Unable to add oversized button in UIToolbar - iphone

I have a UIToolbar in IB with a custom UIBarButtonItem that is set to an image. The image height is larger than the UIToolbar height. The image does not load for some reason. Attached is a screenshot.

You should avoid using subviews that are larger than the parent view - even if it does work and draws the view outside of the bounds, you cannot always count on it because the clipping is skipped for performance reasons and depending on the drawing order the overlapping part of the subview might be covered later. Second problem is that only the part within the frame of the superview is able to handle the touch events.
As to why you don't see your image, it's probably a different problem, I doubt it has something to do with it going outside the frame. Post your code to get more feedback ;)


Display UIImageView image over it's parent UIImageView

I have an easy task but still don't get how to make it work.
I have a UIView, inside the UIView i have the main UIImageView of half UIView size (half display).
And inside of the UIImageView i have two UIImageViews with images.
I need to pan the internal UIImageViews, and that's not a problem but the problem is that it will not go above the parent UIImageView borders. Same happens when i use two UIImage instead of UIImageView.
I have tried to bring it on top (bringSubviewToFront) but it does not help because its parent controller not the UIView. And the two internal UIImageViews must be a part of the main UIImageView because the main UIImageView can move, so i move all together.
Any help appreciated.
Although the correct solution is to have a superview that's the correct size, you can always "see" what lies outside of the bounds by setting clipsToBounds to NO on the parent UIImageView.
This will draw the subviews even if they lie outside the bounds of the superview. Keep in mind though, that the parts that are outside the bounds will not react to touches, i.e the hit box is always clipped.
You can have one parent view, containing large image and two smaller as siblings. Then you an control position of two images freely without attaching them to larger image.
Like this:
-Parent View (the largest, within which all images aare displayed)
- Large image
- small image
- small image
Now small images are free, and you can align them to large image whenever you want!

iOS: how to adjust positions of UI elements one by one properly by IB when some of them may change size?

For example, on a UIView, from left to right there are three buttons:,button1,button2,button3.
When button 1 become wider, such as its width become twice as its original width, is there any interface builder way that can make button2&3 move right automatically?
sorry for I didn't make my question clear.
I mean such kind of size change: I push button1, then I change it's frame in my code, not caused by the change of text in butotn1. I want button2&3 to move right automatically, keeping the width of the gap between button 1 and 2 unchanged.
Thanks everyone.
IB can be used only for initional positioning of views.
True, you can also define autoresizing masks of the views but that's about it.
Any additional laying out should be done in code.
I could be wrong, but I don't know of any way you can do this in IB. It's pretty straight forward in code though, just link the buttons to some IBOutlets and check the sizes of the images of the buttons (myUIImage.size), then adjust the frames of the buttons (do it in viewWillAppear).
Seen your edit - if you're adjusting its size using code, adjust its position too.
If your buttons are in a row at the bottom of the screen, consider using a UIToolBar. Its UIBarButtonItem objects automatically adjust to fit each other's width changes. For more generic cases, you'll need to recalculate positions and sizes as in Franklyn Weber's answer.
Yes - by using autoresizing masks. If you allow the margins to be flexible (no red lines connecting the frame to the superview's frame) and allow flexible width and height, the buttons will size and move proportionally.

UIView: Rounded Corners Without Performance Issues

I am using an AQGridView to display my data in a grid on iPad. Every cell is a UIView subclass and typically, there are 18 cells displayed simultaneously.
I would like to add a round corner to these cells, so I set the cornerRadius property of the relevant layers (i.e. the layer of the main UIView and of one subview). However, this results in performance issues and the scrolling is not smooth any more. When using other CALayer properties, such as shadowOpacity, this does not happen.
Are there any other ways to add a rounded corner (apart from using an image)? Or am I doing something wrong?
I also saw a major performance hit when using cornerRadius on the layer of a view that contained a UIImageView subview. Rasterization solved that problem: view.layer.shouldRasterize = YES;
It could be where you're placing the setCornerRadius call. Make sure it's somewhere that only gets called once, not, for example, in a drawRect method.

Movement of UIButton which is in the UIScrollview becomes slow after pinching/zooming out

I have UIButtons in UIScrollview and also UIScrollview contains Imageview too. If i move UIButtons, particular area of the image within that UIButtons arranged will be colored..
Its happening well but my problem is movement of individual buttons are happening well If image is in normal size. and movement is getting delayed once after pinching or zooming..
Can anyone tell the reason why this is happening?
Thanks and Regards,
This kind of issue is usually down to the level of processing effort on the phone. Having to clip obscured views, and deal with transparency slows things down a lot. Make sure that you set everything you can to be opaque. This can make a massive difference. (opaque is a property of UIView therefore inherited by all controls, buttons etc)

Iphone Custom Scrollview indicator

I am currently working on an application for a client, and they have made an odd request. The request involves putting a custom image as the indicator for the scrollview. I am not even sure if this is possible but if it is can you please let me know how one would go about doing that.
UIScrollView streches a small, semi-transparent circle image to generate its scrollbars. You can find this image as the first subview of a UIScrollView:
UIImageView *circle = [scrollView.subviews objectAtIndex:0];
However, as I said this image is stretched, and as far as I can tell, only the alpha values are considered when drawing the scroll bars.
So for example if you're only interested in changing the top/bottom ends of the scroll bar, you can try to change this image. However, I doubt you'll be able to do anything interesting.
A possible solution that comes to mind, and this is only a theory, is to add a custom, transparent UIView on top of a UIScrollView. Then you can hide the default scroll bar (by using showsHorizontalScrollIndicator and showsVerticalScrollIndicator), pass the necessary touch events to the UIScrollView to scroll the content, and draw the scrollbars in your custom view.