other? How elegant is one over the other?
Yes, I know it's considered lazy by the non-Pythonistas. The reason I ask is that documentation is still woefully lacking in many Scala libraries (e.g. Scala-dbc, but that's not all I'm looking at), and if I could see the attributes of an object/class at runtime, I could at least figure out what's available. Thanks.
Scala does not have a reflection API. The only way to access this information is to use the Java reflection API. This has the disadvantage that the structure may change as the way Scala is represented in Java classes and interfaces may change in the future.
scala> classOf[AnyRef].getMethods
res0: Array[java.lang.reflect.Method] = Array(public final void ...
Some specific type information that is present in the byte code can be accessed with the ScalaSigParser.
import tools.scalap.scalax.rules.scalasig._
import scala.runtime._
val scalaSig = ScalaSigParser.parse(classOf[RichDouble])
That's one of my main uses for REPL. Type the object's name, dot, and then TAB and it will show all available methods.
It isn't perfect. For one thing, it shows protected methods, which won't be available unless you are extending the class. For another thing, it doesn't show methods available through implicit conversion.
And, of course, the IDEs are all capable of doing that.
You might want something like the following which would give you what you need. In this case, it operates on a String, obviously.
val testStr = "Panda"
Does that work?
You may want to use this little helper to beef up the REPL