When are TSQL Cursors the best or only option? - tsql

I'm having this argument about using Cursors in TSQL recently...
First of all, I'm not a cheerleader in the debate. But every time someone says cursor, there's always some knucklehead (or 50) who pounce with the obligatory 'cursors are evil' mantra. I know SQL-Server was optimized for set-based operations, and maybe cursors truly ARE evil incarnate, but if I wanted to put some objective thought behind that...
Here's where my mind is going:
Is the only difference between cursors and set operations one of performance?
Edit: There's been a good case made for it not being simply a matter of performance -- such as running a single batch over-and-over for a list of id's, or alternatively, executing actual SQL text stored in a table field row-by-row.
Follow-up: do cursors always perform worse?
EDIT: #Martin shows a good case where Cursors out-perform set-based operations fairly dramatically. I suspect that this wouldn't be the kind of thing you'd do too often (before you resorted to some kind of OLAP / Data Warehouse kind of solution), but nonetheless, seems like a case where you really couldn't live without a cursor.
reference to TPC benchmarks suggesting cursors may be more competitive than folks generally believe.
reference to memory-usage optimizations for cursors since Sql-Server 2005
Are there any problems you can think of, that cursors are better suited to solve than set-based operations?
EDIT: Set-based operations literally cannot Execute stored procedures, etc. (see edit for item 1 above).
EDIT: Set-based operations are exponentially slower than row-by-row when it comes to aggregating over large data sets.
Article from MSDN explaining their perspective
of the most common problems people resort to cursors for (and some
explanation of set-based techniques that would work better.)
Microsoft says (vaguely) in the 2008 Transact SQL Reference on MSDN: "...there are times when the results are best processed one row at a time", but the don't give any examples as to what cases they're referring to.
Mostly, I'm of a mind to convert cursors to set-based operations in my old code if/as I do any significant upgrades to various applications, as long as there's something to be gained from it. (I tend toward laziness over purity a lot of the time -- i.e., if it ain't broke, don't fix it.)

To answer your question directly:
I have yet to encounter a situation where set operations could not do what might otherwise be done with cursors. However, there are situations where using cursors to break a large set problem down into more manageable chunks proves a better solution for purposes of code maintainability, logging, transaction control, and the like. But I doubt there are any hard-and-fast rules to tell you what types of requirements would lead to one solution or the other -- individual databases and needs are simply far too variant.
That said, I fully concur with your "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" approach. There is little to be gained by refactoring procedural code to set operations for a procedure that is working just fine. However, it is a good rule of thumb to seek first for a set-based solution and only drop into procedural code when you must. Gut feel? If you're using cursors more than 20% of the time, you're doing something wrong.
And for what I really want to say:
When I interview programmers, I always throw them a couple of moderately complex SQL questions and ask them to explain how they'd solve them. These are problems that I know can be solved with set operations, and I'm specifically looking for candidates who are able to solve them without procedural approaches (i.e., cursors).
This is not because I believe there is anything inherently good or more performant in either approach -- different situations yield different results. Rather it's because, in my experience, programmers either get the concept of set-based operations or they do not. If they do not, they will spend too much time developing complex procedural solutions for problems that can be solved far more quickly and simply with set-based operations.
Conversely, a programmer who gets set-based operations almost never has problems implementing a procedural solution when, indeed, it's absolutely necessary.

Running Totals is the classic case where as the number of rows gets larger cursors can out perform set based operations as despite the higher fixed cost of the cursor the work required grows linearly rather than exponentially as with the set based "triangular join" approach.
Itzik Ben Gan does some comparisons here.
Denali has more complete support for the OVER clause however that should make this use redundant.

Since I've seen people manage to re-implement cursors (in all there varied forms) using other TSQL constructs (usually involving at least one while loop), there's nothing that cursors can achieve that can't be done using other constructs.
That's not to say that the re-implementations aren't equally as inefficient as the cursors that were avoided by not including the word "cursor" in that solution. Some people seem to purely hate the word, not the mechanics.
One place I've successfully argued to keep cursors was for a data transfer/transform between two different databases (we were dealing with clients here). Whilst we could have implemented this transfer in a set based manner (indeed, we previously had), there was problematic data that could cause issues for a few clients. In a set based solution, we had either to:
Continue the transfer, excluding failed client data at each table, leaving those clients partially transferred, or,
abort the entire batch
Whereas, by making the unit of transfer the individual client (using a cursor to select each client), we could make each client's transfer between the systems either work fully or be entirely rolled back (i.e. place each transfer in its own transaction)
I can't think of any situations where I've wanted to use a cursor below the "top level" of such transfers though (e.g. selecting which client to transfer next)

Often when you build dynamic sql, you have to use cursors. Imagine a script that search through all tabels in the database for same value in different fields. Best solution will be a cursor. Question where the problem was raised is here How to use EXEC or sp_executeSQL without looping in this case? I will be really impressed if anyone can solve that better without a cursor.


