Use PayPal to execute payments inside own website - paypal

I would know if PayPal provides the possibility to execute payments avoiding exiting from own website.
In other words, using PayPal API is it possibile to execute payments inside the own website without being redirected to PayPal servers?

Yes. It is called Website Payments Pro.
You must handle all of the integration on your end, including installing an SSL certificate.

To supplement hztera's answer, here is some helpful documentation to accomplish integrating PayPal into your site:
Website Payments Pro
DoDirectPayment API Operation
Pay Flow
NVP API Basics
Sample Code


Is Paypal Adaptive Payment API depreached

We are researching a way to automatically pay the developers of e-commerce modules we sell on our web shop. A lot of reading suggest the Paypal Adaptive Parallel Payment should be the solution. But Paypal developer docs seem to say that this API is now restricted and no option. If so, is there a new API from Paypal. The Braintree marketplace is no option for us in Europe
Express Checkout supports parallel payments as well --
Actually Adaptive Payments are still supported now. You may try access below page to apply for an APP ID. If your application is approved, you may still continue integrate with Adaptive Payments.

PayPal Payments Advanced Transaction Types

This is probably a stupid question but I have to ask...
In the PayFlow Gateway Guide
it says that with PayPal Payments Advanced the API does NOT support Sale or Authorization. Surely that can't be right. What is a PayPal Advanced account good for if you can't do a Sale or Authorization?
Additional information:
I'm testing using the Payflow_dotNET dll that comes with the PayFlow SDK. Works fine in test mode.
I assume you mean these lines: NOTE: PayPal Payments Advanced and Payflow Link users cannot submit authorization transactions unless they obtain the Payflow SDK. and PayPal Payments Advanced and Payflow Link users cannot submit sale transactions unless they obtain the Payflow SDK.
I agree that the verbiage is quite cryptic. But it is talking about non-hosted pages. If you are using Advanced you should not be using the API to submit credit card purchases. If you need to do this you would need to upgrade to Payments Pro.
With Advanced/Link you still have access to the other API calls that would be available with Payflow Pro, you just cannot process credit cards without using the hosted checkout.
According to Page 14 and Page 65 of the Payflow link(PayPal Payments Advanced) developer guide:
Here are the accepted Transaction Types:
TYPE: A single letter that identifies the type of transaction (S: Sale or
A: Authorization). Transaction types are described on page 65.
Here is additional information on PayPal Payments Advanced/Payflow Link:
PayPal Payments Advanced Getting Started
Payflow Link Developer Guide

do i need to direct to a particular paypal website payment pro url?

I am currently using payments standard and moving to payments pro. Both are on paypal hosted pages.
Whenever I am testing however, I seem to be directed to the payments standard page rather than the payments pro page. Is there a particular change in the URL i am meant to use? I cant see anything in the documentation that say this is the case.
It depends on how you're trying to process payments.
Payments Standard and the Hosted Checkout are two different payment methods but can look kind of similar. With Payments Pro you can use Direct Payment API calls to process credit cards directly from your website or redirect your buyers to a secure PayPal site to complete payments.
The URL you use for the secure checkout page through Payments Pro is different. You should be redirecting buyers to for the live site and for test transactions.

Paypal Payments Pro API Key

I can't find where the key to my Paypal Payments Pro API keys are. (I have a Pro account)
I need to do a DirectPayment, does anyone know where to find the right keys?
I know of this under My Profile > My Selling Tolls> API access
It says: "Manage API credentials to integrate PayPal Express Checkout."
But that is only for Express Checkout not Direct Payment. Is that the API info I use for direct pay? Because it seems like I cant get it to behave. Is there another setting I need to enable that Im missing?
The error I keep getting is:
Payment Error: This transaction cannot be processed due
to an invalid merchant configuration.
Cliff Note: I have gotten this to work on sandbox
I think you're getting confused (and don't worry, you're not the only one) because PayPal recently changed all their terminology for things.
It used to be called Website Payments Pro, and this used DoDirectPayment and Express Checkout. This was completely separate from their PayFlow Gateway that they acquired from Verisign years ago.
Now, they've dropped the word Website so they're just calling it Payments Pro, and they're actually putting people into the PayFlow Manager system instead of the "old" DoDirectPayment system.
From what you're saying here it sounds like you're actually setup with the new Payments Pro. That means you'll use the PayFlow Gateway to integrate the credit card processing instead of DoDirectPayment. PayFlow uses your credentials as opposed to the standard PayPal API credentials you're looking for.
Then, to add Express Checkout you would follow the instructions that you're seeing there, which generates the standard style (username, password, and signature) that you'll use with those API calls.
All of that said, technically, when you're approved for the new Payments Pro you're supposed to have access to all of the API's (PayFlow and regular PayPal), and when you generate your API credentials "for Express Checkout" these same credentials should work (in theory) for any other API's that hit PayPal directly as well. I can't promise that, though.
So...what are you supposed to do? Well, you either need to switch to the PayFlow gateway for your integration, or if you'd just rather use DoDirectPayment, you need to call PayPal and request that they convert your account from the new Payments Pro 3.0 to the old Website Payments Pro 1.0.
2.0 was actually called Payments Pro PayFlow Edition, which just confuses things even more.
Hope that helps.

How to use Paypal API with payflow pro

I have a site which runs smoothly with PayPal and express checkout. NOw my client wants a refrence transaction (billed directly from customer when he ordered via cellphone etc without involving him). He asked me to use payflow pro for this but I am really really confused how to use payflow pro with paypal API. Please Guide me . I already read their payflow guideness PDF but didn't get any idea from there. Thanks
Payflow Pro is an entirely different set of API calls, separate from PayPal.
Is your client sure he wants to use the Payflow Pro API, if he has already integrated with PayPal Express Checkout?
If all you want to do is a reference transaction, all you have to do is add 'L_BILLINGTYPE0=MerchantInitiatedBilling' to your initial SetExpressCheckout API call and call the DoReferenceTransaction API call to create this reference transaction.