How to close a iPad webapp and open safari? - iphone

I'm working on a webapp for iPad. What I want is provide a "save & quit" option. When the user presses the quit button, I safely update my database and show a screen who thanks the user for using the webapp.
What I want to do now is actually close the webapp. As window.close(); doesn't seems to work I have found a workaround with links.
Clicking on a link in a webapp closes the fullscreen app and opens safari. So far I tried to embed an hidden link in my mage and trigger it with link.onclick(); but it doesn't work, and document.location= doesn't open safari.
Here's the HTML example:
<body onload="leave();">
Modifications saved, goodbye!
<a id="goodbye" href="" style="display:none;"> </a>
And the JS:
function leave() {
window.close();//Doesn't work
window.setTimeout(function e(){document.getElementById('goodbye').onclick();},1000);
return true;
Can someone give me an idea? I'm aware that the onclick() won't work unless I have a onclick handler attached to my link, but I don't have any other idea.



Article open in modal window after a user click on facebook share link and come back to your site

I think I need your help here... On my site, I've done all the articles open in modal window by clicking on the link "read more" that exists in every article.
Also, each article has a button that shares this article on facebook.
But, when the user who will see my article on facebook, click this link to read the article, it come back to my page, but the article (logical) not open in modal window!!!
Is there any way, in the "return" of the user on my site, after having pressed the link of facebook, automatically open this article in modal window? Or, if the question above can't be done, is there any way by customizing the link I send to facebook, to set it in the "return" of the user to my site, after having pressed the facebook's link ofcourse, to show the article in intro view and not in full view?
Thank you very much for your time!
I'm using modal windows in my website and I utilize the following HTML code to open an article in a popup:
<a class="modal" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 680, y: 370}}" href="yourarticleid=759&tmpl=component&task=preview">Open a link in modal</a>
The method above uses the native function for creating the modal window and calls the article you need to display. However, since Facebook formats all posted links I don't think you'll be able to include the crucial piece of code (below) that triggers the modal window.
class="modal" rel="{handler: 'iframe', size: {x: 680, y: 370}}"
Here is a kind of solution, an idea in other words, that make your articles open in modal window, after a user click on facebook share link and then come back to your site.
In my case I did this...
To open modal windows in my site, I am using the extension modalizer from This extension adds something like that &ml=1 at the end of article's url. The link that comes from facebook don't contain this &ml=1 at the end. So...
1. First of all, in to my article's content, I should include modal's behavior.
2. Then, I should make my code check if the url has this &ml=1 at the end or not.
3. After, I should decide what my code will do in those two cases. So, I want to do nothing if &ml=1 already exists and I want to open facebook's url in modal window if &ml=1 doesn't exist. I also want everytime that I close my modal window to load index.php, else user will see my article on frontend view.
Here is the code for all this:
<?php JHTML::_('behavior.modal');
$url= 'http://'.$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
if (strstr($url, "&ml=1")){/* Do nothing */}
else {?> <a class="modal" id="modalWindowLink" href="<?php echo $url ?>"></a>
window.addEvent('domready', function(){
window.addEvent('load', function(){ SqueezeBox.fromElement($('modalWindowLink')); });
SqueezeBox.addEvent('onClose', function(){ window.location = 'index.php'; });
<?php } ?>
If you have any better idea, or if you see something that could work better in other way, please let me know!!!

iOS new windows open in appmode

I have a very strange error. I have an webpage that runs in Appmode (when you add to homescreen on iOS). I have one A element that transfer to another page in the same domain (test2.html). If I click on it, the appmode is quited and a new browser window opens.
However if I make a location.href = 'test2.html' it works. And now the strange part, on test2.html I just have one A element with href="test1.html", and now it works.
I have a thesis that every link will work in your own domain if you sometime have done a location.href before clicking any other link.
My test case:
function transfer(){
location.href = "test1.html";
You can change Test2 so it similar to Test1 and just change the href and it will broke.
I really have no ide why this is happening. Why does it work just after you have done a location.href in the same domain?
I've had exactly the same problem. For now, I solved it simply by making my link return false:
<a href='#' onclick='doSomething(); return false;'>test</a>
EDIT: This seems like a better answer: iPhone Safari Web App opens links in new window