Do cats and scalaz create performance overhead on application?

I know it is totally a nonsense question but due to my illiteracy on programming skill this question came to my mind.
Cats and scalaz are used so that we can code in Scala similar to Haskell/in pure functional programming way. But for achieving this we need to add those libraries additionally with our projects. Eventually for using these we need to wrap our codes with their objects and functions. It is something adding extra codes and dependencies.
I don't know whether these create larger objects in memory.
These is making me think about. So my question: will I face any performance issue like more memory consumption if I use cats/scalaz ?
Or should I avoid these if my application needs performance?
Do cats and scalaz create performance overhead on application?
The same way any line of code adds performance overhead.
So, if that is your concern, then don't write any code (well, actually the world may be simpler if we would have never tried all this).
Now, dick answer outside. The proper question you should be asking is: "Does the overhead of X library is harmful to my software?"; remember this applies to any library, actually to any code you write, to any algorithm you pick, etc.
And, in order to answer that question, we need some things before.
Define the SLAs the software you are writing must hold. Without those, any performance question / observation you made is pointless. It doesn't matter if something is faster / slower if you don't know if that is meaningful for you and your clients.
Once you have SLAs you need to perform stress tests to verify if your current version of the software satisfies those. Because, if your current code is performant enough, then you should worry about other things like maintainability, testing, adding more features, etc.
PS: Remember that those SLAs should not be raw numbers but be expressed in terms of percentiles, the same goes for the results of the tests.
When you found that you are falling your SLAs then you need to do proper benchmarking and debugging to identify the bottlenecks of your project. As you saw, caring about performance must be done on each line of code, but that is a lot of work that usually doesn't produce any relevant output. Thus, instead of evaluating the performance of everything, we find the bottlenecks first, those small pieces of code that have the biggest contributions to the overall performance of your software (remember the Pareto principle).
Remember that in this step, we have to be integral, network matters too. (and you will see this last one is usually the biggest slowdown; thus, usually you would rather search for architectural solutions like using Fibers instead of Threads rather than trying to optimize small functions. Also, sometimes the easier and cheaper solution is better infrastructure).
When you find the bottleneck, then you need to formulate some alternatives, implement those and not only benchmark them but do Statistical hypothesis testing to validate if the proposed changes are worth it or not. And, of course, validate if they were enough to satisfy the SLAs.
Thus, as you can see, performance is an art and a lot of work. So, unless you are committed to doing all this then stop worrying about something you will not measure and optimize properly.
Rather, focus on increasing the maintainability of your code. This actually also helps performance, because when you find that you need to change something you would be grateful that the code is as clean as possible and that the whole architecture of the code allows for an easy change.
And, believe me when I say that, using tools like cats, cats-effect, fs2, etc will help with that regard. Also, they actually pretty optimized on their core so you should be good for a lot of use cases.
Now, the big exception is that if you know that the work you are doing will be very CPU and memory bound then yeah, you pretty much can be sure all those abstractions will be harmful. In those cases, you may even want to stay away from the JVM and rather write pretty low-level code in a language like Rust which will provide you with proper tools for that kind of problem and still be way safer than plain old C.

Is it practical to use one table for reading purpose only in a relational database?

