PayPal Payments Advanced Transaction Types - paypal

This is probably a stupid question but I have to ask...
In the PayFlow Gateway Guide
it says that with PayPal Payments Advanced the API does NOT support Sale or Authorization. Surely that can't be right. What is a PayPal Advanced account good for if you can't do a Sale or Authorization?
Additional information:
I'm testing using the Payflow_dotNET dll that comes with the PayFlow SDK. Works fine in test mode.

I assume you mean these lines: NOTE: PayPal Payments Advanced and Payflow Link users cannot submit authorization transactions unless they obtain the Payflow SDK. and PayPal Payments Advanced and Payflow Link users cannot submit sale transactions unless they obtain the Payflow SDK.
I agree that the verbiage is quite cryptic. But it is talking about non-hosted pages. If you are using Advanced you should not be using the API to submit credit card purchases. If you need to do this you would need to upgrade to Payments Pro.
With Advanced/Link you still have access to the other API calls that would be available with Payflow Pro, you just cannot process credit cards without using the hosted checkout.

According to Page 14 and Page 65 of the Payflow link(PayPal Payments Advanced) developer guide:
Here are the accepted Transaction Types:
TYPE: A single letter that identifies the type of transaction (S: Sale or
A: Authorization). Transaction types are described on page 65.
Here is additional information on PayPal Payments Advanced/Payflow Link:
PayPal Payments Advanced Getting Started
Payflow Link Developer Guide


Difference between Payflow Pro and Payflow Link

What is the difference between PayPal Payflow Pro and PayPal Payflow link?
Currently, I am using checkout pages from PayPal manager in an iframe. Is this PayPal Payflow Pro or Payflow link?
If both are different then how can I connect my PayPal sandbox account in both scenarios?
Payflow Link is a type of Payflow account that can only use hosted pages. It cannot do direct API or transparent redirect integrations.
Payflow Pro is a type of Payflow account that can make use of any integration type (including hosted pages just like Payflow Link)
The way you link either of these to Sandbox is to set the email identifier of a Sandbox PayPal Business account, within the Payflow Manager configuration settings of Set Up -> Hosted Checkout Pages.
Payflow is a rather old system, some would call it clunky. If you're happy with it and it's working good for you, well great -- but there are some modern alternatives you might consider:
For a simple Debit or Credit Card processing along with PayPal payments, try PayPal Checkout
For more customization, PayPal has Advanced Credit and Debit Card payments for some countries
If you need a full gateway like Payflow Pro, switch to Braintree

How to create PayPal Payflow Pro test account

I need a PayPal Payflow Pro test account in order to create and test/use a WordPress plugin for payment with this method. I've done something similar for PayPal Website Payments Pro product and have set up testing in PayPal sandbox. The Payflow Pro product apparently doesn't work that way and PayPal documentation refers to vendors and partners as if it's necessary to have a live account in order to do testing.
An answer in this forum (How to do PayPal Payflow Test Transactions?) says it's possible "to create the account without paying for testing purposes" but when I go through that process I'm asked for payment information.
Can anyone point to information on how to set up a Payflow Pro test account?
The answer is surprisingly simple: when you're at the point that it's asking you for your payment information, simply close your tab / window. The account will remain in a 'Test' state and you'll be able to use it for Payflow transaction testing.
(Yes, I'm aware that's hardly an intuitive way of setting up a test account. We're on it.)
Go to . This will sign you up for a trial account.