How can I prevent the Go button on iPad/iPhone from posting the form

I have a dynamic form that is to be displayed using an iPad.
This form has a couple of radio buttons and some text fields and one submit button.
In an iPad the virtual keyboard GO button is supposed to act ad the enter key, causing the first submit button in the form to be clicked and the form to be posted.
To avoid excessive involuntary postings before the form is complete we added an extra submit button higher up in the form, absolutely positioned outside of the visible area with onclick="return false;".
This hijacks the enter keystroke preventing accidental posting in every browser except Safari Mobile.
On an iPad we even tested Opera mobile and it works as expected.
But Safari Mobile apparently ignores the return false since event clicking the button causes a post that no other browser does, not even safari on PC.
My questions are
1: Why is safari mobile ignoring "return false" on submit, is there an other mechanism at play here?
2: How can I stop Safari mobile from posting the form when clicking GO?
I have made numerous searches on Google and Stackoverflow and found many examples but all requires a lot of javascript and event binding and the dynamic nature of the form along with user generated content makes this error prone and pretty complex since almost all required binding events to every textbox and textarea.
Any solution that works is good but the simpler the better, especially if it does not require to much customization of the form or events that might conflict with autocomplete or validation events.
Example testpage:
I found a solution to my problem.
The base to the problem is that Safari mobile ignores onsubmit="return false" on buttons, it only works on forms.
Setting onsubmit="return false;" on the form, making a normal button (not submit) and setting onclick="form.submit()".
<form method="post" onsubmit="return false;">
... //Other fields here
<input type="button" value="Send" onclick="form.submit();" />
The Go button does not trigger a normal button, only submit buttons.
Since the form has onsubmit="return false;" it will not post.
The button on the other hand, when clicked triggers the onclick="form.submit();" which overrides the onsubmit on the form.
This solution seems to work in any browser reliably.
Better answer is this. The other does not allow you to use a regular submit button. This attacks just the go button.
if(event.keyCode == 13) {
return false;
Seems very unconventional, as this basically breaks general UX and expected device behaviour.
However, I think it also important to mention that this solution relies on the actual <form> DOM element. Meaning the onclick handler on the button should not use a jQuery object to submit but the DOM element.
jQuery object. Does not work:
<input type="button" value="Send" onclick="$("#myform").submit();" />
DOM element. Works:
<input type="button" value="Send" onclick="$("#myform").get(0).submit();" />
Without jQuery. Works:
<input type="button" value="Send" onclick="document.getElementById('myform').submit();" />
Also, here is a similar approach, using jQuery to intercept keyboard submits and only allowing clicks on a button. Credit goes to #levi:
Here's an additional answer, in case anyone winds up chasing this issue like I did.
Provided you're using jQuery, the following snippet should prevent the "Go" button from triggering a form submission (at least it does on Nexus 7's Chrome on Android 4.2.2; YMMMV). Also, note that if you want to allow the "Enter" key to work on any of the input types below, this will prevent that from happening.
$(document.body).on('keydown', 'input:text, input[type=password], input[type=email]',
function (e) {
// Android maps the "Go" button to the Enter key => key code 13
if (e.keyCode == 13) {
return false;
Edit: It seems this bug breaks keyup/keydown in Chrome in Android > 4.3, in which case this fix will no longer work in some circumstances.
Cannot comment so i have to put a new message.
#David solution works fine if we are using an "input type button"; instead, if we are using a button tag doesn't seems to be solved by David fix.
(env: cordova, ipad mini 2)
Thanks David!
Go buttons and return buttons on mobile touch screen keyboards trigger the onclick event of your first submit button. To determine if its the user or script clicking the button, you can use the following:
$('#mybuttonId').onclick(e) {
if (e.screenX && e.screenX != 0 && e.screenY && e.screenY != 0) {
//This is the user clicking on the button.
} else {
//This is not the user, but a script , do nothing.
return false;

Prevent iPhones webkit from opening a new browser window (and thus exiting fullscreen) when clicking an `rel="external"` link

Opening my mobile webpage from my homescreen (after adding it to my homescreen), it starts in fullscreen mode, so far so good.
After logging in (form/submitbutton), the 'app' is still in fullscreen mode, which is also the desired result.
Now, when I click a link that has the rel="external" attribute, webkit opens a new window in Safari, so it exits the fullscreen 'app' I started from my homscreen, I would like it to stay in fullscreen mode.
data-ajax="false" has te same result. Removing data-ajax="false" and rel="external" will not exit fullscreen, but this way you can't link to a multi-page document (1 document with different data-role="page").
Does anyone has the same problem, or even better, a solution?
I do not really care about the transitions, I just want the webpage to remain in fullscreen mode, (the user has to log in again when the new window has opened).
iPhone 3gs
M_webkit / 5.0.2
Why not create a script that pulls out the href and goes to the new url via javascript.
If you use jQuery it's as simple as:
function() {
if (this.href) {
location.href = this.href;
return false;
Without jquery you'll need to use object detection and attach a click event to it with the same logic inside the anonymous function above.

How can I hide like button or div from Firefox?

I am building a web page and I have included Facebook's Like button. Works great in all browsers but not in Firefox. When clicked in Firefox, it creates an endless loop of opening and closing a facebook login window. This is a known issue that Facebook isn't looking like it will correct anytime soon.
Can anyone tell me what code I might write to hide the like button (or a div containing the like button) from Firefox only? I've never written code to detect a browser and then have my site function a certain way. Not a javascript guru here. Thanks!
You can do this using the navigator javascript object, but it sounds like you have deeper problems if the facebook like button is causing an endless loop of window loads. You most probably have other errors in your code. The button should work fine in firefox.
Here's how to text for firefox using the navigator object,
if (/Firefox[\/\s](\d+\.\d+)/.test(navigator.userAgent)){
// user using firefox
This code parses the userAgent string, the string that defines the user's browser, of the navigator object. It looks for a string of the format Firefox/x.x or Firefox x.x.
This should work for you
<div id="likeDiv">
my div
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Firefox")!=-1)
// Remove the element from the dom
var Node1 = document.getElementById('likeDiv');
Hope this helps