I know this question would not be ideal in a real database world, however, I am building a web REST api to server a result that potentially need to join almost every table(i use normalization for sure).
So is it OK to do have one single table to hold the meta data used for reading API, but the table get updated as well when data updated in other tables? I am using PostgreSQL by the way.
This is not very clear so I will state my understanding of the question and give you what I see are the tradeoffs.
First.... It sounds to me like you want to effectively materialize a metadata table and have it live-updated when other tables update. This is not really what the MATERIALIED VIEW support in PostgreSQL is for.
You can use a trigger to update the data whenever something changes. Because of the way PostgreSQL handles things, this leads to more disk and CPU activity, but will probably add more on the latter than the former. So if you hare heavily CPU-bound that will pose more problems than if you are I/O bound.
Using triggers in this way adds a fair bit of complexity to your database and may reduce write scaling a bit but if the data is seldom written but read frequently it may be a clear win.
So in answer to your question, yes it is practical in at least some cases. Whether it is practical in your case, that will be for you to decide.

How to disable all optimizations of PostgreSQL

I'm studying query optimization and want to know how much each kind of optimizations help the query. Last time, I got an answer but when in my experiments, disable all optimization in the link has time complicity of O(n^1.8) enable all of them has O(n^0.5). there is not so much difference, if disable all of them, is there still other optimizations? how can I really have only one main optimizations each time?
You can't.
PostgreSQL's query planner has no "turn off optimisation" flag.
It'd be interesting to add, but would make the regression tests a lot more complex, and be of very limited utility.
To do what you want, I think you'd want to modify the query planner code, recompile, and reinstall PostgreSQL for each test. Or hack it to add a bunch of custom GUCs (system variables, like enable_seqscan) to let you turn particular optimisations on and off.
I doubt any such patch would be accepted into PostgreSQL, but it'd be worth doing as a throwaway.
The only challenge is that PostgreSQL doesn't differentiate strongly between "optimisation" and "thing we do to execute the query". Sometimes parts of the planner code expect and require that a particular optimisation has been applied in order to work correctly.

Database Optimization techniques for amateurs

Can we get a list of basic optimization techniques going (anything from modeling to querying, creating indexes, views to query optimization). It would be nice to have a list of these, one technique per answer. As a hobbyist I would find this to be very useful, thanks.
And for the sake of not being too vague, let's say we are using a maintstream DB such as MySQL or Oracle, and that the DB will contain 500,000-1m or so records across ~10 tables, some with foreign key contraints, all using the most typical storage engines (eg: InnoDB for MySQL). And of course, the basics such as PKs are defined as well as FK contraints.
Learn about indexes, and use them properly. Generally speaking*, follow these guidelines:
Every table should have a clustered index
Fields used for filters and sorts are good candidates for indexing
More selective fields are better candidates for indexing
For best performance on crucial queries, design "covering indexes" for those queries
Make sure your indexes are actually being used, and remove those that aren't
If your table has 15 fields, and you make 15 indexes, each with only a single field, you're doing it wrong :)
*There are some exceptions to these rules if you know what you're doing. My experience is Microsoft SQL Server, but I would presume most of this advice would still apply to a different RDMS.
IMO, by far the best optimization is to have the data model fit the problem domain for which it was built. When it does not, the resulting symptom is difficult-to-write or convoluted queries in order to get the information desired and that typically rears itself when reports are built against the database. Thus, in designing a database it helps to have an idea as to the types and nature of the information, such as reports, that the users will want from the system.
When talking database design, check out the database normalization, e.g. the wikipedia article: Normal forms.
If you have a good design and still you need to optimize for performance, try Denormalisation.
If you have specific needs which are not covered by relational model efficiently, look at other models covered by the term NoSQL.
Some query/schema optimizations:
Be mindful when using DISTINCT or GROUP BY. I find that many new developers will use DISTINCT in places where it really is not needed or could be rewritten more efficiently using an Exists statement or a derived query.
Be mindful of Left Joins. All too often I find new SQL developers will ignore the schema in place and use Left Joins where they really are not necessary. For example:
From Orders
Left Join Customers
On Customers.Id = Orders.CustomerId
If Orders.CustomerId is a required column, then it is not necessary to use a left join.
Be a student of new features. Currently, MySQL does not support common-table expressions which means that some types of queries are cumbersome and probably slower to write than they would be if CTEs were supported. However, that will not be true forever. Keep up on new syntax features in MySQL which might be used to make existing queries more efficient.
You do not have to use surrogate keys everywhere. There might be tables better suited to an intelligent key (e.g. US State abbreviations, Currency Codes etc) which would enable developers to avoid additional joins in many cases.
If possible, find ways of archiving data to an OLAP or reporting server. The smaller you can make the production data, the faster it will run.
A design that concisely models your problem is always a good start. Overgeneralizing the data model can lead to performance problems. For example, I've heard reports of projects striving for uber-flexibility that use the RDBMS as a dumb "name/value" store - and resulting performance was appalling.
Once a good design is in place, then use the tools provided by the RDBMS to help it achieve good performance. Single field PKs (no composites), but composite business keys as an index with unique constraint, use of appropriate data types, e.g. using appropriate numeric types for numeric values rather than char or similar. Physical attributes of the hardware the RDBMS is running on should also be considered, since the bulk of query time is often disk I/O - but of course don't take this for granted - use a profiler to find out where the time is going.
Depending upon the update/query ratio, materialized views/indexed views can be useful in improving performance for slow running queries. A poor-man's alternative is to use triggers to invoke a procedure that populates the table with a result of a slow-running, infrequently-changed view.
Query optimization is a bit of a black art since it is often database-dependent, but some rules of thumb are given here - Optimizing SQL.
Finally, although possibly outside the intended scope of your question, use a good data access layer in your application, and avoid the temptation to roll your own - there are surely tested and performant implementations available for all major languages. Use of caching at the data access layer, middle tier and application layer can help improve performance considerably.
Do use less query whenever possible. Use "JOIN", and group your tables so that a single query gives your results.
A good example is the Modified Preorder Tree Transversal (MPTT) to get all of a tree node parents, ordered, in a single query.
Take a holistic approach to optimization.
Consider the impact of slow disks, network latency, lack of memory, and server load.

