What is the maximum size for a UINavigationBar titleView? - iphone

I want to add a logo to the navigation bar on the first view controller, but it scales it badly because I don't know what the maximum size is. Does anyone know?
By the way, I know about the trick for creating full-sized images but I don't want to do that, I just want to utilise the built-in titleView property.

In general, I think that the title view is adjusted to whatever space other views leave left and right. At least that is the behavior of the standard title view.
Have you tried to play with the contentMode property of your UIImageView (which I assume you put into the titleView)? If not, try
imageView.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit;
and try out a suitable CGRect for the frame. If your image is just large enough for the smallest title view, it should work no matter how wide the title view gets.


Set size of UIImageView

I have a very simple question,
I am working in the storyboard and is dragging a uiimageview into the viewcontroller. I configure the imageview to be square (like 100*100). I now set the image to something that has another aspect ratio (like 100*150). When I build the app I expect the imageView to be square (100*100) as i have set in the constraints, but instead it shows the imageView with the image size. So in other words, what I am asking is: How can I set the imageView to the exact size I want so it overwrites the image size? Hope this makes sense, else I can try to explain it a bit better.
Did you set imageView.clipsToBounds = true :)

iOS: how to adjust positions of UI elements one by one properly by IB when some of them may change size?

For example, on a UIView, from left to right there are three buttons:,button1,button2,button3.
When button 1 become wider, such as its width become twice as its original width, is there any interface builder way that can make button2&3 move right automatically?
sorry for I didn't make my question clear.
I mean such kind of size change: I push button1, then I change it's frame in my code, not caused by the change of text in butotn1. I want button2&3 to move right automatically, keeping the width of the gap between button 1 and 2 unchanged.
Thanks everyone.
IB can be used only for initional positioning of views.
True, you can also define autoresizing masks of the views but that's about it.
Any additional laying out should be done in code.
I could be wrong, but I don't know of any way you can do this in IB. It's pretty straight forward in code though, just link the buttons to some IBOutlets and check the sizes of the images of the buttons (myUIImage.size), then adjust the frames of the buttons (do it in viewWillAppear).
Seen your edit - if you're adjusting its size using code, adjust its position too.
If your buttons are in a row at the bottom of the screen, consider using a UIToolBar. Its UIBarButtonItem objects automatically adjust to fit each other's width changes. For more generic cases, you'll need to recalculate positions and sizes as in Franklyn Weber's answer.
Yes - by using autoresizing masks. If you allow the margins to be flexible (no red lines connecting the frame to the superview's frame) and allow flexible width and height, the buttons will size and move proportionally.

Why do my UIImageviews get resized/dimmed when using UINavigation/UITabbar controller

I have an app with a primary view that has a UITabBarController with 5 tabs. Each tab is a UINavigationController.
In interface builder, I'm customizing the background of each page by dragging a UIImageView and setting it fullscreen. The image I'm setting to the view is 640x960. I am setting it to be Aspect Fill.
However, what I've noticed is that it is not where I would expect it to be. When navigating between by tabs, the image seems to be shifted down from where it should be.
Also, when pushing a new view to the navigation controller, the background of this new view isn't offset in the same way as the tabbar one, and it is also slightly dimmed.
How can I set my UIImageViews on each page to be aspect correct and fill the screen 1:1? Also, how does one disable the dimming when pushing a view to the navigation controller?
Thanks for any tips, and apologies if this is covered in another thread, I couldn't find an answer searching the site.
Assuming that you are using the IB to setup your views, you should select navbar/tabbar options to reflect what will be on the actual page. That should place your image correctly. I would also recommend that you make both a low res and hi res version of your background images -- 320x480 and 640x960. Of course, your size may need to be adjusted (reduced) for the navbar and/or tabbar which will leave less than 960 px of vertical height -- probably more like 920px if you are in portrait mode. Then you add #2x to the base name of the hi res version, this would account for older iPhone screens.
Once you have the image placed correctly, resizing should be unnecessary. You can have the image automatically resize width and height using the little arrows on the layout page -- that's a bit hard to describe. It can also be done in code -- if you still need that I can provide a sample.
Maybe you need to set all AutoresizingMask in order to resize the UIImageView properly on each view. And to main aspect ratio u should use either AspectFill or AspectFit on the contentMode.

Unable to add oversized button in UIToolbar

I have a UIToolbar in IB with a custom UIBarButtonItem that is set to an image. The image height is larger than the UIToolbar height. The image does not load for some reason. Attached is a screenshot.
You should avoid using subviews that are larger than the parent view - even if it does work and draws the view outside of the bounds, you cannot always count on it because the clipping is skipped for performance reasons and depending on the drawing order the overlapping part of the subview might be covered later. Second problem is that only the part within the frame of the superview is able to handle the touch events.
As to why you don't see your image, it's probably a different problem, I doubt it has something to do with it going outside the frame. Post your code to get more feedback ;)

iOS SDK UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit vs. UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill

I have an image that I would like to display in a UITableViewCell using the UITableViewCellStyleSubtitle style that provides a UIImageView, and two lines of text, plus an optional accessory view.
However, when I set the content mode of the UIImageView to either of UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFit or UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill, it appears to make no difference. Both of these content modes simply display the entire image, shifting the text to the right to make room for the image.
Does anyone have any examples of how these actually differ in practice? The docs say:
Scales the content to fit the size of the view by maintaining the aspect ratio. Any remaining area of the view’s bounds is transparent.
Scales the content to fill the size of the view. Some portion of the content may be clipped to fill the view’s bounds.
But these content modes don't appear to be behaving as advertised.
EDIT: I'm running SDK iOS 4.
I had the same problem.
Seems like the Apple documentation is a bit lacking.
I found the answer by searching around the internet.
img1.contentMode = UIViewContentModeScaleAspectFill;
img1.clipsToBounds = YES;
If you want it to be a bit more fancy, check out this post:
UIImageView change Width and Height
The reason you don't see a difference between those modes is that the UITableViewCell automatically sizes its image view to fit the aspect ratio of the image. The content modes only come into play when the view's aspect ratio is different from the image's.
Either override layoutSubviews in your custom UITableViewCell class or create an image view yourself (don't use the one that the table view cell provides).