Creating iPhone Apps Generator i.e creating iPhone applications automatically. - iphone

I am working on an application to create Magazine in iPad- iPhone. The template is ready but now I want to make an automator on web interface where user who wants an application for his/her magazine can input the contents and details required by the template of magazine and gets his .ipa for magazine done. Something like this 13 tools does.
I tried to find the working of these tools but found nothing. I wish to know if its possible to create this kind of tools? Is there any Apple script to create some kind of bash file or plist file that can help to do this?
Please suggest what approach can be followed to create such tools.


Uploading files from iOS Files app in another app

I'm looking to add functionality to my app that would allow a user to upload a file within my app from the Files app that was introduced in iOS 11. I would expect that it would work the same way that existing components do now where you can select Upload a Photo or Video on your iOS device and it allows you to select items from within the Photos app. I have been searching and I have not been able to figure out a way to do this. I know Apple's Mail app has this functionality (under "Add Attachment"), but I have not found a way to surface this functionality in my own app.
Since I am using Eureka for my other row inputs, it would be ideal to have this in an Eureka component but right now I am just trying to figure out if it is even possible to select files from the Files app from another app with Apple's existing APIs.
The Framework you are looking for is built in to UIKit in a class called UIDocumentPickerViewController

How to localize App Store meta data for Phonegap app on iPhone

i'm currently wondering how to add more localizations to my PhoneGap App on the App Store. So it is already deployed, and in App Store it shows under Languages, right under the Icon "English, Spanish" but I never changed any configs or so to acheive this. I found in my xCode-project /App_NAME/Resources a en.lproj and es.lproj folder with Localisation.strings.
The standard way I found so far would be to do this.
But for some Reason those folder I create never appear in xCode. What am I doing wrong, and why can't I add more of these ominous XX.lproj-folders?
I'm totally stuck.
I can do javascript localisations for the app itsself but without this app-store languages I can't get my meta-data translated...
Any experience highly appreciated!
the best way is to do it from javascript since you're using PhoneGap.
retrieve the device/userAgent language (or locale, or simply ask the user for a preferred language) and then edit the content accordingly.
If you want to localize app store meta data, your app, or your marketing content there are tools out there now to speed the process such as TraductoPro, which also has built-in human translation ordering services. It even automates or 'macronizes' your code, making the xcode strings localizable. It's a Mac app, simple to use.

Sharing app-specific files and data between ios users

I am writing an app that allows users to create and save (locally) various visual models. A new requirement has come up to allow users to share their models.
Has anyone had an experience doing this and what is the best way of implementing this? Ideally I would like to be able to attach a file or a link to an email/tweet and then send it off and then it opens the file in the app or if you don't have the app installed it send you to the app in the app store?
Update: The MindJet iPad app does exactly what I need
i think you should make your own api on a http server so you can handle the data the users send. and when some one install your application you can check by making a function execute once the app launched if this user "also i suppose here that you have implement a registration module" have any shared data so you can download it ...
The example app you name (mindjet) seems to be using dropbox for its file service.
This article explains this in great detail:

how to create a local RSS reader for iphone using HTML5

I am creating HTML5-based iPhone application. How to create a local RSS reader using JQurtyMobile , I don't want to host the HTML files on a server, rather, the HTML files are hosted locally in the iphone project folder
you should check this out with both server-side and only client-side implementation:
If you want to build your own RSS reader still in html + javascript and deploy it as an app, you can use PhoneGap.
PhoneGap allows you to store the html + javascript on the device, and then run it as an app.
It's exactly what you're asking for.
If you think phonegap is too big or confusing, you just need to follow one of the several UIWebview tutorials out on the web to write your own wrapper. It takes only a couple of minutes if you are familiar with objective c and Xcode. If that is not the case, it will take you some days, and phone gap adds lots of nice extra features.
for example:

iPhone code browser?

I want to be able to read code on my iPhone in the bus every day. Ideally, I'd like to be able to download a package, extract it to a folder, put it on the iPhone, and be able to just browse through the code (folders & files and all). Don't need to be able to edit, just read.
Is there a good solution for this? If there is not, could it be a good first project to teach myself iPhone development? or would it be too big a chunk for a first bite? (right now I mainly just do python web app development)
Check out the Airsharing app. When you run the app, it creates a server on your network (when sharing is enabled) and provides you an ip address you punch into a browser. You then upload files to the device via an ajax interface. Later on, you just open up the app and click the file you want to read and it displays on the screen. I've fiddled with it and it does preserve code highlighting.
You might also check out the new MobileMe iDisk app that just got released today. It looks like a slick way to share files between the iPhone and a Mac (and the cloud). You need to be a MobileMe subscriber, though.