Why “Set based approaches” are better than the “Procedural approaches”?

I am very eager to know the real cause though earned some knowledge from googling.
Thanks in adavnce
Because SQL is a really poor language for writing procedural code, and because the SQL engine, storage, and optimizer are designed to make it efficient to assemble and join sets of records.
(Note that this isn't just applicable to SQL Server, but I'll leave your tags as they are)
Because, in general, the hundreds of man-years of development time that have gone into the database engine and optimizer, and the fact that it has access to real-time statistics about the data, have resulted in it being better than the user in working out the best way to process the data, for a given request.
Therefore by saying what we want to achieve (with a set-based approach), and letting it decide how to do it, we generally achieve better results than by spelling out exactly how to provess the data, line by line.
For example, suppose we have a simple inner join from table A to table B. At design time, we generally don't know 'which way round' will be most efficient to process: keep a list of all the values on the A side, and go through B matching them, or vice versa. But the query optimizer will know at runtime both the numbers of rows in the tables, and also the most recent statistics may provide more information about the values themselves. So this decision is obviously better made at runtime, by the optimizer.
Finally, note that I have put a number of 'generally's in this post - there will always be times when we know better than the optimizer will, and for such times we can provide hints (NOLOCK etc).
Set based approaches are declarative, so you don't describe the way the work will be done, only what you want the result to look like. The server can decide between several strategies how to complay with your request, and hopefully choose one that is efficient.
If you write procedural code, that code will at best be less then optimal in some situation.
Because using a set-based approach to SQL development conforms to the design of the data model. SQL is a very set-based language, used to build sets, subsets, unions, etc, from data. Keeping that in mind while developing in TSQL will generally lead to more natural algorithms. TSQL makes many procedural commands available that don't exist in plain SQL, but don't let that switch you to a procedural methodology.
This makes me think of one of my favorite quotes from Rob Pike in Notes on Programming C:
Data dominates. If you have chosen the right data structures and organized things well, the algorithms will almost always be self-evident. Data structures, not algorithms, are central to programming.
SQL databases and the way we query them are largely set-based. Thus, so should our algorithms be.
From an even more tangible standpoint, SQL servers are optimized with set-based approaches in mind. Indexing, storage systems, query optimizers, and other optimizations made by various SQL database implmentations will do a much better job if you simply tell them the data you need, through a set-based approach, rather than dictating how you want to get it procedurally. Let the SQL engine worry about the best way to get you the data, you just worry about telling it what data you want.
As each one has explained, let the SQL engine help you, believe, it is very smart.
If you do not use to write set based solution and use to develop procedural code, you will have to spend some time until write well formed set based solutions. This is a barrier for most people. A tip if you wish to start coding set base solutions is, stop thinking what you can do with rows, and start thinking what you can do with collumns, and do practice functional languages.