recurring payment with paypal advanced NOT paypal pro

I am trying to make recurring payment work with PAYPAL ADVANCED
My script works in case of SALE transactions but there are issues when i try to create recurring profile.
When i am posting my request with CREATESECURETOKEN set to Y. It returns Invalid transaction type: Invalid Transaction Type for secure token creation request
Here is the string. Note i have changed user and pass here
PARTNER[6]=PayPal&VENDOR[10]=#####&USER[11]=#####&PWD[9]=#####&CREATESECURETOKEN[1]=Y&TRXTYPE[1]=R&RECURRING[1]=Y&TENDER[1]=C&ACTION[1]=A&PROFILENAME[6]=Gautam&ACCT[16]=4012888888881881&EXPDATE[4]=1214&AMT[5]=10.00&START[8]=06132013&PAYPERIOD[4]=MONT&TERM[1]=0&OPTIONALTRX[1]=S&OPTIONALTRXAMT[4]=2.00&EMAIL[20]=#####&SECURETOKENID[26]=MySecTokenID-51b93e0830f70&RETURNURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&CANCELURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&ERRORURL[51]=http://localhost:8080/php/test/payflow/advanced.php&BILLTOFIRSTNAME[4]=John&BILLTOLASTNAME[3]=Doe&BILLTOSTREET[12]=123 Main St.&BILLTOCITY[8]=San Jose&BILLTOSTATE[2]=CA&BILLTOZIP[5]=95101&BILLTOCOUNTRY[2]=US&SHIPTOFIRSTNAME[4]=Jane&SHIPTOLASTNAME[5]=Smith&SHIPTOSTREET[13]=1234 Park Ave&SHIPTOCITY[8]=San Jose&SHIPTOSTATE[2]=CA&SHIPTOZIP[5]=95101&SHIPTOCOUNTRY[2]=US
if i set CREATESECURETOKEN to N i receive Invalid merchant information: 10002-You do not have permissions to make this API call
I searched for documentation on recurring payment with paypal advanced but every where i found details about payflow pro. With no information about recurring payment with paypal advanced its not easy to make things work.
Any idea about what is wrong with my post data?.
I posted my query on a week back but have no reply.
NOTE: I have subscribed to paypal advanced and paypal recurring payment.
With paypal advanced the transactions are completed on the client website itself and user is never taken to paypal site. Yes it uses iframe for the purpose.
It works for SALE type transaction but not in case of recurring payment.
Payments Pro and Advanced don't support the Recurring Payment API calls. You would be using the Recurring Billing API calls through Payflow. The new Advanced and Pro accounts use Payflow Pro or Link.
Are you setting a billing type in the Secure Token call?
What is the ticket number you submitted? I'd to look up the account to see if the account is setup to use Recurring Billing and was created correctly.
Also, Advanced accounts shouldn't be using the Recurring Billing API calls. It is possible to create Recurring Billing profiles with an Advanced account but they have to be done through the PayPal Manager site.

What is the relationship between the following PayPal products?

PayPal has a complicated naming strategy for its payments products, but it appears that some of them share common building blocks. How are the following product brands related, and what are their histories?
These three appear to be the latest offerings:
PayPal Payments Standard
PayPal Payments Advanced
PayPal Payments Pro
PayPal Payments Pro (PayFlow Edition)
These two appear to be deprecated or on their way out:
Website Payments Standard
Website Payments Pro
The above products have documentation that seem to reference "PayFlow" products frequently:
PayPal Payflow Link
PayPal Payflow Pro
This seems to be the underpinning of some, but not all, of the above products, and these two may in fact be the same product:
PayPal Payment Gateway
Payflow Payment Gateway
Please refer the following blog (recently written) which explains in great detail about the PayPal API and products
Please let us know if you need further details

shopify does not supprt paypal website payment standard

I have a basic account with shopify and shopify is allowing me to choose from following paypal solutions
PayPal Website Payments Pro (UK)
PayPal Website Payments Pro (CA)
PayPal Payments Pro (US)
PayPal Payflow Link
PayPal Express Checkout
Is there a particular reason why shopify does not support "paypal website payment standard" ?
I am building an e-commerce solution for a client and am suggesting client to use "paypal website payment standard". Is this a not a favored solution for any reason?
The integration options for PayPal standard aren't as robust as the other PayPal integrations so Shopify does not support it. Any of the options that standard provided should be covered by the other paypal products; you should be able to get the same functionality.
Is there something in particular from PayPal standard that the client needs that the other services don't provide?
It is not about the functionality. It's about the monthly costs that is tied to other paypal plans. Paypal standard does not require any monthly fees. That's the difference and that is why we hope to actually use it on the website.