How do I set up a Navigation Link in SwiftUI on iPad so the buttons to navigate aren't in a sidebar? - swift

I'm working on an app that I would like to have the following navigation structure:
I want to have a welcome view with "Sign up" and "Sign in" buttons as most of apps have:
First Page
I would like it to be such that this view doesn't have any navigation view bar at the top but the two buttons will navigate to the appropriate page e.g. the sign in page will ask for just login info, sign up page with ask the user for data.
Sign In Page
This however, while seemingly simple has been very confusing to achieve in SwiftUI when it comes to the iPad. When I try to use the Navigation Link it doesn't work as the links are stuck in a side bar that is hidden. I can't seem to find any solutions that work online as nearly everything is for the iPhone. Can anyone advise how to stop the links being placed in a sidebar on iPad?
Thanks a lot


Full page view - Issues with Auto-fill code - Flutter

In my flutter app, I'm implementing a full page view using -
Now, It works just fine until I reach a page in the app that uses PinCodeTextField. In that page, a user can input the received OTP.
Now, the issue is that as soon as the page is opened, "Auto-fill code from Messages" appears and it brings back the notification bar as well as the bottom menu bar.
I have not implemented this feature and looks like somehow It has come on its own. Though, it is a nice feature to have, I really don't want it to mess up my app's full page view. Not until I restart the app, it goes back to full page view but again whenever I reach to a page with PinCodeTextField, that popup appears and messes things up.
Now, how do I force my app to go back to full page view ? If that is not possible, how do I stop Auto-fill code to keep coming on my screen on such pages ?? Kindly help.

flutter: best way to implement inner navigation with bottom nav bar

I'm developing a flutter application and I'm now struggling to understand what is the best way to implement a complex bottom bar navigation.
Here are my requirements:
each button on the nav bar should lead to a different section
each section should be able to have multiple screens inside of it
user can navigate from any page of a section to any page in another section and back
each section should show the last visited page if we come back to it
for example, let's say we have two sections, each made of two pages: SectionOneA, SectionOneB, SectionTwoA, SectionTwoB.
A few use cases:
user navigates from SectionOneB to SectionTwoB by pressing a button inside SectionOneB, when user presses back (on android) from SectionTwoB, we should navigate back to SectionOneB
user navigates to SectionTwoA by the nav bar, then navigates to SectionTwoB via a button in SectionTwoA, then navigates to SectionOneA via the nav bar and then press the SectionTwo icon in the nav bar again. we should show SectionTwoB. if back is pressed we should navigate to SectionTwoA.
in both these examples, when moving from one section to another, the correct nav bar item should be highlighted.
I'm new to flutter so I'm learning as I go. For now, what I've done is using nav bar with PageViewer to switch from section to section, then each section uses a PageViewer to handle switching from page to page. This worked well until I had to implement the first usecase above, at this point it seems to me that it would be quite challenging to implment a proper navigation stack as demanded by the usecase and I feel it would be better to rethink the whole thing, only I've no idea what is the best way to approach this.
A temporary solution would be to also include SectionTwoB in the PageViewer of section one, but that would not allow me to highlight the proper nav bar item.
Any lead on how to approach this? All the examples I find seems too simple and/or I'm failing at understanding how to connect the pieces together. I'm using flutter_bloc as a state management library.

Customizing the Facebook view

I need the lightblue bar to scroll up (hide) and display the Facebook bar. For example look at this image.
I need the light blue bar (which contains the search bar, refresh button) to be scrolled up, so it hides and displays from the Dark Blue Facebook bar as shown in this image.
I have seen this in many applications but, how can i implement it in my application programatically ?
There's no way to control safari from your app, and since Facebook serves the HTML there's no way to alter that either. So to achieve what you're looking for you could create your own UIWebView and present it modally instead. The issue you'll have here, though, is that you won't have access to the users cookies, so they'll have to log in to Facebook again.

What UIViewController do the Gmail and Facebook apps use on the iPhone?

Both the Gmail and Facebook apps on the iPhone use a controller I need for my app. They have a button in the upper left bar of the main screen that when pressed, a left panel slides in with a list of items. It kind of looks like a UISplitViewController on the iPad but the root panel slides in and out.
Is this a custom view controller?
Facebook uses the Three20 API for their special GUI views.
They have an overview on their website where you can see all the views it provides and find what the one you are looking for is called.
EDIT: But this is what you are looking for. More info
EDIT2: Just found this one too.
That is not a standard control for iOS however there is a perfectly good class you can download and integrate here:

Load tableview on first start up only and populate tab bar accordingly

Ok I'm making an iPhone app that (only on the first time the user opens the app) loads a tableview with a list of, for example, sports teams. The user checks the sports teams he wants and taps the done button. Then the tab bar loads with the teams the user selected in the tab bar. Any way how to do this as far as a tutorial/ code? Thanks!
I think this link may help you: How to set iPhone tab bar icon in code?. For more help on how to use TabBarControllers, there are tons of sample code AND sample projects found here: UITabBarController Class Reference. Hope that helps!